Ok, so my goal for the end of this week is to have a brand new compressor pedal. I'd like to keep my budget at around the $200-250 range, but if you think a pedal that's more expensive is REALLY worth it, I'd love to hear your suggestions. Thanks!
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so that means things like the keeley compressor (find a used one) or perhaps the MXR handwired version of the old dynacomp. but honestly, the bog standard current production dynacomp is perfectly fine too.
another good option is a barber tone press which is a similar circuit but with a clean blend that makes it all the more flexible for guitars with different pickup outputs and the like. they're great value.
diamond makes a really good one too but it's optical. totally different approach but sounds really good.
i currently use a clone of the old dynacomp circuit that i built for myself from scratch. sounds excellent and i love it because i built it myself from the ground up (no printed circuit board even) and it just happens to have turned out really good.
Check out those video samples! KILLER sounds!
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For bass, I'm really interested in the TC Electronics Nova Compressor; it appeals to the audio engineer in me to have all those controls, and the LED indicator lights; would also be great for acoustic guitar. I'm sure it's great for guitar, as well, but for me an electric guitar compressor should have that classic MXR/Ross kinda sound.
Bottom line: Everything you'll get here is opinions. If you want to find out about all that for yourself, try some out and find the best one in your pricerange.
I agree with you. I have the CS2 as well. For what I use it for and as shitty a player as I am, it works just fine for me. Plus at $40 used, it was in my budget too!
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
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which is where mr. squishy comes in. though i've never gotten a chance to try one of these i did put a similar input gain control on an old EHX compressor a friend had.
As an old-school audio engineer, that's the problem I always had with guitar compressors. I want all the normal controls: Threshold, Ratio, Attack, Release, Output Gain, and maybe even a Knee control. Even my beloved Dynacomp just won't cut it on most stuff with HB's (as you said) or even my P-90's. I can use it for crazy saturation with my tubescreamers, but it doesn't work clean like it does with my Strat.
It's almost surprising that MXR hasn't developed an alternate version of the Dynacomp for use with HB guitars...
Then again, that's why I find the TC Elec. Nova Compressor so appealing. Knobs, and LED's showing gain reduction! What a novel idea! When is dbx going to make a guitar comp pedal? That's one I'd be interested in.
Currently I've got a Shannon Compressor (Volume, Gain, Tone) I don't have it on the board at the moment.
I like the Philosophers Tone Too! Not too terribly expensive.
I liked the Barber Tone Press too but my old standard is always the Dyna Comp.
Yeah, the FloorQ, I forget that's even out there now. It doesn't have the LED's for gain reduction, but it's got everything else. And it's gotta have good tone, knowing the Meek reputation. But again, it doesn't have that classic guitar comp thing going for it.
Anybody tried this one? I was scopin out David Gilmour's rig and this is what he uses. I'm guessin it's pretty amazing. Figured I'd toss it into the conversation.
I have the EHX Soul Preacher, and I just never thought it really did anything for my sound. I ended mostly using it as a little extra boost. I'm sure spendin a couple hundred more bucks would make a difference.
I've checked out some that seemed to be quite a bit better, like the Keeley and Philosopher's Tone. Also, doin alotta research for pedals via youtube, it's hard to get excited about a comp. I generally get sidetracked with some crazy ring mod, delay or od pedal.
It was given to me free when I bought a Lexicon MPX 100 from a friend.
pretty much everything Demeter makes is excellent.
Cool, I've never encountered one of these FPC.