gotta disagree with the complaints about people yelling out too much.
1. it would have been complete silence (awkward?) without those people
2. I definitely dont think the calling out was
well when you could see Ed clearly getting frustrated by some of the yelling, and him even commenting "i can't hear
anything up here, or maybe i'm just hearing what i choose to hear" was him finding a nice way of saying "i'm ignoring you, so shut the fuck up" i think it's
unnecessary to continue yelling dumb shit. sure scream and clap between songs but yelling out 2 sentence statements like the guy early on who yelled some shit about
having a bottle of wine at home so ed should come to his house or something to that effect is just retarded.
I agree Fishy , there were a few who were yelling whilst he was talking. No dramas with people showing their enjoyment, but not at the expense of others listening to the artist.
Otherwise bloody brilliant show. Too many highlights to mention. Merch was pretty good. Ej and Cecelia were worth watching- great voices. Bring on Saturday night
I'll ride the wave where it takes me
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1995
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1998
*BEC, Brisbane, November 2006
*QSAC, Brisbane November 2009
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane March 10 and 12 2011
*Big Day Out, Gold Coast, 19 Jan 2014
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane, 22,23 & 25 Feb 2014
Really good show. So different to be up close and personal with Ed. Loved the mandolin in "Rise". Betterman was so good. EJ's cleavage during Golden State was very distracting! :P
Show poster (2x tawny frogmouths in front of city skyline) is great. Looking forward to seeing the remaining show posters. The tour poster (Ed surfing) is fun, but not as impressive as the show poster.
Ed shook hands with some in the front row during the encore, then at the end of the show.
Ed looked really nervous when he came out, but got into the rhythm pretty quickly it seemed.
Can't wait for Saturday night!
Pearl Jam:
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 14, 1998
Commodore Ballroom - May 11, 2000
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Feb 08 & 09, 2003
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 10 & 11, 2006
Eddie Vedder:
Brisbane QPAC Concert Hall - Mar 10 & 12, 2011
What a night. Eddie is a Champion! I feel very priveledged to have been one of the lucky ones to score a ticket to this gig. Try and live in the moment if you are going to this because it just seems like the show is over before you know it. Fellow Aussies yet to go, you will NOT be dissappointed. He was just that f8cking good.
Cheers Ed!!!
he was clearly nervous but just melted in to the performance....I was 5 rows back and was mesmerised from the first note....i for one enjoy the little mistakes and how he beats himself up on them....the completely different version of betterman was stunning....he was also clearly emotional during needle and damage done and the end...Ive been performing full time for 12 years and have seen many many acoustic shows....what ed has you cant teach...hes honest, hes human and hes real....these setlists are for him which is plain to see and I love it....actually I dont think theres a word invented yet for how special an eddie solo show is... :?:
this tour is just going to get better and better....
I got angry when some dick was yelling for songs during Ed's tribute to Starr. And someone else near me kept yelling "Indifference" in the middle of other songs. Apart from that, the crowd was great.
Ed's voice was sensational, although I think it will warm up a bit more during the rest of the tour. So happy to hear Porch, but very disappointed he didn't do a do-over of No Ceiling. Although he rightly pointed out there were only 30 seconds left in the song anyway.
Loved him talking about how he's not a morning person, but now he has kids he has to get up a 6.30 every day- even when they're not around. That was cute.
The intro- when they played a Tuolumne recording, and forgot to press stop. Hard Sun started playing, and there was a scramble to stop it!
Anyways, until the actual Hard Sun he seemed to keep a bit of sense of humour about the fuck-ups, but the technical stuff during Hard Sun seemed to piss him off. And a big jump (well, not so big at the end) at the end to finish it off.
If I knew then, would I know now?
* Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
* Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
* Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
* EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011
Great show. Little disappointed with the 10c seats, was about half way back. Friends brother who was photographing the show bought a ticket on the night and got 6th row! Why the hell bother with 10c if you can just rock up on the night and get the best seats in the house?
Anyway was good just to be there. Driftin' & Sometimes were both great.
I love reading these fanviews..... thanks to everyone who has posted - it gives a real sense of the atmosphere, and what sounds like an excellent show. Jealous.....! Can't wait to hear more from this and the other shows.....
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I got angry when some dick was yelling for songs during Ed's tribute to Starr. And someone else near me kept yelling "Indifference" in the middle of other songs. Apart from that, the crowd was great.
