familiarly lost

We were angels those days, reckless yet restrained
neither of us ever feeling so alive
closing our eyes to see one another's dreams
late nights, early mornings
Those words spoken, actions seen
a mirror that can never be mended
we danced among that broken glass
living in innocent breaths
Feeling eachother's soul within our first embrace
it all seemed too impossible
yet felt perfect
as if the galaxies painted this story in the skies
we were there
both of us
but I never left
neither of us ever feeling so alive
closing our eyes to see one another's dreams
late nights, early mornings
Those words spoken, actions seen
a mirror that can never be mended
we danced among that broken glass
living in innocent breaths
Feeling eachother's soul within our first embrace
it all seemed too impossible
yet felt perfect
as if the galaxies painted this story in the skies
we were there
both of us
but I never left