Insurance is ridiculous. My girlfriend wiped out her life savings and needed help from family after surgery. Her job at the time didn't provide health insurance.. and now because of her pre-existing condition, she can't afford it.
I've fortunately never had any health problems, have been to a doctor once in my adult life and my job provides a good package, but for everyone else it can be horrible... Actually, i did go to the E.R. once because I had pizza crust stuck in my throat for hours and it would not go down. They charged me $8,000. Had I not had insurance, I would have told them to fuck off and shoved a coat hanger down my throat and done the job myself.
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can't fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself..
Insurance is ridiculous. My girlfriend wiped out her lifesavings and needed help from family after surgery. Her job at the time didn't provide health insurance.. and now because of her pre existing condition, she really can't afford it.
I've fortunately never had any health problems, have been to a doctor once in my adult life and my job provides a good package, but for everyone else it can be horrible.
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself.
'Tis in Canada. We may not be able to find a doctor and we wait forever for tests and such...but we do not pay more then anyone else. In my province we do not even pay premiums for the universal coverage.
Insurance is ridiculous. My girlfriend wiped out her life savings and needed help from family after surgery. Her job at the time didn't provide health insurance.. and now because of her pre-existing condition, she can't afford it.
I've fortunately never had any health problems, have been to a doctor once in my adult life and my job provides a good package, but for everyone else it can be horrible... Actually, i did go to the E.R. once because I had pizza crust stuck in my throat for hours and it would not go down. They charged me $8,000. Had I not had insurance, I would have told them to fuck off and shoved a coat hanger down my throat and done the job myself.
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself..
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself..
completely agreed,
why can't more politicians be this passionate about something?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself..
completely agreed,
why can't more politicians be this passionate about something?
I guess you haven't heard that universal health care will take us down the path of Socialism and soon after that jack-booted thugs will be marching down the street taking orders from our new dictator. Why should we learn what works in other countries and what could be applied to our system? That would be un-American! The free market will take care of this, all we need to do is open competition across states! Keep an eye on our red menace to the north!
I guess you haven't heard that universal health care will take us down the path of Socialism and soon after that jack-booted thugs will be marching down the street taking orders from our new dictator. Why should we learn what works in other countries and what could be applied to our system? That would be un-American! The free market will take care of this, all we need to do is open competition across states! Keep an eye on our red menace to the north!
You know who loved universal health care? Hitler! that's who!
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Insurance is ridiculous. My girlfriend wiped out her lifesavings and needed help from family after surgery. Her job at the time didn't provide health insurance.. and now because of her pre existing condition, she really can't afford it.
I've fortunately never had any health problems, have been to a doctor once in my adult life and my job provides a good package, but for everyone else it can be horrible.
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself.
'Tis in Canada. We may not be able to find a doctor and we wait forever for tests and such...but we do not pay more then anyone else. In my province we do not even pay premiums for the universal coverage.
“We the people are the rightful masters of bothCongress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
'Tis in Canada. We may not be able to find a doctor and we wait forever for tests and such...but we do not pay more then anyone else. In my province we do not even pay premiums for the universal coverage.
Which is different from not being treated for lack of coverage, or being in debt forever because without insurance things cost 10 times more, I'll take canadian universal healthcare any day of the week.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Insurance is ridiculous. My girlfriend wiped out her lifesavings and needed help from family after surgery. Her job at the time didn't provide health insurance.. and now because of her pre existing condition, she really can't afford it.
I've fortunately never had any health problems, have been to a doctor once in my adult life and my job provides a good package, but for everyone else it can be horrible.
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself.
'Tis in Canada. We may not be able to find a doctor and we wait forever for tests and such...but we do not pay more then anyone else. In my province we do not even pay premiums for the universal coverage.
yes but if you are dying or have a life threatening illness you will be treated more quickly. as it should be.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
yes but if you are dying or have a life threatening illness you will be treated more quickly. as it should be.
seriously though. if you need a fucking sports preparticipation physical exam you should be behind those people with more serious medical issues, since a sports preparticipation exam is not an emergency. even in the US those aren't covered by insurance 90% of the time because they are considered "well visits", meaning "this patient is not sick and has no physical ailments, therefore not an emergency situation, therefore not at the front of the line"...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I come from the great socialist country of Sweden. Growing up, we only had two (state owned of course) tv channels and 3 types of cereals. It was tough. mom's husband just had shoulder replacement surgery. It cost him a total of $45, which is for the three days that he spent at the hosptial ($15/day). Downside? He had to wait 6 months to have his surgery.
I come from the great socialist country of Sweden. Growing up, we only had two (state owned of course) tv channels and 3 types of cereals. It was tough. mom's husband just had shoulder replacement surgery. It cost him a total of $45, which is for the three days that he spent at the hosptial ($15/day). Downside? He had to wait 6 months to have his surgery.