Ed's voice was sensational, although I think it will warm up a bit more during the rest of the tour. So happy to hear Porch, but very disappointed he didn't do a do-over of No Ceiling. Although he rightly pointed out there were only 30 seconds left in the song anyway.
Loved him talking about how he's not a morning person, but now he has kids he has to get up a 6.30 every day- even when they're not around. That was cute.
The intro- when they played a Tuolumne recording, and forgot to press stop. Hard Sun started playing, and there was a scramble to stop it!
Anyways, until the actual Hard Sun he seemed to keep a bit of sense of humour about the fuck-ups, but the technical stuff during Hard Sun seemed to piss him off. And a big jump (well, not so big at the end) at the end to finish it off.
Nice review KJ, shouldn't you be doing some work??
Agree anout the yelling out- don't these morons know that Ed plans the setlist for a reason. Porch was awesome, very happy you got that one. And Unthought Known was stunning..he sent shivers with gems and Rhinstones and then you will be no-one's RIVAL!!!
I'll ride the wave where it takes me
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1995
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1998
*BEC, Brisbane, November 2006
*QSAC, Brisbane November 2009
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane March 10 and 12 2011
*Big Day Out, Gold Coast, 19 Jan 2014
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane, 22,23 & 25 Feb 2014
I got angry when some dick was yelling for songs during Ed's tribute to Starr. And someone else near me kept yelling "Indifference" in the middle of other songs. Apart from that, the crowd was great.
Ed's voice was sensational, although I think it will warm up a bit more during the rest of the tour. So happy to hear Porch, but very disappointed he didn't do a do-over of No Ceiling. Although he rightly pointed out there were only 30 seconds left in the song anyway.
Loved him talking about how he's not a morning person, but now he has kids he has to get up a 6.30 every day- even when they're not around. That was cute.
The intro- when they played a Tuolumne recording, and forgot to press stop. Hard Sun started playing, and there was a scramble to stop it!
Anyways, until the actual Hard Sun he seemed to keep a bit of sense of humour about the fuck-ups, but the technical stuff during Hard Sun seemed to piss him off. And a big jump (well, not so big at the end) at the end to finish it off.
Nice review KJ, shouldn't you be doing some work??
Agree anout the yelling out- don't these morons know that Ed plans the setlist for a reason. Porch was awesome, very happy you got that one. And Unthought Known was stunning..he sent shivers with gems and Rhinstones and then you will be no-one's RIVAL!!!
Ha! Your tax-dollars at wor right here! So you Sat.
If I knew then, would I know now?
* Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
* Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
* Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
* EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011
Ed was visibly happy when he pulled the uke out. (I think for his new song, Sleeping by myself, someone help?)
And his first "drink" (big red mug... maybe "red" is a clue to its contents?) lasted him a good while. I remember him going back for one refill.
He threw his pick to girl front row centre after a few songs... I was so jealous! He was switching from pick to finger strumming, but can't remember which songs, sorry.
When he stuffed up "Trouble" he said, "that's what happens when you are really feeling the song" or something to that regard.
Show started a few minutes after 9pm and finished at about 10:45pm. Crowd waited/chanted/clapped a good 5 minutes before the final house lights came up. It made us all think he was considering a final encore. Would they have a curfew on the venue? 11pm maybe?
I'm really curious as to how different the setlist will be tomorrow night... ahh, the good wait.
Pearl Jam:
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 14, 1998
Commodore Ballroom - May 11, 2000
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Feb 08 & 09, 2003
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 10 & 11, 2006
Eddie Vedder:
Brisbane QPAC Concert Hall - Mar 10 & 12, 2011
He threw his pick to girl front row centre after a few songs... I was so jealous! He was switching from pick to finger strumming, but can't remember which songs, sorry.
When tickets went on sale for 10c I made a conscious decision to buy 10c for Sat and pray they were good and try my luck at getting awesome seats for Thurs. It didn't end up like I wanted as because of the Qtix site crash I ended up with no tix for Thursday and (when released) no tix for Sunday!
However I let it go just being happy I got Sat 10c tix. I gained a Sunday ticket 3 weeks ago! My Last night ticket came by when I read the 10c forum yesterday afternoon after work that QPAC had released more tix. I literally had a heart attack when I got on and saw TWO FRONT ROW CENTRE TIX! I snapped them up before you could say 'Off He Goes'!
