Band of Horses Setlists?

I saw PJ at the Garden in Boston on May 17th, 2010. Which was an AMAZING show, couldn't have asked for a better concert.
Band of Horses was a phenomenal opener, and I have since gotten very much into them... I was trying to find their setlist from that night. If anyone kept it, or knows where I can find it, I would be very grateful. I know that Eddie came on to do Act Together for one of their last songs (how could I forget!) but would love to know the rest of them.
Band of Horses was a phenomenal opener, and I have since gotten very much into them... I was trying to find their setlist from that night. If anyone kept it, or knows where I can find it, I would be very grateful. I know that Eddie came on to do Act Together for one of their last songs (how could I forget!) but would love to know the rest of them.
Post edited by Unknown User on
cool Page for setlists... maybe you´re lucky...
Wuhlheide, Berlin - June 30, 2010
Wuhlheide, Berlin - June 26, 2014
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