I was in Sweden back when and remember the timer on the t.v. counting down to the next show. How I wish we had the same in the U.S. Now, thankfully someone invented the DVR!
I come from the great socialist country of Sweden. Growing up, we only had two (state owned of course) tv channels and 3 types of cereals. It was tough. mom's husband just had shoulder replacement surgery. It cost him a total of $45, which is for the three days that he spent at the hosptial ($15/day). Downside? He had to wait 6 months to have his surgery.
I was in Sweden back when and remember the timer on the t.v. counting down to the next show. How I wish we had the same in the U.S. Now, thankfully someone invented the DVR!
Hahaha, I'd almost forgotten about that timer! And there was always some type of background bird sound. No commercials back then, so in between shows all we would see was that clock ticking...ticking......all paid for by the obedient tax payers. Ahhhh...great times!
Insurance is ridiculous. My girlfriend wiped out her lifesavings and needed help from family after surgery. Her job at the time didn't provide health insurance.. and now because of her pre existing condition, she really can't afford it.
I've fortunately never had any health problems, have been to a doctor once in my adult life and my job provides a good package, but for everyone else it can be horrible.
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself.
'Tis in Canada. We may not be able to find a doctor and we wait forever for tests and such...but we do not pay more then anyone else. In my province we do not even pay premiums for the universal coverage.
yes but if you are dying or have a life threatening illness you will be treated more quickly. as it should be.
This has been my experience. If you have something non-life threatening (bad knees, etc..) it could be a while, however, any family member that has needed emergency surgery (i.e my uncle had triple bypass, my grandfather cancer) they were treated right away and had no complaints about the system.
ANDDDD nobody's going to lose their house due to being sick.
Can someone against universal health care please explain to me why it's okay that someone goes bankrupt because they get sick?
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself.[/quote]
'Tis in Canada. We may not be able to find a doctor and we wait forever for tests and such...but we do not pay more then anyone else. In my province we do not even pay premiums for the universal coverage.[/quote]
yes but if you are dying or have a life threatening illness you will be treated more quickly. as it should be.[/quote]
This has been my experience. If you have something non-life threatening (bad knees, etc..) it could be a while, however, any family member that has needed emergency surgery (i.e my uncle had triple bypass, my grandfather cancer) they were treated right away and had no complaints about the system.
ANDDDD nobody's going to lose their house due to being sick.
Can someone against universal health care please explain to me why it's okay that someone goes bankrupt because they get sick?[/quote]
They can't, so they wont respond to this question.
I come from the great socialist country of Sweden. Growing up, we only had two (state owned of course) tv channels and 3 types of cereals. It was tough. mom's husband just had shoulder replacement surgery. It cost him a total of $45, which is for the three days that he spent at the hosptial ($15/day). Downside? He had to wait 6 months to have his surgery.
$45 for a new shoulder. amazing.
off topic, they have come out with some amazing replacement joints in the last couple of years and some of them are really technologically advanced. unfortunately some of those products or procedures are not approved by the FDA for one reason or another and private insurance companies here in the states will never pay for something that is not FDA approved.... Dr. Lars Petersen in Sweden in particular is at the forefront of some of these new techniques...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I come from the great socialist country of Sweden. Growing up, we only had two (state owned of course) tv channels and 3 types of cereals. It was tough. mom's husband just had shoulder replacement surgery. It cost him a total of $45, which is for the three days that he spent at the hosptial ($15/day). Downside? He had to wait 6 months to have his surgery.
I was in Sweden back when and remember the timer on the t.v. counting down to the next show. How I wish we had the same in the U.S. Now, thankfully someone invented the DVR!
Hahaha, I'd almost forgotten about that timer! And there was always some type of background bird sound. No commercials back then, so in between shows all we would see was that clock ticking...ticking......all paid for by the obedient tax payers. Ahhhh...great times!
That clock is more entertaining than about 75% of American TV right now! Combine that with universal health care and the lovely Sweedish ladies and I'm suddenly considering relocation. :thumbup:
You're forgetting my favorite one...
Health care isn't a right.
That's a paraphrase... not a hyperbole!
Health care isn't a right
What kind of douche would say that!?! but having a f'ng gun is a god given right? I don't want to equate them but even thou health care isn't a right why shouldn't be? can we grow and mature as a society? isn't the constitution a living document?
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Medical care should be universal, but the quality and freedom of choice also has to remain. That's where the problem lies.
That's why I'd support a 2 tier system, where if you want private you can, but there is a strong government option.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Medical care should be universal, but the quality and freedom of choice also has to remain. That's where the problem lies.
