Speaker/Tube Recommendations?

Ok, so I bit the bullet and found a nice used HRD this week. Sounds pretty good considering that the speaker and tubes are stock.
First thing I want to do is replace the preamp tubes. I've got Sovteks in my Classic 50, they seem to be pretty good. From what I have seen on the internet, the Tung Sol, Electro-Harmonix, and Svetlana 12AX7s seem to get better reviews.
I am also looking to replace the stock 12" speaker. I've seen a bunch of folks on here recommending the Celestion Vintage 30 as a top notch replacement speaker, but whoa, $140-150 for a speaker may be a little much! Especially considering I was able to get the amp for around $399. Would spending that dough really bump the resale price up that much? While I really like the V30 sound, I don't necessarily like the price tag. Any recommendations on a speaker with the V30 quality/tone at a more reasonable price? I've never shopped for a replacement guitar speaker, in fact, I have only shopped for 1 bass speaker for my Trace Elliot combo, and that was 15 years ago!
Any input?
First thing I want to do is replace the preamp tubes. I've got Sovteks in my Classic 50, they seem to be pretty good. From what I have seen on the internet, the Tung Sol, Electro-Harmonix, and Svetlana 12AX7s seem to get better reviews.
I am also looking to replace the stock 12" speaker. I've seen a bunch of folks on here recommending the Celestion Vintage 30 as a top notch replacement speaker, but whoa, $140-150 for a speaker may be a little much! Especially considering I was able to get the amp for around $399. Would spending that dough really bump the resale price up that much? While I really like the V30 sound, I don't necessarily like the price tag. Any recommendations on a speaker with the V30 quality/tone at a more reasonable price? I've never shopped for a replacement guitar speaker, in fact, I have only shopped for 1 bass speaker for my Trace Elliot combo, and that was 15 years ago!
Any input?
"Then the Spirit of God hovered over the water, and God said, Let there be music, and there was Pearl Jam."
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
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I put a Green Beret and a Reaper 55Hz in my Marshall combo...They sound great for about half the price as their Celestion counterparts.
Great to deal with too. I opted for fast shipping, but he informed me they would get to me in a day anyway.
It's definitely not a quiet amp. It's plenty loud to play with most bands, and if you add the extension speaker, it's a nice little mini-stack. The nice thing is, unless you decide to join a metal band, that amp should be big enough to keep up with any band you might join.
As for the speaker, if you want the V30 sorta vibe without the price, I'd probably recommend the Eminence Governor. But they have a ton of speakers with different flavors, so if you feel like diving into some research: http://www.eminence.com The Patriot series emulates classic US-made speakers and vibes, and the Red Coat emulates British sounds. The Patriot Texas Heat is worth checking out, as is the Red Coat Private Jack.
They don't list the price for a V30. But they list the price for their Hellatone 60 which is a vintage 30 that they break in for you and that's only $99.
Avatar is a good bunch of guys, easy to work with. Great stuff.
There is always the Weber route. www.tedweber.com great quality. the descriptions have always been extremely close.
Definitely go with the V30. You bought a $699 amp for $399 and if you upgrade it with a V30 and better tubes you just made the value go back up to the $699 value and maybe more. Obviously, I don't know your finances but you don't have to do it right away either. Put any extra cash you have in a jar with change and don't touch it. You'd be surprised how much spending money you save that way.
8/15/92, 9/28/96, 8/28/98, 8/29/98, 9/18/98, 8/3/00, 8/9/00, 8/10/00, 8/23/00, 8/25/00, 9/1/00, 9/2/00, 4/28/03, 6/18/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 10/1/04, 10/3/05, 6/19/08, 10/27/09, 10/31/09, 5/21/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/21/13
More to Come....
Celestion 12" Guitar Speakers
Vintage 30 - $99 each, $189 pair 8 or 16 ohm
G12H30 - $99 each, $189 pair 8 or 16 ohm
Greenback - $99 each, $189 pair 8 or 16 ohm
Classic Lead 80 - $99 each, $189 pair 8 or 16 ohm
T75 - $99 each, $189 pair 8 or 16 ohm
T100 - $69 each, $119 pair 8 or 16 ohm- 4 ohm special below
K100 - $99 each, $189 pair 8 or 16 ohm
Hellatone 12" - Your favorite Celestion speakers, already broken in for you.
