Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays

Cheers to all the M&G nerds. May your stockings be filled with drumsticks, picks and strings, and the tree be stuffed with your weapon of choice!
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1
2018 - Fenway 1&2
2022 - Hamilton, Toronto
2023 - Chicago 1&2
2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
I suppose this would be as good a place as any to check in with our gear gifts. My mom snagged me an ISP Decimator. Too late to try it out tonight.
Also got some Bose headphones. Definitely the best set of headphones I've used. My ipod's shuffle thought Def Lep's Rock of Ages would be a great trial for them. Gotta say it sounded great. :oops:
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Will we be posting what we recieved here too?
1. 6" Weber Anlico speaker for my Gretsch 5222
2. Hardshell case for my grandpa's old 1952 Gibson ES-125
3. Locking tuners for my Reverend DareDevil 290
4. BYOC Leeds Fuzz.
5. Heading to Lansing in two weeks to look at some used fender amps. (my gift to myself).
Also back when you were building your effects, did you you primer on your enclosures prior to painting? Any tips from those learning experiences?
i still have to do the nut finishing on that strat with the reverse neck and i'm building the bigsby telecaster and a 12-string tele.
as for the effects, yes, i was using primer. generally, nothing worked really well, they're all chipped and stuff. the nicest looking paint was the testor's stuff that comes in little spray cans but it's not durable at all.
take the enclosure, give it a good once over with steel wool, prime it, paint it and then wait a few days for it to harden fully. i never waited long enough and it always got messed up some how. i generally don't seem to have the required patience to do things correctly.
The 12 string will be cool as can be. And as soon as you said those I finally remembered you talking about it.
I too don't have any patience at all. I try to force myself too but it never happens. I am really considering having a friend of mine polish the enclosures at his work than adding a clear coat, and calling it a day. I'm starting to leave even more to that. That or maybe taking them to get powder coated instead. But that just costs money.
As always thanks for the help
i'm hoping the 12-string is cool. i've solved the lack of left-handed bridge options with one of these. ... _1805.html
load the primary strings through the body and the octave strings through the top.
i'll change the saddles to threaded ones that will hold each string in place. obviously giving something up in intonation but it's my only option.
fender SCNs with some 5 way switching that i found that gives neck/bridge out of phase and neck with a low end cut as the extra tones. neck will be a warmoth with rosewood board and just finished in tung oil.
1-3/4" nut vs the 1-5/8" of the rickenbacker so maybe i'll be able to play this one.
the refinishing project is not going well at all so the future of that one is uncertain.
just started with just tung oil on an ash body and it looks like it's going to look very cool. the ash is extremely grainy so the tung oil doesn't change the overall colour much but the grain starts to look almost 3D. my understanding is that the tung oil starts to darken over time.
this is the raw body.
refin efforts were a complete failure.
i'll never try it again. i see how why oil finishes are so popular.
I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations and lack of success. My two pedals (new dramedy coming to NBC) enclosures are still untouched. But the more I think about it I think they are being sent off to a buddy of mines to have them polished and be done with it.
this is about 7 coats. 5 done by applying and then wiping off after 5-10 minutes which seals the wood nicely and gives a matte finish. then 2 thin coats where i'm letting it dry without wiping which leaves the gloss.
i sanded lightly between each.
the grain was never filled so you can see feel it. it still feels like wood rather than the typical perfectly smooth guitar. this is what i was going for.
tung oil is so easy to work with. very hard to screw up. ... G_0596.jpg ... G_0594.jpg
the tung oil turned the overall finish into this nice, light honey shade too. i'm really happy with it.
Seriously, it's turning out pretty sweet. I vote for skirted amp knobs on the control plate!
Some day I'll have the time, space, tools, and gumption to undertake my Tele build. I hope.
Keep posting the pix so we can see how it comes together!
almost there. because i have two builds on the go i'm missing some parts. ie. an output jack.
Does the arm of the Bigsby clear the knobs? In that pic, it sorta looks tight. It does look good, though.
I wish I had the determination to really finish my pedals. Mine are all still bare aluminum.
That really looks like it's going to turn out amazing. Great body. That's a one piece, right?
Okay the finish looks fantastic. Was it the clear coats you were happy about?
Really really looks great.