Amp suggestions? :)

hey guys! i have recently brought a Fender Strat American standard and at the moment i am playing it through a Marshall combo which sounds ok but i'm really looking to upgrade! I'm thinking i want to get an orange cab but im not sure what head i want to use. The type of tone im looking for is anything pearl jam preferably in their later years! Any help will be appreciated 

Post edited by Unknown User on
Mike also plays I believe a Fender bassman head into a Marshall Cabinet.
Pedal wise you can go with a Keeley modded TS-9 and Boss Blues Driver for their distortion tone. I can almost guarantee that all of their amps aren't stock either but these suggestions should get you close.
Here is Mike's most recent pedal setup.
Here is a picture of their latest stage setup:
8/15/92, 9/28/96, 8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/18/98, 8/3/00, 8/9/00, 8/10/00, 8/23/00, 8/25/00, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 6/18/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/1/04, 10/3/05, 6/19/08, 10/27/09, 10/31/09, 5/21/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/21/13
More to Come....
He also has a Savage Tube Combo Amp that didn't make it into the picture. There may even be a 4th, I'm not 100% sure. I'm sure someone can get a stone 2010 tour picture with everything behind him.
8/15/92, 9/28/96, 8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/18/98, 8/3/00, 8/9/00, 8/10/00, 8/23/00, 8/25/00, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 6/18/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/1/04, 10/3/05, 6/19/08, 10/27/09, 10/31/09, 5/21/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/21/13
More to Come....
Though I had unlimited funds, a Fender Twin for cleans then something like a Fuchs for OD.
Hopefully that's $800 to $1000, and not 8 to 10 g's.
Assuming that is not a typo, that sounds like a day of exceptionally great fun at the shop! I'm truly happy for you but still a little envious of you. I guess most amps in that pricerange sound very good from a technical standpoint if that makes sense. In this case it might be more of a matter of personal taste. Just try out as much stuff as you can and take what suits you best.
No way!!! I'd like to see that gear haul.
No kidding....Some people have it all. I love finding the classified where guys like that are unloading stuff, just to buy more all over again.
That would be the description for one of my good friends. But now he is at the point where he is building his own amps. Than sells them to pay for the next one he wants to try. etc...
Of course he does sell and buy effects left and right as soon as he gets bored of them.
the law of dimishing returns, much like acoustic guitars, says after a certain point, it's all unicorns and sparkles. (says the guy who collects guitars and builds amps :roll: )
honestly, in this budget range, 99% of us haven't even played these things let alone owned them. get thee to the gear page!!
perhaps not an entirely accurate parallel but still....
i know i wouldn't be able to hear the differences between a 3K amp and a 7K amp (assuming they're the same circuit topology but with different capacitors and one was built by a hobbit or something) but some people can. i also don't have the skill to wring out those differences.
i totally believe the (actual talented) guys that play two rocks do so because they can hear those incremental differences.... hell, neil young can hear voltage differences.
Hopefully some day!
it absolutely does.
so once one has the skill to wring good tone from a string nailed to a board plugged into a gorilla amp, that 10% becomes a valid discussion. those incremental differences then become a reasonable discussion.
i would also argue that for 90% of people worrying about the capacitors in their guitar's tone control, it's a moot point because they wouldn't be able to hear the difference anyway.
but in reality, everyone should just be writing songs and woodshedding instead...
Agreed! I once thought that the more money I spend on an amp, guitar, etc. the better I would sound. All it did was verify that I still suck and now have to work harder at playing better to justify spending this kind of cash! :?
I totally agree in all that 90% of a players tone is the players hand themselves.
I'm the type of player where I'm messing with the amp settings non stop and am still not happy with what I'm coming up with. But have friends that plug into the same set up unchanged and it sounds absolutely perfect.
This is why guitar rig wise I'm stripping down to the bare minimum amp wise to record. The majority of the time I"m playing through one of two five watt amps that only have a volume knob. The most I'll do is change the speaker cabinet they are running through.
Or as Rich Robinson says... "I don't know why everyone spends so much time on this computer stuff. Plug the damn thing into a fender and it'll sound good".
i agree on both counts. ... 286642.jpg
Sprint Center - May 03, 2010; Alpine Valley - Sept 3, 2011