TenC Kicks Ass!

I don't care what any of the nay sayers say about TenC. They Rock. I bought the Gorge Box set last year in May 2007. I have listened to each disc like once accept the the last disc which is disc 7. I found a pressing error on the disc for track 13 yellow ledbetter. Well, I contacted them and explained and they said to send it to said address for a replacement disc. Now if that isn't cool then I don't know what hell is. THANK YOU TENC!!
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Keep on keeping on ten clubbers!
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
(This Post May Have Been Edited By AT&T)
I am not into ripping people off. I didn't buy it there.