Planet X in line for earth??

Been interested in this topic, or myth, or joke. I have heard the theories and the prophecies. I don't claim to believe or know either way. Really, how the hell would I know if a planet is going to slam into earth someday?
I did see the alleged coordinates for planet X on google space maps. Clear as day, there is a large cropped out rectangle where above mentioned planet is said to be. This may be a stupid topic, but I am curious to hear what you guys have heard about this. Anyone believe? Anyone have other info on this? Anyone care?
I only ask cause I love hearing what everyone shares on here.
I did see the alleged coordinates for planet X on google space maps. Clear as day, there is a large cropped out rectangle where above mentioned planet is said to be. This may be a stupid topic, but I am curious to hear what you guys have heard about this. Anyone believe? Anyone have other info on this? Anyone care?
I only ask cause I love hearing what everyone shares on here.
Who the f*ck goes around skinning cats~~Ed
It all comes down to changing your head~~John Lennon
MSG 6-24-08/MSG 5-21-10/Philly MIA 9-2-12/Chicago Wrigley Field 7-19-13/Brooklyn NY 1&2 10-2013/Philly 1&2 10-2013
It all comes down to changing your head~~John Lennon
MSG 6-24-08/MSG 5-21-10/Philly MIA 9-2-12/Chicago Wrigley Field 7-19-13/Brooklyn NY 1&2 10-2013/Philly 1&2 10-2013
Post edited by Unknown User on
At first, this mysterious planet was supposed to arrive in 2003 ... as we are still conversing in this forum, the theorist were obviously wrong. It then was somehow tied into 2012 and the end of the Mayan calender.
Some say it's 8 times the mass of earth. Others say it is a brown dwarf. I say it is the figment of peoples imaginations as there is no evidence and the math doesn't add up in the conspiracies presented. The people that support the theory claim a government conspiracy cover-up (which in this case every government / space agency / astronomy group in the WORLD would have to be in on it) or that space aliens contacted them to warn of the approaching doom.
You should be more worried about asteroids, Oprah, Bill Belichick, and Jersey Shore contributing to the end of civilization.
Turns out these vids are a bunch of idiots pointing their cameras directly at the sun...they then claim sun's reflection in the camera lens is another planet
Good entertainment, and a convenient catch-all explanation for our planet's mysteries, anyway
the planet on an ecliptical orbit that leaves our solar system for long times then returns putting our gravitaional feilds a shake, destroying civilisations
its what they mayan calender runs on and its due to return next year.
interesting theories but its a I will beleive it when I see it
but then earlier this year I remember hearing about a jovian mass in the ORT cloud
Jupiter is a jovian mass
The Ort cloud is where Pluto is, in our solar systems outer edges
is this jovian mass Niburu
run for your lives
Don't worry about it, you're not going to see it nor there's anything to see.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Never say never
Many religons speak of the great Destroyer.
Not that I beleive but who the Fark knows
Well there's a lot of things that we CAN say never, I know there's not and never will be a pink unicorn hidden on the dark side of the moon... or is it? :shock: nooo there's a lot of things that science is sure about and one of those is that we are save from the planet X
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
It all comes down to changing your head~~John Lennon
MSG 6-24-08/MSG 5-21-10/Philly MIA 9-2-12/Chicago Wrigley Field 7-19-13/Brooklyn NY 1&2 10-2013/Philly 1&2 10-2013
but after the PJ20 celebration :P
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
But... this sort of thing happened when the universe was young... say within 2 billion years of its existence. By now, there is much less chance that matter will "run into" each other because over billions of years the orbits would have collided by now.
The moon was caused by a collision with Nibiru, as was the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, when a collision obliterated another planet in that orbit (Planet X is one tough SOB). Ice age, atlantis, sumerians, myans, pyramids, and opposable thumbs? All thanks to Nibiru.
All you have to do to believe these explanations is accept that the sun's gravitational pull is great enough to keep something in a 4000 year eliptical orbit.....which speeds up close enough to earth that it is only visible for a short period of time before impact. If something this big was set to hit us in 2012, every rooftop astronomer in the world would have been blogging about it for years, even if NASA WAS covering it up.
That said, I think this would be a pretty damn cool way to go.
How close would a celestial body get to earth before it wiped us out? I'm guessing the friction between two such large objects would fry us long before impact? Would be pretty cool to watch a giant Jupiter-sized planet coming at us...
ah, the human ego is a wonderful thing...being the last generation of humans on earth before the judgment is a pretty heavy responsibility, you know...
Also, if this thing is on a huge eliptical orbit but at it's apogee comes this close to the sun and other interstellar planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth)... these planets would be affected by it's gravitational pull and would also have weird orbits that would throw us millions of miles closer and/or further from the sun every year, making life (as we know it) impossible because if tremendous temperature ranges.
It just doesn't add up, in any sense.
hahaha... I am NOT on top of my game today... I'm just now getting over the flu and haven't slept well for a freakin' week.
just one thing though... believing that a 4,000 year orbit is possible isn't out of line. Eris (a dwarf planet) has something like a 600 year orbit.
about 2am would be fine....I'll sleep right thru it, get up at 3am and get ready for work.
I find this stuff fascinating anyway...unreal how much thought has gone into this over the years. Look at how much info there is on this page alone: ... mat_2.html
So THAT is the meaning of life, the reason for our existence....frickin gold dust! i knew it!
I thought the origin of the moon was all but a theory? no one knows for sure how it happened, or am I wrong?
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Tide goes in, tide goes out.... never a miscommunication.
Why do we have this and Mars doesn't? ... re=related
Colbert's bit on this was hilarious....viacom pulled it from youtube tho (not going thru comedy central episodes to find it)
Bill O'Reily perplexes me. I don't watch his show but I've seen interviews and he appears to be an intelligent man but then he says things like this.
that's where I got my information as well. But it was another planet that collided with earth, or possibly a massive comet, that caused the creation of our Moon. If I remember correctly, which might not be too likely because this is my one free weekend per month and I've smoked copious amount of weed.