selling a few posters (05/06/09)

AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
edited February 2011 in Lost Dogs
i started buying posters in 05 with the idea i'd frame them and add to my collection with every show i went to, but that idea just never was able to materialize and here i am now with posters sitting in tubes, some for several years. because my landlord was foreclosed on, i'm moving in just over two weeks, to a much smaller residence. as a result, i can't bring as much with me, and some things need to go. so here i am, doing something i'm not terribly fond of having to do.

i'm not looking to make money, just to get rid of them. so there may be a deal here, i don't really know or care. i DO care that you assure me you will not flip these- i'm not selling them so you can make a profit, i'm hoping to be selling to people who want them and frequent this board.

while these were stored in tubes with care from the date of purchase, anyone interested should not assume these are totally mint. many were bought at shows without tubes, so there may be minor bends/creases from carrying/rolling/unrolling/etc. ones purchased from pj goods were removed once or twice to look at. so there exists the possibilty of minor flaws. i've looked them over enough to guarantee there are no tears or anything even remotely close to that; at worst any "defect" is minor. again, i'm hoping your purchase is because you want the poster and not to have a pristine copy you can make $50 on down the road, but if you buy and are dissatisfied, i will refund your money once i receive the poster back.

posters are $35 shipped, will sell the lot for $175 shipped, u.s. only please. would consider int'l if no other takers but would need to figure shipping. posters with * were bought at the show. posters with + were pj goods purchases.

winnipeg 05*
thunder bay 05*
kitchener 05+

camden II (philly) 06+
st. paul II 06* (man in a suit)
san diego 06*

chicago I 09* (not the gold one)
philadelphia iv (halloween) 09+

other things maybe of interest:
ten re-release litho $10 shipped

raveonettes/black angels minneapolis 10.26.09 Squad19 $20 shipped
89.3 The Current 5 Yr BRLSQ $15 shipped
Live Current Vol 3 BRLSQ $15 shipped
Bonnaroo 2005 232/800 Ripley $15 shipped

pms only please. will answer questions in thread, though.

2/28 edit: i've had a couple people pm me asking if i'd wait on them to get their paychecks and the like, but since i'm trying to unload these, i'm doing first-come-first-serve only for right now. not at all trying to be a dick or unhelpful, but i just don't want to sit on these and wait for people to be able to pay and then have to turn someone else down who could pay and get some of these off my hands. after next week, if i still have things left, i'll be more open to waiting.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • dwhite76dwhite76 Posts: 2,801
    I hope things go well for you and good luck with your sale. It seems this sale is comming from the heart. Good Luck :D
    Some words when spoken...Can't be taken back...
  • Which Chicago '09 poster? The Ament/Jordan or the fucked up harp beast thing?
  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
    the ament/michael richter one.
  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
    dwhite76 wrote:
    I hope things go well for you and good luck with your sale. It seems this sale is comming from the heart. Good Luck :D

    thanks. just wish i had done something with them, but framing the posters never really became a priority for me (always seemed to have more pressing things to put money down on) and i'd rather someone who has been looking for one of these get a chance to have one. no responses so far, so maybe everyone who wants one has one?
  • pjradiopjradio Posts: 6,704
    pm sent
  • pjradiopjradio Posts: 6,704
    PM #2 sent...thx!
  • PM Sent
  • PJ-CubsPJ-Cubs Posts: 3,328
    Which Chicago '09 poster? The Ament/Jordan or the fucked up harp beast thing?

    The "harp beast thing" is actually the Picasso statue in downtown Chicago. The real statue obviously does not shoot lasers. It is cool that the artist included a Chicago reference in the print.

    I know a lot of people hate that Chicago poster, but I had the Hoff frame mine and it looks incredible.
  • Ya, I knew what it was based from, but didnt know how to describe it...I was hoping it was that one!
  • PM sent
    2006/05/25 - Boston
    2008/06/30 - Mansfield
    2009/10/31 - Philadelphia
    2010/05/17 - Boston
    2011/06/15 - Providence (Eddie Vedder)
    2012/09/02 - Made in America
    2013/10/17 - Worcester
    2013/10/25 - Hartford
    2015/09/26 - Global Citizen Festival
    2016/08/05 - Fenway
    2016/08/07 - Fenway
  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
    this'll be the only bump i do but i'll be moved out by the end of the week so if you're interested in buying anything (which is most of what i put up- i guess everyone has these already), pm me.

    i've had a couple people pm me asking if i'd wait on them to get their paychecks and the like, but since i'm trying to unload these, i'm doing first-come-first-serve only for right now. not at all trying to be a dick or unhelpful, but i just don't want to sit on these and wait for people to be able to pay and then have to turn someone else down who could pay and get some of these off my hands sooner. after next week, if i still have things left, i'll be more open to waiting.
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