Jon Kyl

This guy has got to be up for Douchebag of the year
Post edited by Unknown User on
In his day you could say whatever bat shit crazy thing you wanted to say at one town hall and then say a totally different one to a different crowd in a close-by town later the same day and the local news would only report what was said locally...
You would be able to make up any "fact" or "figure" or "statistic" you wanted and people would just believe it.
So when he said that "90% of what planned parenthood does is abortions," he figured he'd be able to say that and not have anyone actually look that up. Caught lying, he's now acting like a spoiled brat. Almost shocked that he's actually being held accountable for the things he says.
Imagine the audacity of the people wanting their leaders to only say things that are true and not convenient.
Hail, Hail!!!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."