Charlie Sheen on tour
Posts: 12,504
This guys agent or Charlie him self is genius ! talk about "jumping the shark tank", iF this move works at the very least he will make millions on the tour (ticket sales and merchandise alone) not to mention the sale of televised rights and video sales not only that but the spike in his popularity may be a factor in landing him more rolls on t.v and movie...but it will be short lived in my opinion,he has already shit his hole almost full with Hollywood.
Godfather. ... ml?hpt=T2#
Godfather. ... ml?hpt=T2#
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"Becoming a Bruce fan is like hitting puberty as a musical fan. It's inevitable." - dcfaithful
Nah, I don't think he's done with Hollywood. I know that he's talked to Sean Penn in the last couple of weeks because they mentioned it on that interview. If anything, I think the "real" people of Hollywood--the powers that be--have noticed his popularity and realism this last month and know that he's sick of political correctness--as are many Americans. I think his second huge movie career is just now starting again.
He has spent the last decade trying to please the American media and public from his first era of bad boy escapades--trying to do the respectable rehab bit, keeping his stable tv job, getting married twice and having kids--and apparantley it doesn't work for him--so now he's just looking out for himself and his kids. I really wish him well in another great movie career.
That being said, he still does have to set a good example for his kids. And, Charlie, please don't hit anymore women!...or get addicted to anymore drugs... or else you don't have my support anymore. peace & love
...and sorry, Godfather, for using your post to vent my frustrations. don't mind me--carry on.
anytime kid.
it would be a very profitable joke if that's the case.
But I cannot see how/why anybody would give this lunatic their money. Have you not seen the narcissistic rants!? he's finally killed off the brain cells that preserve self-worth. I feel that now he's just doing this shit for money, and it looks sad.
I think you have Charlie Sheen more to blame than porn!
I hope you're being sarcastic, or your husband really needs a reality check.
But if he really thinks the world revolves around sex, he IS a man.
oh, and he might be right too (perpetuate the species?).
sorry, just messing with ya
"a man completely and utterly broken down mentally." one word, DRUGS ! usually the the beginning of the end.
I know a few people that have permanent mental disability's from drugs and some that have just changed completely into people that I do not recognize anymore not to mention the dead one's.
it's very sad and such a waste of quality of life, I can tell you fro certain that once you get too deep into drugs
(and it's easy to do) getting out is much harder and for Charlie to say he just up and stooped one day is either a testament to his own inner strength or he's a liar and most drug addicts lie for one reason or another.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
WOW !!!!!!!
I always thought the end of mankind began with the rise in popularity of Jersey Shore and the Real Housewives franchise
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
At least Joaquin Phoenix is talented (which Charlie Sheen is not, in my opinion--his Two and a Half Men character is pretty much him, I think, with no acting skills required)... plus, I don't think Phoenix is a crackhead. It doesn't seem that Sheen's thing is manufactured...he needs some Lithium, it appears. :P
I think he's putting his crazy ass self out there now because that's all he's got at this point. But, damn, yeah, he really seems like he is totally out there with his tiger's blood and adonis DNA and warlock troll crap. Wow.
Charlie Sheen may have been fired from "Two and a Half Men," but the actor isn't wanting for job offers.
Steven Hirsch, the founder and co-chairman of adult film company Vivid Entertainment, sent a letter to the 45-year-old actor requesting that he consider working on one of their films.
Hirsch explains in the letter, dated March 3, that Sheen would be just perfect for a parody entitled “Two and a Half Women” that will be filmed for “within the next several days.”
“We think it would be great if you would come in and direct the movie,” Hirsch writes. “You pick the scenarios, positions, etc. The fact that you are the ultimate connoisseur of adult films would definitely work to your advantage.”
Plus, Hirsch goes on, “based on all the publicity you have been getting, I am sure the sales will be outrageous.” How’s that for incentive?
Hirsch adds that although the film may star three actresses he thinks Sheen is already familiar with, the actor should feel free to bring along the Goddesses – you know, for directorial help, or perhaps to "jump in the scene."
"In any event," Hirsch says in closing, "the set is yours...The whole world will be watching." ... ur-review/
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
fuck me what did his sacking start with
his drug use and partying ways NO the show wore that for a long time
it was because he called his shows producer by his real jewish name
that guy spat the dummy. why do we all then just blame sheen
sure its a train wreck but its fun to watch
if a bunch of loosers pay to hear him speak and do not like the show
I say suck on that one
It's the same fascination that people have with Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, Jersey Shore. People can't face reality on how screwed up we are at the moment so they turn to "reality TV" to ignore it. That or they are just blindingly ignorant.