Ed was mesmerizing as everyone has been saying. He was talking about how he hates mosquitos and wished they would just take the blood and F off without the pain and stuff. And then when someone started clapping by themselves really loud he had a good chuckle and said something along the lines of clapping mosquitos.
He also asked one of the lab coats if he could get a towel or something as he didn't want to wipe his brow on his suit. (He had a navy blazer on at the beginning of the show but took it off a few songs in!) This huge white towel ended up being behind his setlist the whole time and he said that a hand towel would have been fine.
Don't know what was in the red mug but there was a white mug he also drank out of that was 'steaming' at the beginning of his set.
But otherwise... he threw his pick at me which was awesome. It can be put with the tambourine he handed me from the PJ tour 2 years ago! :oops:
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 14, 1998
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Feb 08, 2003
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 10, 2006
QSAC Stadium - Nov 25, 2009
Eddie Vedder - Mar 10&12&13, 2011
MEN Arena, Manchester, UK - Jun 20&21, 2012
Last night's show at Qpac was gob-smacking. It was like he came round to play some tunes in your lounge room. It was both personal and powerful (sounded so full for one guy and a guitar - but then again it was Ed)
Can't wait til i see him in Melbourne now.
Thanks to Majorclod for the ticket hook up - you're a legend
SO happy for all got to see Ed last night, the first show is always the best...thanks so much for all the updates Just hope i can keep my excitement under control till the Melb. shows, hearing about last nights show is making it so damn hard now and just cant wait
Hold on to the thread....The currents will shift....Glide me towards you....
The cover with EJ Barnes was just beautiful. Rocking out to Porch was amazing. His opening night nerves were endearing. I've never had goosebumps/shaky hands/trembling legs all the same time before. An overwhelming experience.
Can't wait till Saturday.
oh also Ed & the girls came out for the last song hard sun all with white lab coats on, from the stage staff i assume? Ed of course personalised his with a couple of litte badges and basically didnt have a working guitar for the first half of the song. ed was definitely frustrated at the end, knocking down the mic stand
also during thew encore what the hell was with the lab coat guy wearing that massive animal mask looking like he was out of 'Where the Wild Things Are' haha and all he did was sweep slowly from one side of the stage & back - was this Ed???
also very funny when the tape from hard sun started playing at the start of the show as tuolume finished. Ed later when Ed went to start it for hard sun, he knocked it with his guitar and had to call for help from a tech to fix it haha
He threw his pick to girl front row centre after a few songs... I was so jealous! He was switching from pick to finger strumming, but can't remember which songs, sorry.
When tickets went on sale for 10c I made a conscious decision to buy 10c for Sat and pray they were good and try my luck at getting awesome seats for Thurs. It didn't end up like I wanted as because of the Qtix site crash I ended up with no tix for Thursday and (when released) no tix for Sunday!
However I let it go just being happy I got Sat 10c tix. I gained a Sunday ticket 3 weeks ago! My Last night ticket came by when I read the 10c forum yesterday afternoon after work that QPAC had released more tix. I literally had a heart attack when I got on and saw TWO FRONT ROW CENTRE TIX! I snapped them up before you could say 'Off He Goes'!
Ed was mesmerizing as everyone has been saying. He was talking about how he hates mosquitos and wished they would just take the blood and F off without the pain and stuff. And then when someone started clapping by themselves really loud he had a good chuckle and said something along the lines of clapping mosquitos.
He also asked one of the lab coats if he could get a towel or something as he didn't want to wipe his brow on his suit. (He had a navy blazer on at the beginning of the show but took it off a few songs in!) This huge white towel ended up being behind his setlist the whole time and he said that a hand towel would have been fine.
Don't know what was in the red mug but there was a white mug he also drank out of that was 'steaming' at the beginning of his set.
But otherwise... he threw his pick at me which was awesome. It can be put with the tambourine he handed me from the PJ tour 2 years ago! :oops:
Nice ending... how lucky with the tickets for last night.. well done!!..
Vedder: There was a, um… the first tour our group ever went on was with another band. It all seemed… I mean, it’s still new and exciting, but you have to work at ways to make it new and exciting. It was just a trip. It was just mind-blowing, starting out. I’d never actually been, like, in a band, and on tour. I’d played little shows here and there. But this was, like, the real thing. There was another band that we were with, and they had records out, and I was kind of looking at them to see how to behave. It was pretty intense. There was a guy in that group – the group was Alice In Chains, that we toured with.
[Crowd cheers.]