That's why I'd support a 2 tier system, where if you want private you can, but there is a strong government option.
I agree!
If those who have money want to pay for private care it not only appeases everyone but it also clears up waiting list times for those who can't afford it
Medical care should be universal, but the quality and freedom of choice also has to remain. That's where the problem lies.
That's why I'd support a 2 tier system, where if you want private you can, but there is a strong government option.
I agree!
If those who have money want to pay for private care it not only appeases everyone but it also clears up waiting list times for those who can't afford it
I could be wrong here, but from what I know of the situation in Australia they do have this exact system. Any Aussie's here able to explain? Or am I imagining things?
I agree!
If those who have money want to pay for private care it not only appeases everyone but it also clears up waiting list times for those who can't afford it
I could be wrong here, but from what I know of the situation in Australia they do have this exact system. Any Aussie's here able to explain? Or am I imagining things?
We do have that system here. We have Medicare, which is government funded - whereby you can be seen in a public hospital - no charge for emergencies, or for elective surgery, however you may have to wait for surgery or to be seen by a specialist if it's not an emergency. We also have private health insurance, which you can purchase and will allow you to be seen quicker in most cases. You get a rebate from any cost incurred when you see a doctor through our public system as well. It's not perfect, but from what I know of the American system, ours is much much better. We also have many many clinics that allow you to see a doctor and the cost is billed through our medicare system to the Government, so there is no out of pocket expense. Also with prescription medicines, there is a scheme so that the cost is lowered for most medicines, and once you reach a certain yearly limit, the cost is lowered to something like $5 per prescription. It works pretty well really.
I agree!
If those who have money want to pay for private care it not only appeases everyone but it also clears up waiting list times for those who can't afford it
I could be wrong here, but from what I know of the situation in Australia they do have this exact system. Any Aussie's here able to explain? Or am I imagining things?
We do have that system here. We have Medicare, which is government funded - whereby you can be seen in a public hospital - no charge for emergencies, or for elective surgery, however you may have to wait for surgery or to be seen by a specialist if it's not an emergency. We also have private health insurance, which you can purchase and will allow you to be seen quicker in most cases. You get a rebate from any cost incurred when you see a doctor through our public system as well. It's not perfect, but from what I know of the American system, ours is much much better. We also have many many clinics that allow you to see a doctor and the cost is billed through our medicare system to the Government, so there is no out of pocket expense. Also with prescription medicines, there is a scheme so that the cost is lowered for most medicines, and once you reach a certain yearly limit, the cost is lowered to something like $5 per prescription. It works pretty well really.
Thanks hunny!
And, why is something like this so hard to do in America??? I mean really? Is it only because of the for profit insurance we have, or something else?
We do have that system here. We have Medicare, which is government funded - whereby you can be seen in a public hospital - no charge for emergencies, or for elective surgery, however you may have to wait for surgery or to be seen by a specialist if it's not an emergency. We also have private health insurance, which you can purchase and will allow you to be seen quicker in most cases. You get a rebate from any cost incurred when you see a doctor through our public system as well. It's not perfect, but from what I know of the American system, ours is much much better. We also have many many clinics that allow you to see a doctor and the cost is billed through our medicare system to the Government, so there is no out of pocket expense. Also with prescription medicines, there is a scheme so that the cost is lowered for most medicines, and once you reach a certain yearly limit, the cost is lowered to something like $5 per prescription. It works pretty well really.
Thanks hunny!
And, why is something like this so hard to do in America??? I mean really? Is it only because of the for profit insurance we have, or something else?
I don't know why it's so hard to implement over there, but I do know that it is a good system here - we have our complainers - you are never going to please everybody. But, to be able to go see a doctor and not have to pay much, if anything for it, and to get a low cost prescription to fix the problem, or say you have a car accident - you go to the local hospital, you are seen by the best doctors and nurses, you get everything that is broken, fixed, and not have to worry about the cost, is an amazing thing. If you need a specialist, you can be referred from your local GP, and you may have a wait, but you don't pay for it at all. All health care systems could do well to look at the AUstralian system.
I've fortunately never had any health problems, have been to a doctor once in my adult life and my job provides a good package, but for everyone else it can be horrible... Actually, i did go to the E.R. once because I had pizza crust stuck in my throat for hours and it would not go down. They charged me $8,000. Had I not had insurance, I would have told them to fuck off and shoved a coat hanger down my throat and done the job myself.
Health insurance NEEDS to be universal. It needs to cost the same for everyone. It's one of those things we can't fuck around with and if you don't agree with me, this is one of those rare arguments I will just flat out tell you to go fuck yourself..
