some great poetry on here imo.

here are a few,
by Half Full » 17 Oct 2010 21:00
All is not lost
for shaking passion
Dew mornings promenade
they wait
they drip promised deliveries to winds
hoping these wings
so beautiful
carry warmth once buried
Laughter to love
or signs of peace
Settle that in swinging
I'll see you to set the sun
summer the porch
summer the rain
bent arms, recline, relax
home is
this time
by lettinggo » 21 Sep 2010 12:02
i finally settled in
i felt some small peace in knowing
as i gently stroked your hair
i felt those 21 grams
quietly leave you
this time
i'm letting you slip away
we laughed at death
many times over
how mighty we were
mighty fooled
we challenged the roads
and the elements
we taunted fate
we grabbed onto love
fevered and fierce
i believe that old sage who said it is
better to have loved and lost
than to have never known your love
you have been summoned
i am still uncertain as to where
maybe we will meet
on that other side
of legend and lore
this time
i'm letting you slip away
i'm letting you slip away
it goes - like this
by acrossOceans » 13 Sep 2010 10:37
I see
and I can make it still
it’s alright seeing
them together
like this
so I can feel
apart like this
I have made it
like this
why have I made him
…like this?
he appears to have learnt
it’s not gonna get any better
than this
that it’s better like this
that this sadness could be
… happiness
on another plain
that the emptiness can get
…too much
so that what’s empty
always remains
I have made him
…like this
and she sees
there’s something in him
but in him
there’s something missing
and she sees
that everything
is not him
I could have made things
a little different
for he knows
that he cannot
…escape this feeling
for he knows
I’ve made him
like this
the fucker’s not fighting
not anymore
for he has
run so far away
that he has run
…away from himself
but he stays
… by her side … still
listening to a story
she tells
and if she asks
he’ll stay ..
far away
from himself
with her forever
… and still
for being you
by chadwick » 28 Aug 2010 16:16
for being you
you are for being
you are wheat dancing
this is how your hair moves
when we ride
we sailbeam
i just sit back
sun closing its eyes
and you
you rotate constellations off the mast,
flags, and broadcasting tower
and me
i can not
but your simple beauty
by the wolf » 28 Aug 2010 10:05
who was I kidding?
this was never meant for me
a few simple twists of fate
has led me to this place
or so it would seem
what good is time,
when its time spent alone?
yesterday I was young,
today I am old
this beautiful place
may not be so beautiful
after all
you raised me up
then let me fall
what good is light,
when it shines only on ugliness?
what good is warmth,
when you leave me so cold?
what good is love,
when its never really forever?
what good are friends,
when they leave you behind?
what good are prayers,
when they go unheard?
what good is life,
when there's nothing worth living for?
who was I trying to fool,
you or me?
and so many more, I was just skimmimg through the old stuff this morning and found some really great stuff you all have posted.
by Half Full » 17 Oct 2010 21:00
All is not lost
for shaking passion
Dew mornings promenade
they wait
they drip promised deliveries to winds
hoping these wings
so beautiful
carry warmth once buried
Laughter to love
or signs of peace
Settle that in swinging
I'll see you to set the sun
summer the porch
summer the rain
bent arms, recline, relax
home is
this time
by lettinggo » 21 Sep 2010 12:02
i finally settled in
i felt some small peace in knowing
as i gently stroked your hair
i felt those 21 grams
quietly leave you
this time
i'm letting you slip away
we laughed at death
many times over
how mighty we were
mighty fooled
we challenged the roads
and the elements
we taunted fate
we grabbed onto love
fevered and fierce
i believe that old sage who said it is
better to have loved and lost
than to have never known your love
you have been summoned
i am still uncertain as to where
maybe we will meet
on that other side
of legend and lore
this time
i'm letting you slip away
i'm letting you slip away
it goes - like this
by acrossOceans » 13 Sep 2010 10:37
I see
and I can make it still
it’s alright seeing
them together
like this
so I can feel
apart like this
I have made it
like this
why have I made him
…like this?
he appears to have learnt
it’s not gonna get any better
than this
that it’s better like this
that this sadness could be
… happiness
on another plain
that the emptiness can get
…too much
so that what’s empty
always remains
I have made him
…like this
and she sees
there’s something in him
but in him
there’s something missing
and she sees
that everything
is not him
I could have made things
a little different
for he knows
that he cannot
…escape this feeling
for he knows
I’ve made him
like this
the fucker’s not fighting
not anymore
for he has
run so far away
that he has run
…away from himself
but he stays
… by her side … still
listening to a story
she tells
and if she asks
he’ll stay ..