Vedder: The guy who played bass in that band, his name was Mike Starr. Our orbits changed a long, long time ago. We hadn’t seen him for years. He’d been going through a rough time for quite some time. Uh, yeah. I don’t know if you heard, but he’s no longer with us, as of yesterday. I’ve just been thinking about him. A lot. I don’t know what anybody could have done. It’s just really sad when life, and living life, and all that the planet and the people on it have to offer; and all that you can offer it, and them. It’s too bad when sobriety’s just not enough to keep you alive.
[Crowd applauds. Vedder begins playing ‘The Needle And The Damage Done’ by Neil Young. It's heartbreaking.]
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I wanna know how it took to the end of page three of this thread to even mention Unthought Known! Are you kidding me?! This version tore the studio version (of a great song) to shreds!!
The bogans in the crowd did go a bit overboard....hell show the man some RESPECT when he's talking. Save all the "yeeeeeeeeaaaaawww"s and what-not for the end of songs.
In all reality, the environment of the gig in regard to the venue dictated that it was to be a more subdued atmosphere (obviously) than a PJ gig - but it really was great to see the well-timed enthusiasm of the crowd and the energy we were sending up front.
How is it no one mentioned the THREE PLUS MINUTE STANDING OVATION BEFORE HE EVEN REACHED CENTRE STAGE. I can't say I've been to ANY event where there's a complete and on-going standing ovation for an artist who hasn't even been on stage 10 seconds. It was amazing!
I AM MINE was very powerful....
I shed a tear for MAN OF THE HOUR. One of my favourite songs which I missed out on after I gave up my Nov 7, 2006 ticket to see U2 in Brisbane.
Shed another tear for GUARANTEED as I'd dedicated that song to a friend I had found dead under his van that had rolled on him while drink driving.
As stated, UNTHOUGHT KNOWN sent shivers through my spine.....such a powerful rendition with the ever-changing dynamics of the song.
JUST BREATHE was a beautiful dedication....
ELDERLY WOMAN started out quite humourously, but as always had the power to entice the entire crowd to sing along with Ed.
I'd called (quietly) for LUKIN early in the show - not realising it was actually in Ed's solo repertoire! So that was a cool surprise when he pulled that out, shifting through the gears as the song progressed to its 140+bpm!
I was hoping it would lead into Not For You, but instead PORCH provided another highlight amongst highlights with a '92 Unplugged-esque (at least for me) solo in the middle of it.
I'd never heard GOLDEN STATE before, but it was as if EJ's voice was the female equivalent of EV's as their duet just rolled into one amazing harmony.
SOCIETY was beautiful - mainly because I relate to those lyrics entirely.
I've gotta admit - and don't crucify me here as I know it's against the trend - but BETTERMAN really didn't do it for me. I'll put that down more to my lack of appreciation than anything. The girl sitting right behind me who made the "....BEAUTIFUL...." call was well and truly justified - as anything Eddie creates deserves the highest praise. I'm sure there was a reason you could hear a pin drop during and after this song. Hopefully by the end of the tour I'll find that appreciation.
It was really sad to hear the story about MIKE STARR.....I was stupid enough to never immerse myself in AIC, but I can appreciate the emotion in the moment. To the moron who yelled out NIRVANA in the middle of Ed speaking - give yourself an uppercut.
NEEDLE AND THE DAMAGE DONE carried that emotion as Ed dedicated this song to Mike. It was a heart-wrenching rendition, and I was humbly honoured that Ed shared this moment with us.
The emotion of Mike and NEEDLE flowed over into THE END, taking the show to another level.....reminiscent of early BLACK. Until this point I'd interpreted THE END as Ed's "addiction" to music and touring.....but I now believe it's (perhaps obviously?) in reference to drug addiction.
HARD SUN was a great to see the set transforming into the beach-theme - not so cool that Ed's guitar chunked it and he got pi$$ed off with tech - but that's why we love live shows. The girls were a definite highlight backing the chorus.
The chanting and calls for encore #3 went on for a good 10+ minutes, without any security trying to kick people out - which made a lot of people wonder if Ed would come back out. The show was wayyyy too short (in reference to Einsteins theory of relativity) for he played for just short of 2hrs.
I truly hope boots are released for his shows (were his NA solo shows booted?) for I want to relive these shows long into the future....
PS - Ed mentioned an exchange program between the US and Australia early on - stating that our PM was in the US, so they sent ED here. I'm sure we'd gladly make the swap permanent.
