Politically Correct
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Is it a new form of McCarthyism? or the evolution of McCarthyism? Does anybody else Feel/Sense Similarities.
Post edited by Unknown User on
you should elaborate your point, I am interested in your comparison
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Define politically correct first.
Sorry for being vague, it's a vague thought.
Huh, well i have to think on that.
I just don't think that is the case. The media has always made people villains. The communism scare went through all facets of society up to and including multiple agents of the United States Government. Unfortunately it didn't make any sense simply because we are supposed to be able to believe what we want and to disagree politically without it being a crime. It was a much scarier time than if msnbc or fox calls you a racist.
Put that in perspective with people being basically kicked out of the United States like Charlie Freaking Chaplin...It doesn't really hold up in my opinion. I agree the media can get involved in witch hunt type antics, but that is far different than our government being involved. I don't know, it is an interesting theory, but I would say the 24-hour news cycle is more to blame than political correctness or anything like that. Opinions from people who really don't matter are used to fill up time on networks that should be running the Shark Navigator infomercial (the thing is AWESOME by the way)...
There are 300 million people in this country and someone will always be offended by someone else. The goal is for the majority of people who are rational to start to ignore those people on either side who whip up debate about things that are really a non-issue. Does anyone really believe Harry Reid is a racist? The media would have had you believe he owned slaves when he said a few things about Obama's candidacy...but it wasn't a government backed witch hunt.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Most of them don't even know what it means... people bitching about how my fighting for equal treatment in the eyes of the law is "those gays being politically correct" when what they really mean is "I don't want those faggots having the same rights as MEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Must really suck to be white, straight, Christian and Anglo-Saxon and see your place at the top of the heap being chipped away.
Ugh... you can tell I haven't had enough coffee and the bar doesn't open for another two hours.
To answer the question... no. I see zero similarities at all. McCarthyism was about spreading fear, innuendo, slander and fear along with the whole "guilt by association" thing. Political Correctness, the way I understand it, is me saying "please just call me gay and don't call me a cock-sucking faggot or a sodomite."
But please... explain how those two things are similar. :roll:
have some tiger's blood, does wonders for Sheen.
I disagree about your take on political correctness though. I think it is more about being offended at things that we should be able to discuss without so much sensitivity. And i think it really does hinder the claims against real racist, bigoted, or prejudiced remarks when frivolous claims are made about everything and everyone.
Calling someone like Harry Reid a racist is stupid but yet it happened. Unforunately people begin to roll their eyes at news about someone being racist or hate filled as they see so many people being trotted out as racist or hate filled. It doesn't make sense.
I can promise you that my mother is the least hate filled person on the planet, she happens to be religious and has some beliefs that are a little weird however. But hate is not the place she comes from when she thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman, it is her belief in God and Christianity. She will however bend over backwards to help anyone in need and accept anyone regardless of their gender, orientation, race, etc with out thinking twice. You don't do that if you hate specific groups. I realize that it is a sensitive subject for many including you, and I firmly believe that anyone who wants to get married to anyone else should be able to and to as many people as they want, but to call everyone against it a bigot or whatever else really isn't the case. And that is what political correctness has done in my eyes, it has divided people more than it has brought any of us together. Hopefully that makes sense.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
OK. And how is that like McCarthyism?
(by the way... you'll never have me agree that someone who's against my being equal to them isn't a bigot. I think it's the textbook definition. Just because you do it with a smile doesn't make it any less evil. But we're not talking about that.)
Wow, that was a hate filled tirade. Not sure it was directed at the right people though. I do understand where your frustration comes from though.
I think PC has become a detriment to real discussion of issues for sure. I also wish people could speak their minds (even if "homophobic, sexist, racist") so that the discussion can occur and hopefully people's minds could change. However, as soon as someone says something they get attacked. And while sometimes it is warranted, it stops the dialogue. Instead of discussing why someone is wrong, they are labeled, attacked, lose their job, etc....so they hide their opinions and it causes others to as well. So they stay the same and teach those around them their viewpoint and nothing gets better.
Possibly. And that's like McCarthyism how?
Well, that is a good question as I didn't address the original topic at all.
Sorry. I don't have an opinion on that yet.
Mccarthyism was a bad analogy, guess what i ment was Politically Correct has become the new ism.
Sorry your angry.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Actually, this was the most offensive thing I've read all day. Do you know what it means to be politically correct...or is it free game when it's Christianity in question?
Ah. So pointing out that someone who's a white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant heterosexual is a white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant heterosexual isn't "politically correct" anymore?
Well, it's a bit hard NOT to be angry when you're told that standing up for the rights and protections of your family is just like Senator McCarthy blacklisting people who knew people who went to a communist meeting once.
To be accepting of others and understanding of their feelings, to live and let live,
not call people demeaning names, nor judge them for their choices.
To be open to our differences while following our own convictions.
Politely correct better describes it and I wish people would do so,
be polite and loving to each other and refrain from judging and categorizing.
To this extent, the term ‘politically correct’ is now being utilized by politicians to regenerate ‘fear’ to advance their own political agendas. McCarthyism is the singling out of a group of people by a common issue to generate fear so that group of people can be controlled. McCarthyism was not about race, it was about Communism which allowed politicians to go after a wide-range of people and their affiliations. This same principle is now being applied by today’s politicians using the term ‘political correctness’ as a shield. Here is a good example of how it is being done.
What does being politically correct have to do with unions, nothing, you’d think.
What if, as a politician, I stand before you and tell you that I know it’s not politically correct but, we have a lot of lazy public workers.
Now as a politician I stand before you and tell you our budget is in bad shape and these lazy public workers get paid benefits.
--So you’re now thinking only your taxes pay for these overpaid lazy workers’ benefits.
Now as a politician, I tell you the State has to get rid of these benefit packages because they are costing the taxpayer and keeping the State in the red; and the only way to do that is to get rid of the unions.
--So now see your neighbor as a ‘free loader’ getting fat off your taxes because of the union.
Now as a politician, I’ve gotten rid of the union and the workers are under my ‘control’, even though the State is still in the red and now I can start assessing State fees for public services your taxes alone previously covered.
This is how the buzz phrase political correctness is being used as modern day McCarthyism and it’s spreading from State to State.
ok now i get it
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
This part of politically correct (not calling people demeaning names) annoys me a little. Take the word "retard" for instance. This word was perfectly fine to use until PC crowd changed it's views. So now the PC term is mentally challenged. But once people start calling their buddies mentally challenged, the PC crowd will come up with a new term. It's all a little ridiculous. And don't even get me started on the" Negro", "Black", "African American" terms. Or the "Indian", "Native American", and now "First Nations" terms.
I may be wrong here. But didn't it mean the same thing? Mentally challenged/mentally retarded?
And how long were they being called retarded before it changed to challenged? I am really trying to learn here. I don't know the answer.
Medical terminology has changed in the last few years to challenged, or disabled.
Yeah, "mentally retarded" was the term they used in the past, but they've changed it most likely due to societal pressure because people throw the term around in a derogatory fashion. Have you not noticed that calling someone a fag or queer is just plain wrong? Well, then consider how someone with a disability may feel when they hear "retard".