I really do believe in miracles

My wife has been needing a surgery for over a year and a half. Finally her big day is only nine days away. We got married eight months ago. We spent a full year working 15-18 hour days working our landscaping business to pay for our wedding in full due to the fact that we had no help from the family. Since the loss of there home on one side and poor health on the other. Our business sky rocketed during this past winter and even though we have a hired hand I still can't seem to get ahead working the continual 15 hour days. I've had a day off every two months. In addition to that our families have moved away from our small little town in the recent years. Plus we had to let go of our friends around a year or so ago do to new found knowledge of their hidden drug use.We've been clean from using for over 16 years and believe our children need better examples than what those friends had to offer.Our children bless their hearts have been so inspirational through this. The sunshine seems to radiate through them even when the clouds seem to have taken over. Talk about stress and lack of support. I've resorted to this forum just to get it all out. I mean really besides my incredible wife and loving children the only support out there is the music. Back to the point. I would have not been able to make it here if weren't for Pearl Jam through the days and nights.The amount of inspiration that comes from this band is incredible. Recently I came across a song called I Believe In Miracles"acoustic version". Its been blasted in my truck which has a damn good system, with the windows down; six times a day easy for the past week. Wow! is this a great song. I've heard it before but it seems whenever you need that special song during different points in your life that song always seems to find you and jumps out like there's no tomorrow. Not only does Eddie capture the full extent of vocal excellence but the bluesy, well defined manor in which it's sung is amazing. The band, Wow! they are complete, as one. The music is utter maximum acoustic perfection at its best. This song is becoming an anthem around our house and it's beginning to bring me out of this place that I have let myself stay in for quite some time. Besides my family, Pearl Jam has been the greatest inspiration through this incredibly difficult stretch. There music has touched my life in a way that has been God sent. Best of luck Pearl Jam in this special year. Keep on Rockin and enjoy the ride. Your biggest fans. By the way if anybody wants to suggest a song feel free
John and Shawna
Post edited by Unknown User on
I think whats so great about Pearl Jam is that they were able to evolve. I am not the same person I was when I bought, actually stole, Ten from a drug store when I was 12 years old. Just as you are not the same person you were when Vs or No Code or Yield came out. And that band wasnt the same and the music wasnt the same either. Pearl Jam has stayed within themselves, stayed true to music and themselves, and aged and evolved gracefully in a mature and delightful manner.
I'd only hope to get stay as pure of a person. Sorry for ranting. I just don't want anyone to think that just because life hasn't taken you where you expected it to, it doesnt mean you dont have an awesome life.
They never cease to amaze me.
If you want a bit of inspiration I suggest getting yourself and your wife to an Eddie solo show.
Thanks for sharing your story, I’m sure some good karma is coming you way. Best of luck!
and agreed...pearl jam is a band for all seasons. the absolute right lyric or musical genius seems to always hit you right when you need it most. how eddie (and the guys) manages to write such poignant lyrics that make you feel as if he was a fly on the wall of your life is beyond me, but so he does. so glad those words are helping you now
continued good luck and miracles.
sorry for the isolation you have from your friends and family. maybe that will change for you too.
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
That's wonderful news! I'm sure its just the very start of a new beginning for you and your family
AND i have to add...from experience after experience, that if you need support, in any area of your life...there couldn't be a better place to come to than right here. I see that you've only a few posts since you've been here, but hang around, get to know the folks on here, you'll believe this in no time: PJ fans are some of the most awesome people on the face of the earth...guaranteed
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I didn't mean to infer that anything was wrong with Sir Elton or classical music. I think I just meant that I didn't think I would still be chasing Eddie and the boys around so much twenty years later. They still write and play songs that get to me and I didn't think they would be possible twenty years later from the rage I felt first listening to the Ten album. I just thought I would grow older and maybe forget the rage from that time and not seeking to feel so ALIVE at PJ concerts still. I just meant that Elton or classical music entailed a more mature behavior at their concerts as opposed to the imbibing, smacking hands with strangers, screaming (singing), and overall rocking that goes on at a PJ concert. Like you could get dressed up with your wife or girlfriend and go to a Elton or classical music concert I imagine. I have some Elton on my ipod and even classical music if you count the Rocky soundtrtack as classical music, Yo I'm from Philly, we got class and woooder ice!