PPS - Don't get me wrong, I'm STOKED for the girl who got front row - but when you've got 10C tickets and you're about half a dozen rows from the BACK, and QPAC release some of their reserved promo tickets's just a tiiiiiiiny bit annoying. But that's part of the lottery!!
He threw his pick to girl front row centre after a few songs... I was so jealous! He was switching from pick to finger strumming, but can't remember which songs, sorry.
When tickets went on sale for 10c I made a conscious decision to buy 10c for Sat and pray they were good and try my luck at getting awesome seats for Thurs. It didn't end up like I wanted as because of the Qtix site crash I ended up with no tix for Thursday and (when released) no tix for Sunday!
However I let it go just being happy I got Sat 10c tix. I gained a Sunday ticket 3 weeks ago! My Last night ticket came by when I read the 10c forum yesterday afternoon after work that QPAC had released more tix. I literally had a heart attack when I got on and saw TWO FRONT ROW CENTRE TIX! I snapped them up before you could say 'Off He Goes'!
Ed was mesmerizing as everyone has been saying. He was talking about how he hates mosquitos and wished they would just take the blood and F off without the pain and stuff. And then when someone started clapping by themselves really loud he had a good chuckle and said something along the lines of clapping mosquitos.
He also asked one of the lab coats if he could get a towel or something as he didn't want to wipe his brow on his suit. (He had a navy blazer on at the beginning of the show but took it off a few songs in!) This huge white towel ended up being behind his setlist the whole time and he said that a hand towel would have been fine.
Don't know what was in the red mug but there was a white mug he also drank out of that was 'steaming' at the beginning of his set.
But otherwise... he threw his pick at me which was awesome. It can be put with the tambourine he handed me from the PJ tour 2 years ago! :oops:
Ed during PJ shows has a bottle of wine and another wine bottle filled with red Gatorade. I'm sure it was no different in the mugs. :P
I agree Fishy , there were a few who were yelling whilst he was talking. No dramas with people showing their enjoyment, but not at the expense of others listening to the artist.
Otherwise bloody brilliant show. Too many highlights to mention. Merch was pretty good. Ej and Cecelia were worth watching- great voices. Bring on Saturday night
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1995
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1998
*BEC, Brisbane, November 2006
*QSAC, Brisbane November 2009
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane March 10 and 12 2011
*Big Day Out, Gold Coast, 19 Jan 2014
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane, 22,23 & 25 Feb 2014
Show poster (2x tawny frogmouths in front of city skyline) is great. Looking forward to seeing the remaining show posters. The tour poster (Ed surfing) is fun, but not as impressive as the show poster.
Ed shook hands with some in the front row during the encore, then at the end of the show.
Ed looked really nervous when he came out, but got into the rhythm pretty quickly it seemed.
Can't wait for Saturday night!
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 14, 1998
Commodore Ballroom - May 11, 2000
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Feb 08 & 09, 2003
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 10 & 11, 2006
Eddie Vedder:
Brisbane QPAC Concert Hall - Mar 10 & 12, 2011
what were some of the funny things Ed so damn excited! I wish everyone at work would leave me alone so i can keep reading reviews!
Cheers Ed!!!
He was meant to be, but the seat was empty the whole night - yet his girlfriend or whoever he was with was still up there - I think he got lost!
I will say I'm damn glad he wasn't up front row because we were right behind where he was meant to be, and he has seriously huge hair!!
Still trying to come to terms with a sit-down PJ/EV show. :oops:
this tour is just going to get better and better....
Ed's voice was sensational, although I think it will warm up a bit more during the rest of the tour. So happy to hear Porch, but very disappointed he didn't do a do-over of No Ceiling. Although he rightly pointed out there were only 30 seconds left in the song anyway.
Loved him talking about how he's not a morning person, but now he has kids he has to get up a 6.30 every day- even when they're not around. That was cute.
The intro- when they played a Tuolumne recording, and forgot to press stop. Hard Sun started playing, and there was a scramble to stop it!
Anyways, until the actual Hard Sun he seemed to keep a bit of sense of humour about the fuck-ups, but the technical stuff during Hard Sun seemed to piss him off. And a big jump (well, not so big at the end) at the end to finish it off.
* Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
* Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
* Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
* EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011
Anyway was good just to be there. Driftin' & Sometimes were both great.
