GOP senator favors cutting US aid to Israel
Jason P
Posts: 19,158
I figure the heads of several members of this board just exploded ....
WASHINGTON – Tea party-backed Republican Sen. Rand Paul favors cutting U.S. aid to Israel as part of a deficit-driven effort to slash government spending by $500 billion this year, drawing criticism from Democrats and Republicans who argue the U.S. must be unwavering in its support for the longtime Mideast ally.
The freshman Kentucky lawmaker unveiled his budget proposal this week that would make significant cuts in education, housing and energy while reducing money for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq by $16 billion. Paul's plan also would cut some $20 billion in overseas aid, and he said he wants to eliminate the $3 billion the United States provides to Israel annually in foreign military assistance.
"The overwhelming majority of Americans agree with Senator Paul — our current fiscal crisis makes it impossible to continue the spending policies of the past," Paul spokesman Gary Howard said in a statement responding to the criticism. "We simply cannot afford to give money away, even to our allies, with so much debt mounting on a daily basis."
-Cont. on link
WASHINGTON – Tea party-backed Republican Sen. Rand Paul favors cutting U.S. aid to Israel as part of a deficit-driven effort to slash government spending by $500 billion this year, drawing criticism from Democrats and Republicans who argue the U.S. must be unwavering in its support for the longtime Mideast ally.
The freshman Kentucky lawmaker unveiled his budget proposal this week that would make significant cuts in education, housing and energy while reducing money for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq by $16 billion. Paul's plan also would cut some $20 billion in overseas aid, and he said he wants to eliminate the $3 billion the United States provides to Israel annually in foreign military assistance.
"The overwhelming majority of Americans agree with Senator Paul — our current fiscal crisis makes it impossible to continue the spending policies of the past," Paul spokesman Gary Howard said in a statement responding to the criticism. "We simply cannot afford to give money away, even to our allies, with so much debt mounting on a daily basis."
-Cont. on link
Be Excellent To Each Other
Party On, Dudes!
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I'd like to see one of you that is against Israel (every israel thread is full of you) comment on this.
Are you suggesting that this one intelligent act by Rand Paul legitimizes everything the Tea Party stands for?
I have been saying this for the past 30 years or so. Part of the reason why we are so hated in the Arab region is because of our unwavering support of Israel... even when Israel should be condemned for some of the shit they pull.
I'm not saying go anti-Israel... I'm saying take a non-biased, objective view of actions and events in the Middle East. Call out both Israeli and Arab aggression whenever it occurs, instead of defaulting to Israel's side every single time.
Hail, Hail!!!
I would love to know what you think the tea party stands for
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
The Tea Party stands for many things, most of them based on knee-jerk reactionism to the policies of Obama, and which feed on fear and the gullibility and ignorance of the public.
Mostly just a bunch of yahoo's using misinformation and paranoia to whip up support for their circus.
I thought that the TEA Party stood for Taxed Enough Already. They came into being right after Obama raised taxes on the lower and middle class. You know, after Bigfoot opened a restaurant in Eugene, Oregon, and after Dracula appeared on Jeopardy.
Don't you dare touch my Medicare... you socialist, commies.
Hail, Hail!!!
do you like the 360 degree views in your glass house?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I don't use misinformation and fear to gain support. I'm also not allied to any politician or party. So your lame comment is just hot air.
no but you sure do constantly bash people for generalizing and taking the medias reports as truth...sure seems like that is what you are doing here.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
nothing quite like having it completely wrong.
keep underestimating them, keep trying to make them all seem like crazy fools. Oh i get it, you don't want masses of people getting involved in government unless they agree with you. millions of people finally wake up and realize the feds aren't the answer to all of life's ills and you people talk about them with half truths and deliberate lies. I love it.
Are they perfect ... no not at all, are there factions of the TEA party movement that are idiots...absolutely,
but please tell me what is wrong with the idea that uncle sam takes too much money?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
They don't care about spending, it's because the money might help people in this country rather than blowing up a middle eastern hut instead!! How can they talk about hand outs for people, when the ultra rich in this country are just as guilty as pandering.... And all the oil companies that are Not paying taxes...... Cry to them.
read this and tell me they didn't exist prior to jan of 2009
looks like they were for some stuff you would agree with...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
They may have existed, but I didn't see Fox News (who, lets face it, might be the most powerful news organization in the states) reporting/encouraging them like they do now.
And that's the Tea Party's fault how?
Though, in my opinion Fox News reporting/encouraging them like they do now isn't necessarily a good thing.
Adopted in Convention, May 27, 2010
1. End the Wars of Aggression: The U.S. should withdraw all forces from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, South Korea, Germany, Japan, and all other occupied nations.
