1991 The Year Punk Broke (sonic youth, nirvana, etc)
Posts: 137
I've seen this documentary a time or two and recently purchased it on vhs, however my father has been unable to transfer this to dvd for me. I probably could do it myself but not until I'm back home 6 months or so from now, so my question is does anyone have this converted to a dvd? a link or anything would do. I would be willing to trade items etc just let me know. Greatly appreciated.
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Dont know if it works....
h8 2 w8 for concerts
I am so curious..
h8 2 w8 for concerts
No I went to the sight and its one of those membership download sites and I've always been a bit skeptical of them, although I'm not sure as to why. I've searched for it a bunch of places and can't seem to find it. Worst case scenerio I'll wait until I fly back home sometime and try to convert the vhs over to dvd myself. Personally I love Sonic Youth and am not sure why there aren't any live concert dvd's? I imagine this has yet to be released on dvd because of the Nirvana factor and rights? Thanks for the help though.
It looks like somebody already makes a transfer to dvd cause its on a downloadsite....
If he can find it,i shall let you know..
Dont think to much of a w.c.s....
h8 2 w8 for concerts