PJ - Auckland 2009; Alpine Valley1&2 2011; Man1, Am'dam1&2, Berlin1&2, Stockholm, Oslo & Copenhagen 2012; LA, Oakland, Portland, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle 2013; Auckland 2014, Auckland1&2 2024
EV - Canberra, Newcastle & Sydney 1&2 2011
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Agree anout the yelling out- don't these morons know that Ed plans the setlist for a reason. Porch was awesome, very happy you got that one. And Unthought Known was stunning..he sent shivers with gems and Rhinstones and then you will be no-one's RIVAL!!!
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1995
*BEC, Brisbane, March 1998
*BEC, Brisbane, November 2006
*QSAC, Brisbane November 2009
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane March 10 and 12 2011
*Big Day Out, Gold Coast, 19 Jan 2014
*EV Solo, QPAC, Brisbane, 22,23 & 25 Feb 2014
And I was gonna say I pity the fool who got stuck behind stockdale and his massive white man fro.
Ha! Your tax-dollars at wor right here! So you Sat.
* Perth Entertainment Centre - Mar 06, 1995
* Melbourne Park - Mar 02, 1998
* Brisbane QSAC- Nov 25, 2009
* EV Solo- QPAC- March 10, 12 and 13 2011
And his first "drink" (big red mug... maybe "red" is a clue to its contents?) lasted him a good while. I remember him going back for one refill.
He threw his pick to girl front row centre after a few songs... I was so jealous!
When he stuffed up "Trouble" he said, "that's what happens when you are really feeling the song" or something to that regard.
Show started a few minutes after 9pm and finished at about 10:45pm. Crowd waited/chanted/clapped a good 5 minutes before the final house lights came up. It made us all think he was considering a final encore. Would they have a curfew on the venue? 11pm maybe?
I'm really curious as to how different the setlist will be tomorrow night... ahh, the good wait.
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 14, 1998
Commodore Ballroom - May 11, 2000
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Feb 08 & 09, 2003
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 10 & 11, 2006
Eddie Vedder:
Brisbane QPAC Concert Hall - Mar 10 & 12, 2011
When tickets went on sale for 10c I made a conscious decision to buy 10c for Sat and pray they were good and try my luck at getting awesome seats for Thurs. It didn't end up like I wanted as because of the Qtix site crash I ended up with no tix for Thursday and (when released) no tix for Sunday!
However I let it go just being happy I got Sat 10c tix. I gained a Sunday ticket 3 weeks ago! My Last night ticket came by when I read the 10c forum yesterday afternoon after work that QPAC had released more tix. I literally had a heart attack when I got on and saw TWO FRONT ROW CENTRE TIX! I snapped them up before you could say 'Off He Goes'!
Ed was mesmerizing as everyone has been saying. He was talking about how he hates mosquitos and wished they would just take the blood and F off without the pain and stuff. And then when someone started clapping by themselves really loud he had a good chuckle and said something along the lines of clapping mosquitos.
He also asked one of the lab coats if he could get a towel or something as he didn't want to wipe his brow on his suit. (He had a navy blazer on at the beginning of the show but took it off a few songs in!) This huge white towel ended up being behind his setlist the whole time and he said that a hand towel would have been fine.
Don't know what was in the red mug but there was a white mug he also drank out of that was 'steaming' at the beginning of his set.
But otherwise... he threw his pick at me which was awesome. It can be put with the tambourine he handed me from the PJ tour 2 years ago! :oops:
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Feb 08, 2003
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 10, 2006
QSAC Stadium - Nov 25, 2009
Eddie Vedder - Mar 10&12&13, 2011
MEN Arena, Manchester, UK - Jun 20&21, 2012
Kansas City 5/3/2010
St. Louis 5/4/2010
St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo)
East Troy 9/3/2011
East Troy 9/4/2011
Wrigley Field 7/19/2013
Can't wait til i see him in Melbourne now.
Thanks to Majorclod for the ticket hook up - you're a legend
fade away...
I am at peace with my lust.....for Eddie.
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life....
Can't wait till Saturday.
also during thew encore what the hell was with the lab coat guy wearing that massive animal mask looking like he was out of 'Where the Wild Things Are' haha and all he did was sweep slowly from one side of the stage & back - was this Ed???
also very funny when the tape from hard sun started playing at the start of the show as tuolume finished. Ed later when Ed went to start it for hard sun, he knocked it with his guitar and had to call for help from a tech to fix it haha
Nice ending... how lucky with the tickets for last night.. well done!!..