2. End the Fed: The U.S. Congress should audit the Fed, allow for competition of currencies, repeal the income tax, abolish the IRS, and refuse any further 'bailouts' of corporations in any industry. Furthermore, all federal regulations covering every aspect of the private economy, including those individuals who seek self-employment, should be repealed across the board. All FICA and withholding taxes levied on employers and employees should be eliminated entirely.
3. End the War on Drugs: The federal government should repeal all laws against the use and trade of "controlled substances." The states and local communities should also permit people to freely choose what substances they wish to consume without government intervention.
4. End the Abuses of Liberty: Congress should repeal the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act & FISA Acts and abolish the NSA, TSA, CIA and any other federal agency that infringes on individual rights. Congress should review and revoke the emergency powers granted to the President in response to the September 11th terrorist attacks. The U.S. should restore privacy by forbidding warrant-less wiretapping of phone and internet communication. The U.S. must restore habeas corpus, allowing all detainees, foreign and domestic, a speedy and public trial. No physical or environmental discomfort should be used to influence the interrogation of suspects for any crime. The U.S. government must respect the rights of all people, regardless of place of birth, status of citizenship, or suspicion of criminality.
5. End the Immigration Fiasco: Rather than suddenly decide to enforce long-ignored immigration laws, the U.S. should open the borders to trade and travel. We should loosen restrictions on citizens and visitors alike, allowing people of many backgrounds and cultures to coexist in a society of social and economic freedom and prosperity. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol agencies at all levels of government should be abolished and dismantled immediately."Taken from
The TEA Party of today - the one that is presented to the docile masses through the media outlets has said absolutely nothing about Points 1,3,4. This is the fault of the media and the politicians in D.C. who have coopted the movement in order to further their own agendas (and to get re-elected).
Once things are commodified, and this could be applied to anything, they get watered-down (dumbed-down) for the masses and their are forced into a narrow space of an/the overarching narrative.
What is found on this website is a logical, intelligent collection of points; however, and sadly, this is not the TEA Party of today. I have been to meetings, and I see no signs of intelligence; furthermore, it seems to me, form what I have seen, that Points 1,3,4 have been abandoned.
well, how is that their fault? I pointed out that Crojam, who is not alone by the way, was wrong in his assumption that they just appeared after a Black president was is annoying. Are there racists who would support the tea party movement...yep, are there racist republicans...yep, are there racist democrats, yep...I am just so sick of the TEA party movement being labeled as racist when there is nothing that indicates they hate any race on a level any different than either of the two political parties that matter in the states. Get over it. The tea party reflects the times....Government has gotten too big for its britches and that includes ALL kinds of reckless spending.
Saying these things about the tea party supporters are just like saying democrats wanted to lose the war in Iraq, or that democrats are all lazy idiots who don't want to work for a living...sure there might be some, but that doesn't represent the entire group...please remove head from ass and start understanding that things like auditing the fed, stopping our damaging foreign policy, lowering taxes on ALL Americans at the federal level, all of those things are good for everyone...why on earth is it met with such hatred and, dare I say it, fear?
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
understandable, I hate that it has been portrayed as a group of mindless idiots, but that is with everything, you can either take it as what is reported or learn about it. I would disagree with your assessment that there is no intelligence at tea party group meetings/conventions. Remember, this isn't an organized cartel like the DNC and RNC, these are separate groups. They all have their own agendas, but one thing they all agree on is the spending is out of control and has been for some time...not just 2009 to now. I just hate the idea that people who disagree with the positions start the name calling and trying to make the "members" out to be morons, they are simply everyday Americans who are sick of the status quo...(I get the obvious joke in that last sentence)... politicians from all sides have run this country into the ground acting like it is the job of the federal government to take care of the world and all its problems, it is about time people start saying enough. they may disagree with you, but thank god they are getting involved...the more people who get involved the will be better for everyone in the end.
Basically anyone who agrees with these 5 points should vote just move to the libertarian side of is so much better to not care about what anyone else does.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
I wonder what the members of the Boston movement (the recent one, not the one from 1773), think of the current Bachman, Palin, Rand led movement. There are differences. I wonder if they would sound like Goldwater, FMr. Rep. Sen William Cohen, Fmr. Sen. Dave Durenberger, R-Minn, and others, when they criticize the New Republican Party in D.C. today.
I wonder
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
How exactly are we racist?
Oh and this local chapter does not endorse Palin. In fact I've called out the new Rep myself for not manning up and answering questions after he was elected and after receiving the endorsement. It seems he is now ignoring the TEA Party, which I will be sure to remind everyone when he comes up for election.