Hellatone 30 - $99 each, $189 pair (G12H30) 8 or 16 ohm
Hellatone 60 - $99 each, $189 pair (Vintage 30)8 or 16 ohm
Heritage Speakers 12" - Made in England
Heritage M - $145 each, $285 pair 8 ohm in stock
Heritage H - $159 each, $300 pair 15 ohm in stock
Heritage 1265 - $159 each, $300 pair 8 ohm, 15 ohm in stock
Alnico Speakers 12"- Made in England
Alnico Blue - $239 each, $475 pair 8 or 15 ohm
Alnico Gold - $259 each, $495 pair 8 or 15 ohm
Celestion 10" Guitar Speakers
G10 Vintage - $69 each, $109 pair (16 ohm only)
G10 Greenback - $95 each, $169 pair, Made in England 8 or 16 ohm
G10 Alnico Gold - $177 each, $350 pair , Made in England 8 or 16 ohm
Celestion Overstock Specials
CELESTION 10 inch Bass Speaker TF 1020 - Heavy Duty drop in replacement for most bass cabs. Available in 8 and 16 ohm. 200 watts 2 inch high temp vented voice coil. big 42 oz magnet. Special purchase from Celestion Factory.
Tons of PUNCH Only $19.99 each any quantity.
Click here for specs. http://www.avatarspeakers.com/TF1020%20Specs.htm
CELESTION G10C30 - Big Sound from these Celestion 10's. These Custom Celesitons were the stock 10's in a well know companies GH410 cab which sounded great and got great reviews online. Good GH410 guitar caninet to see. All are 16 ohm speakers. (16 ohm only)
One $19 + $12 shipping Two $35 +$15 shipping..Four $59 +$19 shipping
T100 - 12 inch guitar speaker. 100 watts. AKA 'Hot 100' Big clear tone with extra bass in the bottom end. Great for all kinds of styles of music especially hard rock and drop tune. (4 ohm only)
One $59 + $15 shipping, Two $99+$25 shipping, Four $179 + $35 shipping..we do have 8 ohm and 16 ohm versions in stock ..add 10 dollars each for 8 or 16 ohm speakers...
G12-P 80 aka 7080 - 12 inch guitar speaker. 80 watts. Fantastic high capacity speaker with smooth mids and highs.
(8 ohm only)
One $39 + $15 shipping, Two $69 +25 shipping, Four $129 +$35 shipping
Shipping Prices
(Unless otherwise stated)
Single Speaker - $15
Double Speaker - $25
Four Pack - $35
(208) 762-5251
Yeah, this is in line with what he sent me earlier today. Although I didn't get the whole list, just the V30. He also mentioned that Celestion is raising their prices 7% pretty soon. I may get that V30 after all!
Thanks for the link!
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
I kinda like the idea of keeping my $$ in the good ol US of A, an added plus is that the company is in Indiana (my home for my first 30 yrs!)
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
I can tell you that the Weber California (ceramic w/ paper dome) is probably my favorite speaker ever. It's sort of a JBL clone, great cleans but not quite as good with distortion. I like the overdrive character it has, but it's definitely not for everyone.
Seriously, Weber makes good stuff. I'm a repeat customer.
Repeat customers and word of mouth are the best advertising a company can have. Just when I thought I had decided on one of those V30's from Avatar, I had to go and check out Weber. Really liking the vibe from one of those 12F150's and they seem to be a popular replacement for the stock HRDlx speaker from what I have seen on the internet.
Pre-amp tubes have already been replaced. Instead of running 3 12AX7 in the preamp section, I ended up putting in a matched Svetlana 12AX7 in V3, a Tung-Sol 12AX7 in V2, and a Sovtek 5751 in V1. So far, so good, I like the sound a little better. Probably didn't really change all that much, but dammit, to me it sounds better (even if it's only in my head!).
I'm probably going to be going with JJs for the power tubes, but I'm gonna wait til I can take it to a tech to get it biased at the same time. I don't feel like getting the shit shocked out of me! :shock:
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?