far away
from himself
with her forever
… and still
for being you
by chadwick » 28 Aug 2010 16:16
for being you
you are for being
you are wheat dancing
this is how your hair moves
when we ride
we sailbeam
i just sit back
sun closing its eyes
and you
you rotate constellations off the mast,
flags, and broadcasting tower
and me
i can not
but your simple beauty
by the wolf » 28 Aug 2010 10:05
who was I kidding?
this was never meant for me
a few simple twists of fate
has led me to this place
or so it would seem
what good is time,
when its time spent alone?
yesterday I was young,
today I am old
this beautiful place
may not be so beautiful
after all
you raised me up
then let me fall
what good is light,
when it shines only on ugliness?
what good is warmth,
when you leave me so cold?
what good is love,
when its never really forever?
what good are friends,
when they leave you behind?
what good are prayers,
when they go unheard?
what good is life,
when there's nothing worth living for?
who was I trying to fool,
you or me?
and so many more, I was just skimmimg through the old stuff this morning and found some really great stuff you all have posted.
Post edited by Unknown User on
moreso than I have ever been able to find in any other poetry forum.
there are some great writers here for sure,... and you are among them. I can't count how many times I've read a poem here and have been inspired.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
by pandora » 12 May 2010 05:34
"I don't know" he whispers softly into his pillow
his pillow that has laid next to mine all this time.
He is talking in his sleep again,
even worried there.
I reach out to lay my hand on him
hoping my movement will be the answer he seeks in his dream.
He rolls over and sighs his hand comes to rest on my leg.
My hand instinctively moves to cover his there in the dark, remembering.
His hand that has been here all this time.
It is a cool pretty May morning in Wisconsin.
The rising sun sends light across the lake, it dances, it's celebrating with me.
'Thank you for this beautiful day' I sip my coffee and sit indian style on the pier, alone.
I reach into my pocket and pull out the crumpled doober, carefully straightening it.
The smell of sulfur and smoke combine with the forest air.
I ponder life.
'In a few short hours I will be married, married, huh.
Married. Married. Married.'
My mind traces back the moments to the cold fall evening on Lake Michigan when he knelt there asking me to spend my life with him.
My life. Our lives together. His deep brown eyes holding my future in his gaze.
His deep brown eyes that have been here all this time.
The sun is now on the pier warming my face. I take a deep breath that ends in a quiver.
Am I sure? Am I happy? Am I right?
I look up into the blue sky as though for an answer and all that comes is
'time will tell.'
It is 2pm Friday May 15th 1981.
The few that have gathered are smiling as we cross the covered bridge.
The crabapple are in bloom and the breeze carries the sweet smell.
The creek rushes with spring rain beside the Little Chapel in the Woods.
The little chapel that is perfect. With it's weathered wood, humble cross window and six pews.
Yes perfect, although the marriage license reads "Little Hope WI" .
We laughed uncomfortably the day before when we saw it.
Our eyes met in a glance hoping it was not a bad omen.
'Time will tell' our thoughts in sync.
"With this ring, I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.'
The vows spoken. The lifetime made.
I hold his deep brown eyes to mine
I hold his warm hand in mine
All this time.
by Godfather -- 13 February 2010 -- 17.26
Hello Carmella do you still remember me
do you remember all the thing's we use to do
you've changed a little but you look good just the same
the years have been good to you
My time inside seemed to last forever and the years have taken their toll on me
all those nights alone I could only think of you.
they gave me a few buck's and train ride home
they took my pride before they let me go
but they couldn't take my heart because I had already given it to you
Carmella tell me you still remember me
did you forget our promise the night they came looking for me
Carmella do you remember me.
the times have changed and days have come to pass
though it's been a long time I still think about you
and all the thing's we use to do
if we ever see each other again and you see a tear in my eye
it's just the sun reminding me of better day's gone by.
Carmella do you still remember me.
less than a year ago but it seems so long ago
thanks Brother.
Thanks for pulling out those poems Godfather, it's easy for stuff to get 'lost' in the wash. Great great writing, great great reading.....
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I have done the same thing at the book store, the people on here are awesome !
Wow, the writing here currently is *scorching* I haven't read a single thing that hasn't moved me, inspired me, made me think, made me feel upset, or just got me high on the strength of the writing.
This section is a credit to this forum. I'm proud of us!
Send my credentials to the house of detention