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
The bogans in the crowd did go a bit overboard....hell show the man some RESPECT when he's talking. Save all the "yeeeeeeeeaaaaawww"s and what-not for the end of songs.
In all reality, the environment of the gig in regard to the venue dictated that it was to be a more subdued atmosphere (obviously) than a PJ gig - but it really was great to see the well-timed enthusiasm of the crowd and the energy we were sending up front.
How is it no one mentioned the THREE PLUS MINUTE STANDING OVATION BEFORE HE EVEN REACHED CENTRE STAGE. I can't say I've been to ANY event where there's a complete and on-going standing ovation for an artist who hasn't even been on stage 10 seconds. It was amazing!
I AM MINE was very powerful....
I shed a tear for MAN OF THE HOUR. One of my favourite songs which I missed out on after I gave up my Nov 7, 2006 ticket to see U2 in Brisbane.
Shed another tear for GUARANTEED as I'd dedicated that song to a friend I had found dead under his van that had rolled on him while drink driving.
As stated, UNTHOUGHT KNOWN sent shivers through my spine.....such a powerful rendition with the ever-changing dynamics of the song.
JUST BREATHE was a beautiful dedication....
ELDERLY WOMAN started out quite humourously, but as always had the power to entice the entire crowd to sing along with Ed.
I'd called (quietly) for LUKIN early in the show - not realising it was actually in Ed's solo repertoire! So that was a cool surprise when he pulled that out, shifting through the gears as the song progressed to its 140+bpm!
I was hoping it would lead into Not For You, but instead PORCH provided another highlight amongst highlights with a '92 Unplugged-esque (at least for me) solo in the middle of it.
I'd never heard GOLDEN STATE before, but it was as if EJ's voice was the female equivalent of EV's as their duet just rolled into one amazing harmony.
SOCIETY was beautiful - mainly because I relate to those lyrics entirely.
I've gotta admit - and don't crucify me here as I know it's against the trend - but BETTERMAN really didn't do it for me. I'll put that down more to my lack of appreciation than anything. The girl sitting right behind me who made the "....BEAUTIFUL...." call was well and truly justified - as anything Eddie creates deserves the highest praise. I'm sure there was a reason you could hear a pin drop during and after this song. Hopefully by the end of the tour I'll find that appreciation.
It was really sad to hear the story about MIKE STARR.....I was stupid enough to never immerse myself in AIC, but I can appreciate the emotion in the moment. To the moron who yelled out NIRVANA in the middle of Ed speaking - give yourself an uppercut.
NEEDLE AND THE DAMAGE DONE carried that emotion as Ed dedicated this song to Mike. It was a heart-wrenching rendition, and I was humbly honoured that Ed shared this moment with us.
The emotion of Mike and NEEDLE flowed over into THE END, taking the show to another level.....reminiscent of early BLACK. Until this point I'd interpreted THE END as Ed's "addiction" to music and touring.....but I now believe it's (perhaps obviously?) in reference to drug addiction.
HARD SUN was a great to see the set transforming into the beach-theme - not so cool that Ed's guitar chunked it and he got pi$$ed off with tech - but that's why we love live shows. The girls were a definite highlight backing the chorus.
The chanting and calls for encore #3 went on for a good 10+ minutes, without any security trying to kick people out - which made a lot of people wonder if Ed would come back out. The show was wayyyy too short (in reference to Einsteins theory of relativity) for he played for just short of 2hrs.
I truly hope boots are released for his shows (were his NA solo shows booted?) for I want to relive these shows long into the future....
PS - Ed mentioned an exchange program between the US and Australia early on - stating that our PM was in the US, so they sent ED here. I'm sure we'd gladly make the swap permanent.
PPS - Don't get me wrong, I'm STOKED for the girl who got front row - but when you've got 10C tickets and you're about half a dozen rows from the BACK, and QPAC release some of their reserved promo tickets's just a tiiiiiiiny bit annoying. But that's part of the lottery!!
Ed during PJ shows has a bottle of wine and another wine bottle filled with red Gatorade. I'm sure it was no different in the mugs. :P
8/15/92, 9/28/96, 8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/18/98, 8/3/00, 8/9/00, 8/10/00, 8/23/00, 8/25/00, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 6/18/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/1/04, 10/3/05, 6/19/08, 10/27/09, 10/31/09, 5/21/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/21/13
More to Come....