US To Purchase Oil From Libyan Rebels

Obama didn't mention oil once during that bullshit speech of his, coincidence, I THINK NOT! 
Read this shit ... s-al-qaeda\
Fuck these United States of Gitmo...

Read this shit ... s-al-qaeda\
Fuck these United States of Gitmo...
Post edited by Unknown User on
oil? oil?
it basically goes on a rant about how Al Qaeda MAY be reinforcing the rebels:
and then has absolutely no evidence
this revolution had nothing to do with religion, nor al qaeda, it was political motivated,
what the Reuters article actually says is that 'Libyan rebels would not be subject to U.S. sanctions'
nothing wrong with that
its just factually wrong ... links.html
Libya has the second largest (largest per capita) number of foreign fighters in Iraq, according to the West Point study referenced in the above article ( ... .Dec07.pdf ). Those foreign fighters are overwhelmingly from Eastern Libya, the towns from which the NATO-backed rebels hail...fight them in Iraq...but fund, support, and (thru proxy's) arm them in Libya.
More info: ... nid=179153
Libyan rebels foresee 'democratic, secular' regime
the Italians have a vested interest in keeping Gaddafi, as they get most of Libya's oil, so no surprise that the first link had excerpts from an Italian interview,
and anyway the LIFG are only one of many groups of rebels so its a bit disingenuous to report him as the rebels leader
and finally the report says that overwhelmingly the foreign fighters are from "Saudi Arabia which was by far the most common nationality of the fighters’ in this sample; 41%"
thats a direct quote from the westpoint report
You are clueless to what's really going on.
Stealing it from Gaddafi, duh... :roll: By paying rebels we want to over throw him... get it?
you do realize we barely get any of our oil from libya right? Why is everything a government conspiracy to rape and pillage? seriously...if you think obama operates that way I feel sorry for you. The guys is a lot of things, but I guarantee you the idea here isn't to simply steal oil...if we wanted to do that we would have dealt with daffi duck a long time ago.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
And Obama's different than all before him... yeah right...
Continued Renditions, Authorized Assassinations, Illegal war...
He really should change his name to George W. Obama.
I haven't gotten into it with you on here before, but an Obama apologist i am not. But it isn't always about oil. We have plenty of oil in the united states, there is oil all over the world that would be cheaper to get than bombing the shit out of countries for it.
I agree with you however that they need to stop all military intervention. If you think Obama is the kind of person simply motivated by oil profits he won't see than that is what you are going to see. I don't at all. Again, difference of opinion I get, but the down with the US hyperbole is a little over the top wouldn't you say? Also, what illegal war has Obama started?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
But I keep seeing responses like this, and the whole 'america doesn't need Libyan oil' statement doesn't hold water with me. It's not a necessity, no. But do you think that just because the US doesn't NEED the oil to keep their economy doesn't mean that Western corporations aren't pushing this, like every other war? You know the government isn't taking over their oil, it's the to say that it's cheaper to just buy it than bomb the country is not a reasonable justification. The government bombs the country, the corporations reap the benefits.
The oil isn't of huge importance to the US as a whole, but you KNOW these companies are jockeying for the biggest piece of the nationalized Libyan oil programs' carcass.... You don't think they were lobbying washington to do away with an exploration land-lease process that forced them to profit share with the Libyan oil company (and in turn Gadaffi, and the Libyan people) once in production? Or for control of a VERY low production cost oil supply?
Oil is not the only impetus for this campaign, but I cannot be convinced it's as small a role as is being portrayed by Western powers.
well I just think it is all how you perceive it and what you want to listen to...but there is no guarantee this comes to us regardless of what happens...we really aren't on point with this, just simply have the technology others don't to pull it off. I just don't think Obama's motivations for deciding to do this are evil...Is it a benefit? yes, were we getting what we needed from daffi? yes...the price doesn't drop because of who is in charge.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Libya is important in many ways, geopolitically. The motivations may not have been purely evil (I'd argue that, personally), but they sure as fuck were NOT humanitarian...which means, once again, we are being duped into war.
They wanted Libya for many years, once chaos started to hit Libya since the Tunisian revolution, it was a perfect opportunity.
I mean we have clear reports that the CIA have been working in Libya weeks before the US 'got involved', we also know from History, what the CIA does in countries like Libya. In fact this is feeling like a screwed up 1953 Iran coup, major differences being that Mossedeq was elected and the US had to push out much more propaganda.
Ghaddafi is hated so much, it's almost too easy for the US to jump in and claim 'Humanitarian reasons', it's laughable, If it were not so sad of course
This is a vital opportunity for the American Empire.
btw, I think the book goes on and talks about the New World Order etc etc etc
No I don't, but you can include them also, Britain too, all one eye.
That may mean an organization even more evil and ruthless then the mighty US is behind this coup ... yes, you know who I'm talking about .... FIFA! ... s?page=0,1
in a span of 2 miles or so on my daily drive, there are three stations at 4.19, 4.09 and 3.99 :roll: