Interview from Pinkpop '92

Interview met Eddie Vedder (foto: Hilco Arendshorst)
De beroemde snoekduik van Eddie Vedder Eddie and Jeff after the Pink Pop 06-08-1992 concert.(TV opnames vind je hier)
Reporter: Eddie, great show, how do you feel ?
Eddie: How should I feel?... I don't know... We never played for that many people before, ah, it's really something else. I can't ( I don't think any of us could take any credit for that. It's all just a crowd and then you channel energy. And to play between Lou Reed and David Byrne and after Soundgarden and all these people that we've listened to for years. It... it's really something else.
Reporter: Tell me, you look quite mixed up ?
Eddie: Look at these pictures... I'll show you these pictures... I'll show you why I feel the way I do. It's a little bit overwhelming to see this many people. I mean I'm sure you've been looking at this... all day... It's a lot people (laughs). We're used to play in small clubs you know. And we wanna go back to play in small clubs, but...
Eddie: This is Jeff...
Jeff: Hi how're ya ?
Reporter: It's just one out of five and two out of five now, the whole band. You did a mm... well a match. Well, I just called it a match, it's like five wild bulls on a stage.
Jeff: That's what we've, we...
Reporter: Pardon ?
Jeff: We're reading a lot of Hemingway at the time and we're reading about bullfights and Spain and we couldn't affort to go to Spain so we just rounded up five guys to recreate the... the bullfight.
Eddie: (I say you could say..)
Reporter: Now Eddie,... Pardon ?
Eddie: We're heavily Hemingway inspired.
Reporter: how do you regard this playing on a stage and you just told me about those 50.000 watchers...
Eddie: I'm not... I'm not even gonna be able to comment on that for maybe 3or 4 days when that sinks in, if it ever does.
Jeff: or 3 or 4 years.
Eddie: 3 or 4 years maybe.
Jeff: When we look at these pictures that he has, that'll give us a perspective on like how great of a time it was.
Reporter: ( Short translation) Now Eddie... your name is Vedder, it sounds very Dutch.
Eddie: Yeah, I think it, it was ehm, it was from eh, ooooh, Denmark, yeah it is Dutch !
Reporter: It's, it's almost Holland but that's a different country, Denmark.
Eddie: Yeah but it doesn't matter eh because the people in Holland have been so good to us really, ehm, it's like family especially places like Utrecht and people at the Tivoli eh they've been just great, a guy named Erik and all the, those people there, it's like family, you know ?
Reporter: But what makes the audience here in Holland different from the audience back home in America ?
Eddie: Waah... there're simularities all the time but they seem just very open and and I respect the fact that people have a lot of eh, a lot of freedoms here in Holland and eh they they seem to handle them (in a..) very well and ah and I really meant it when I said today that that eh we've thought about moving and ehm.. like... Utrecht in particular has been like... top of the list...
De beroemde snoekduik van Eddie Vedder Eddie and Jeff after the Pink Pop 06-08-1992 concert.(TV opnames vind je hier)
Reporter: Eddie, great show, how do you feel ?
Eddie: How should I feel?... I don't know... We never played for that many people before, ah, it's really something else. I can't ( I don't think any of us could take any credit for that. It's all just a crowd and then you channel energy. And to play between Lou Reed and David Byrne and after Soundgarden and all these people that we've listened to for years. It... it's really something else.
Reporter: Tell me, you look quite mixed up ?
Eddie: Look at these pictures... I'll show you these pictures... I'll show you why I feel the way I do. It's a little bit overwhelming to see this many people. I mean I'm sure you've been looking at this... all day... It's a lot people (laughs). We're used to play in small clubs you know. And we wanna go back to play in small clubs, but...
Eddie: This is Jeff...
Jeff: Hi how're ya ?
Reporter: It's just one out of five and two out of five now, the whole band. You did a mm... well a match. Well, I just called it a match, it's like five wild bulls on a stage.
Jeff: That's what we've, we...
Reporter: Pardon ?
Jeff: We're reading a lot of Hemingway at the time and we're reading about bullfights and Spain and we couldn't affort to go to Spain so we just rounded up five guys to recreate the... the bullfight.
Eddie: (I say you could say..)
Reporter: Now Eddie,... Pardon ?
Eddie: We're heavily Hemingway inspired.
Reporter: how do you regard this playing on a stage and you just told me about those 50.000 watchers...
Eddie: I'm not... I'm not even gonna be able to comment on that for maybe 3or 4 days when that sinks in, if it ever does.
Jeff: or 3 or 4 years.
Eddie: 3 or 4 years maybe.
Jeff: When we look at these pictures that he has, that'll give us a perspective on like how great of a time it was.
Reporter: ( Short translation) Now Eddie... your name is Vedder, it sounds very Dutch.
Eddie: Yeah, I think it, it was ehm, it was from eh, ooooh, Denmark, yeah it is Dutch !
Reporter: It's, it's almost Holland but that's a different country, Denmark.
Eddie: Yeah but it doesn't matter eh because the people in Holland have been so good to us really, ehm, it's like family especially places like Utrecht and people at the Tivoli eh they've been just great, a guy named Erik and all the, those people there, it's like family, you know ?
Reporter: But what makes the audience here in Holland different from the audience back home in America ?
Eddie: Waah... there're simularities all the time but they seem just very open and and I respect the fact that people have a lot of eh, a lot of freedoms here in Holland and eh they they seem to handle them (in a..) very well and ah and I really meant it when I said today that that eh we've thought about moving and ehm.. like... Utrecht in particular has been like... top of the list...
2008 - MSG 6/24-6/25
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2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
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2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2
2010 - Newark 5/18 MSG 5/21
2011 - PJ20 9/3-9/4
2012 - MIA Festival 9/2
2013 - Wrigley Field 7/19 Brooklyn 10/18-10/19 Philly 10/22
2015 - Colbert show - 9/23 Global Citizens Festival 9/26
2016 - Philly 4/28-4/29 MSG 5/1-5/2