'Tis in Canada. We may not be able to find a doctor and we wait forever for tests and such...but we do not pay more then anyone else. In my province we do not even pay premiums for the universal coverage.
why can't more politicians be this passionate about something?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I guess you haven't heard that universal health care will take us down the path of Socialism and soon after that jack-booted thugs will be marching down the street taking orders from our new dictator. Why should we learn what works in other countries and what could be applied to our system? That would be un-American! The free market will take care of this, all we need to do is open competition across states! Keep an eye on our red menace to the north!
You know who loved universal health care? Hitler! that's who!
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Which is different from not being treated for lack of coverage, or being in debt forever because without insurance things cost 10 times more, I'll take canadian universal healthcare any day of the week.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
I waited 20 minutes to see him.
Big whoop.
Got 2 prescriptions which were covered under my mom's healthcare.
Who's laughin now.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I was in Sweden back when and remember the timer on the t.v. counting down to the next show. How I wish we had the same in the U.S. Now, thankfully someone invented the DVR!
Hahaha, I'd almost forgotten about that timer! And there was always some type of background bird sound. No commercials back then, so in between shows all we would see was that clock ticking...ticking......all paid for by the obedient tax payers. Ahhhh...great times!
Here it is! ... re=related
This has been my experience. If you have something non-life threatening (bad knees, etc..) it could be a while, however, any family member that has needed emergency surgery (i.e my uncle had triple bypass, my grandfather cancer) they were treated right away and had no complaints about the system.
ANDDDD nobody's going to lose their house due to being sick.
Can someone against universal health care please explain to me why it's okay that someone goes bankrupt because they get sick?
that's easy, because only people with money deserve to live, other kind of people are just a burden to society
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
'Tis in Canada. We may not be able to find a doctor and we wait forever for tests and such...but we do not pay more then anyone else. In my province we do not even pay premiums for the universal coverage.[/quote]
yes but if you are dying or have a life threatening illness you will be treated more quickly. as it should be.[/quote]
This has been my experience. If you have something non-life threatening (bad knees, etc..) it could be a while, however, any family member that has needed emergency surgery (i.e my uncle had triple bypass, my grandfather cancer) they were treated right away and had no complaints about the system.
ANDDDD nobody's going to lose their house due to being sick.
Can someone against universal health care please explain to me why it's okay that someone goes bankrupt because they get sick?[/quote]
They can't, so they wont respond to this question.
off topic, they have come out with some amazing replacement joints in the last couple of years and some of them are really technologically advanced. unfortunately some of those products or procedures are not approved by the FDA for one reason or another and private insurance companies here in the states will never pay for something that is not FDA approved.... Dr. Lars Petersen in Sweden in particular is at the forefront of some of these new techniques...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Health care isn't a right.
That's a paraphrase... not a hyperbole!
That clock is more entertaining than about 75% of American TV right now! Combine that with universal health care and the lovely Sweedish ladies and I'm suddenly considering relocation. :thumbup:
Health care isn't a right
What kind of douche would say that!?! but having a f'ng gun is a god given right? I don't want to equate them but even thou health care isn't a right why shouldn't be? can we grow and mature as a society? isn't the constitution a living document?
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
If those who have money want to pay for private care it not only appeases everyone but it also clears up waiting list times for those who can't afford it
I could be wrong here, but from what I know of the situation in Australia they do have this exact system. Any Aussie's here able to explain? Or am I imagining things?
We do have that system here. We have Medicare, which is government funded - whereby you can be seen in a public hospital - no charge for emergencies, or for elective surgery, however you may have to wait for surgery or to be seen by a specialist if it's not an emergency. We also have private health insurance, which you can purchase and will allow you to be seen quicker in most cases. You get a rebate from any cost incurred when you see a doctor through our public system as well. It's not perfect, but from what I know of the American system, ours is much much better. We also have many many clinics that allow you to see a doctor and the cost is billed through our medicare system to the Government, so there is no out of pocket expense. Also with prescription medicines, there is a scheme so that the cost is lowered for most medicines, and once you reach a certain yearly limit, the cost is lowered to something like $5 per prescription. It works pretty well really.
Thanks hunny!
And, why is something like this so hard to do in America??? I mean really? Is it only because of the for profit insurance we have, or something else?
I don't know why it's so hard to implement over there, but I do know that it is a good system here - we have our complainers - you are never going to please everybody. But, to be able to go see a doctor and not have to pay much, if anything for it, and to get a low cost prescription to fix the problem, or say you have a car accident - you go to the local hospital, you are seen by the best doctors and nurses, you get everything that is broken, fixed, and not have to worry about the cost, is an amazing thing. If you need a specialist, you can be referred from your local GP, and you may have a wait, but you don't pay for it at all. All health care systems could do well to look at the AUstralian system.