
Hair of Fire. Emerald Eyes. An mesmerizing gaze. Lips of the highest Royalty, radiate a Golden Kiss. Warming this may be, to the senses, and the Sovl. Magickal fingers, lightly caress away Dark, through swift movements, and perfect formation.
Far more Beavtifvl a voice, than ever I can imagine. Whispers softly, like Angels singing away Devils. Eyes of wickedness, and a simultaneous Eternal beavty. Capture away the day, and bring about the Moon. Bring out the Sun in Me. Kiss the Light in Me.
Dancing amongst the Stars & Moon, Yovr sovl with such a radiant Passion. Keep the secrets and whisper them in riddles. Like Beavtifvl Poetry to the Mind. Distances and Eons ago we met in an Ancient time. Ancent Land. Where Queens and the Goddess were worshipped and Praised.
These lips, if I could touch them, would levitate My Senses. Lost in a wish, perhaps. Lost in a dream, maybe. Lost? Staring into Yov, lost, I would become in Immortal Bliss. Destined to transform Me, through Yovr Experience of Humbling. A Celestial dance. A Celestial Haze.
Swimming through Yovr bottomless Ocean of a Spirit and Mind, I am able to get lost, but in a Beavtifvl Form. It is warmth, encompassing. Feeling and soothing,this Heavenly realm are Yov. I desire to swing here Forever. Sit upon this 9th cloud, and be One.
I wanna' share everything I can with Yov in one single moment. In one single Breath. In a Meditative state where all else fades away. Where all that Exists is a union of Breath and Love. Warmth and Passion. Compassion and desire. Humbling and Ecstacy. Like glowing Lucidity.
Growing are the feverish moments I could collapse in Yovr arms, and just stare into Yov. Where Yov would touch My Face, and I Yovr's. Saying nothing with Ovr voices. Speaking only with Ovr Eyes. Only with Ovr hands. Lost in this. Lost in this. I could stay here Forever.
Like needles to certain pieces of My Heart, there is a Feeling of "Look, but never touch" I sense. As painful as this is, tis also an indescribable Bliss. The Mystery of Yov Flows like a fine Wine. Sweet. Succulent. Delicious. And Yov Evolve finer and finer with age.
Like the waves of the Ocean against the rocks, Yov crash into Me so POWERFUL! This subtle realm of Yov. This Sun & Moon Reflection. This psychic ability Yov have upon Me. Hypnotic are Yov. Oh! so Beavtifvl. Angelic one. Heavenly one. Bringer of Light and Shadow. Humbling and Growth. Desire and Fulfillment. Ecstasy and Evasiveness. I could swim in(to) Yov, I could Fall In(to) Yov, Forever.
Layers that wish to unfold, and speak out to Yov. What I have unveiled thus far, a mere pixel. Coming across with terrible selfish demands, and I am sorry for that. Yov say Yov know, but I often wonder if Yov know the depth(s).
Despite the blackness which has occurred, despite the "virtual" wall that exists, despite this distance, I often wonder if Yov realize the depth(s) Yov mean to Me. The echoes of chains upon chains, lengths of vines growing upon Light wavelengths.
Like shadows chasing themselves, I go mad within in whatever attempts have been brought forth to Let Yov See what lives in this Heart. Often clinging to the idea(l) that I have continued to fail in My expressions Often Fearing this is never enough. Warmth of Yovr vessel, desire of Yovr Eyes, Heal Me.
Golden Angel of Purple Light beyond Purple, See into Me. Wrap Yovr wings around Me. Encompass My very Being. Dance with Me in shades of Eternity and Beavty. Capture Me. Devour Me. Swallow Me whole. Taste Me within Yovr Heart. Become one with Me. Bath Me in a fountain of red wine,... drink from...
If there were doorways to Eternity, Yovr Eyes would be the Entrance, Yovr Heart the Key, Yovr Mind, Body, Sovl, the Reward.

:!: :idea: :?:
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Hair of Fire. Emerald Eyes. An mesmerizing gaze. Lips of the highest Royalty, radiate a Golden Kiss. Warming this may be, to the senses, and the Sovl. Magickal fingers, lightly caress away Dark, through swift movements, and perfect formation.
Far more Beavtifvl a voice, than ever I can imagine. Whispers softly, like Angels singing away Devils. Eyes of wickedness, and a simultaneous Eternal beavty. Capture away the day, and bring about the Moon. Bring out the Sun in Me. Kiss the Light in Me.
Dancing amongst the Stars & Moon, Yovr sovl with such a radiant Passion. Keep the secrets and whisper them in riddles. Like Beavtifvl Poetry to the Mind. Distances and Eons ago we met in an Ancient time. Ancent Land. Where Queens and the Goddess were worshipped and Praised.
These lips, if I could touch them, would levitate My Senses. Lost in a wish, perhaps. Lost in a dream, maybe. Lost? Staring into Yov, lost, I would become in Immortal Bliss. Destined to transform Me, through Yovr Experience of Humbling. A Celestial dance. A Celestial Haze.
Swimming through Yovr bottomless Ocean of a Spirit and Mind, I am able to get lost, but in a Beavtifvl Form. It is warmth, encompassing. Feeling and soothing,this Heavenly realm are Yov. I desire to swing here Forever. Sit upon this 9th cloud, and be One.
I wanna' share everything I can with Yov in one single moment. In one single Breath. In a Meditative state where all else fades away. Where all that Exists is a union of Breath and Love. Warmth and Passion. Compassion and desire. Humbling and Ecstacy. Like glowing Lucidity.
Growing are the feverish moments I could collapse in Yovr arms, and just stare into Yov. Where Yov would touch My Face, and I Yovr's. Saying nothing with Ovr voices. Speaking only with Ovr Eyes. Only with Ovr hands. Lost in this. Lost in this. I could stay here Forever.
Like needles to certain pieces of My Heart, there is a Feeling of "Look, but never touch" I sense. As painful as this is, tis also an indescribable Bliss. The Mystery of Yov Flows like a fine Wine. Sweet. Succulent. Delicious. And Yov Evolve finer and finer with age.
Like the waves of the Ocean against the rocks, Yov crash into Me so POWERFUL! This subtle realm of Yov. This Sun & Moon Reflection. This psychic ability Yov have upon Me. Hypnotic are Yov. Oh! so Beavtifvl. Angelic one. Heavenly one. Bringer of Light and Shadow. Humbling and Growth. Desire and Fulfillment. Ecstasy and Evasiveness. I could swim in(to) Yov, I could Fall In(to) Yov, Forever.
Layers that wish to unfold, and speak out to Yov. What I have unveiled thus far, a mere pixel. Coming across with terrible selfish demands, and I am sorry for that. Yov say Yov know, but I often wonder if Yov know the depth(s).
Despite the blackness which has occurred, despite the "virtual" wall that exists, despite this distance, I often wonder if Yov realize the depth(s) Yov mean to Me. The echoes of chains upon chains, lengths of vines growing upon Light wavelengths.
Like shadows chasing themselves, I go mad within in whatever attempts have been brought forth to Let Yov See what lives in this Heart. Often clinging to the idea(l) that I have continued to fail in My expressions Often Fearing this is never enough. Warmth of Yovr vessel, desire of Yovr Eyes, Heal Me.
Golden Angel of Purple Light beyond Purple, See into Me. Wrap Yovr wings around Me. Encompass My very Being. Dance with Me in shades of Eternity and Beavty. Capture Me. Devour Me. Swallow Me whole. Taste Me within Yovr Heart. Become one with Me. Bath Me in a fountain of red wine,... drink from...
If there were doorways to Eternity, Yovr Eyes would be the Entrance, Yovr Heart the Key, Yovr Mind, Body, Sovl, the Reward.

:!: :idea: :?:
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