It would be funny if it wasn't so sad

I've mentioned this a few times, so sorry for repeating, but it is something I am incredibly confused about. I had posted a number of times in the guns and bullets thread and what amazed me, to say the least, were the arguments against tighter regulations - "takes away our freedoms, wouldn't trust the government to run it effectivly, another example of government trying to control our rights" etc etc etc...
I have found myself reading through a few of these threads, recently, and was very shocked to see something. When talking about what should be done about channels that air programs aimed at our children, or how food stamps can be administered, or profiling in Arizona etc... these same people (you know who you are) instead of saying - NOOOOOOOO!!!! that infringes on the rights of Americans, or GET OUT, stop trying to run my life government - Jefferson said you're not allowed to - these people are all for such restrictions.
Suddenly the constitution doesn't seem something to be quoted from, or personal freedoms don't need to be defended, or the words of Jefferson, Washington and Schwarzenegger aren't recitied ver batem. Why the sudden change, why the lack or consistency??
It looks to me that it is less about your rights or freedoms - as you would be preaching, and more about that selfish attitude that we can all be a slave to. I mean the threads and threads about illegal immigration, which is really just a guise for bashing Mexcans - who ironically enough were the first people of that area before the war, and who are more "American" than any white person on that continent will ever be, but sadly I fear that logic will be lost on most that espouse these attitudes.
I am lost for words at times when some of you become so hypocritical, I really am, it is so plain to see that it becomes funny, if for it not being real.
If you defended personal freedoms they way you have defended the lax laws that have led to the loss of an incredible amount of children's lives, I think that perphaps as a nation you could claim to be the moral beacon of the world. Unfortunatly I don't believe that will happen, and that you are more than happy to roll around in the muck of moral vomit with the very peple you espouse to be better than.
But hey, I'm just a thick foreigner, what the hell do I know. Rant over
I have found myself reading through a few of these threads, recently, and was very shocked to see something. When talking about what should be done about channels that air programs aimed at our children, or how food stamps can be administered, or profiling in Arizona etc... these same people (you know who you are) instead of saying - NOOOOOOOO!!!! that infringes on the rights of Americans, or GET OUT, stop trying to run my life government - Jefferson said you're not allowed to - these people are all for such restrictions.
Suddenly the constitution doesn't seem something to be quoted from, or personal freedoms don't need to be defended, or the words of Jefferson, Washington and Schwarzenegger aren't recitied ver batem. Why the sudden change, why the lack or consistency??
It looks to me that it is less about your rights or freedoms - as you would be preaching, and more about that selfish attitude that we can all be a slave to. I mean the threads and threads about illegal immigration, which is really just a guise for bashing Mexcans - who ironically enough were the first people of that area before the war, and who are more "American" than any white person on that continent will ever be, but sadly I fear that logic will be lost on most that espouse these attitudes.
I am lost for words at times when some of you become so hypocritical, I really am, it is so plain to see that it becomes funny, if for it not being real.
If you defended personal freedoms they way you have defended the lax laws that have led to the loss of an incredible amount of children's lives, I think that perphaps as a nation you could claim to be the moral beacon of the world. Unfortunatly I don't believe that will happen, and that you are more than happy to roll around in the muck of moral vomit with the very peple you espouse to be better than.
But hey, I'm just a thick foreigner, what the hell do I know. Rant over
Post edited by Unknown User on
And I admit, as I am very opinionated on many things, I find it helps to sometimes step away and imagine myslef outside of humanity.
Look at the bigger picture.
Try to think opposite before making a final conclusion.
Do things for the better of a bigger picture, not just for oneself.
Or I like Eyedclaars ideas.. I just wanna go live with bears and stuff.
It's ok. Apology accepted.
or as I like to say: "it's a dog eat dog world and sometimes ya gotta wear yer milk-bone underwear"
they are good people, but it needs to stop at some point.
Perhaps that's how you rationalise it, I personally find it repugnant,- the viciousness retoric some will resort to when defending their own rights, while at the same time advocating the restrictions of rights of others. To an outside observer, it looks like madness, the fear that has gripped that nation is incredible.
I do recall you saying though that the actions of a few should not warrant tighter restrictions for all, granted we were talking about gun control, however this is the point that I am making - Do you still stand by that statement?
I do recall you saying though that the actions of a few should not warrant tighter restrictions for all, granted we were talking about gun control, however this is the point that I am making - Do you still stand by that statement?[/quote]
Right I did say that, and i stand by it, the issue with welfare is that everybody on the program is being supported by everybody else money. If you can't take care of your self or family and are being suppored by everybody else money, you should do as they test/administer. If you don't like it, well there is another option of TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN LIFE. Its similar to having a child (dependant) you make life decisions for them because you are taking care of them.
I am training my bears to keep and bare arms. Soon we will take over the world... and on that day we will dance. Oh, yes we will.
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is it really possible to be as strict in our adherence to personal freedom as you suggest? should i be free to kill another? should i be free to drink and drive? should i be free to have sex with whoever i want regardless of what they want? and your response will be "that's different because it infringes on the rights personal freedom of another," but that's where the debate comes in for each issue. some are arguing that the right to own a gun infringes on the personal freedom of another as people get killed, some disagree. some argue that drug testing for financial assistance infringes on the personal freedom of another, some disagree.
i'm not sure we're hypocritical, just in constant state of trying to figure out where the line is.
at least that's how i see it.
as a side note i'd like to point out that not all arguments against amnesty (which is the real issue) are about "bashing mexicans." this is a very gray area issue for me, but i know that there are some who are against amnesty, not to bash mexicans but because they have some very valid concerns. to be sure there are those that use the issue to disguise their bigotry, but there are also people on both sides of the issue with thoughtful rationale.
i'm not sure if i should laugh or not!
OH MY GOD. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY SAID THAT. Do you actually believe that we should be allowed to take away personal CONSTITUTIONAL freedoms of those less-fortunate than us? That's the type of society you wish to live in? I certainl hope you are never down on your luck, and actually have to "take responsibility" for yourself. :roll:
I take it you've never helped out an old lady across the street unless you got something in return?
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I am speechless. I just can't imagine the thought process a brain goes through to come to these types of conclusions.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I truly love completey condescending posts with over-generalizations that really do nothing to further debate.
sure seems like you just wanted to post about how you think you are better than conservatives.
See i can generalize things about your beliefs too, it sure doesn't mean any of what I wrote about you is true, but it sure is an asshole thing to do.
rant over
Not wanting illegal immigrants in a country doesn't mean I hate them, wanting people to be here legally...
Let me ask you, you say you are a foreigner, where are you from, does your country have birth right citizenship? I am not going to assume yes or no, but I think we are in the minority when it comes to that process and that is a costly one.
it isn't hypocritical to ask people who are on the government payroll to drug test, so why should it be hypocritical to ask people who are on assistance by the same government to follow the same rules?
Explain to me the hypocrisy there?
Personally I think drugs should be legal, but it certainly isn't a violation of anyone's rights to freely enter into a program knowing the stipulations of said program.
And as far as the gun control points you make, why is it that if I want people to have freedom to own weapons I am automatically responsible for the deaths of countless children? That is what I read, I hope I am wrong, I hope it is not what you meant. Accountability does not extend to responsible Americans who may or may not own weapons.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
keep with the personal attacks, you're doing fine.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014