No Unemployment Extension for 99ers.whats the point?



  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    It should be for however long you paid into it. In the State of Illinois your payment is figured for your work over previous quarters, and you get 26 weeks/6 months. If you want it to be longer you'd have to pay more in.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    unsung wrote:
    It should be for however long you paid into it. In the State of Illinois your payment is figured for your work over previous quarters, and you get 26 weeks/6 months. If you want it to be longer you'd have to pay more in.

    interesting...I've been in the workforce for 20+ years...I guess I should be able to get unemployment bennys for years and years...

    great news... :thumbup:
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    i've only ever lived in NJ and PA
    but I believe that benefits are figured in every state by the amount of time, amount of wages you worked over the last 5 quarters
    however, with outrageous lengths of unemployment
    that calculation is no longer valid
    i can't say how long it should last
    i CAN say to the poster a few posts back
    who commented, should we created another long term welfare...etc
    that i submit that is exactly what is going to happen
    if this unemployment thing is not very soon gotten under control
    where else will there be to turn but the welfare lines
    i'm happy that some were able to make ends meet delivering pizza
    or lucky enough to have family members or friends with small businesses
    personally i've been working on a couple of internet businesses
    and while they bring in some funds they surely don't bring in nearly enough to survive on
    and i would guess that one major reason behind that is because so many other people are
    out of work as well
    and cannot afford, or are afraid to, spend money on non-necessities

    with all the negativity out there

    not one viable suggestion has come up
    as to what CAN I DO for work?
    that will support myself without assistance of one sort or another from the govt?

    Our govt officials take our payroll taxes
    Our real estate taxes
    In PA our right to work taxes
    and give themselves a nice big fat raise

    Again I maintain
    I've paid into this system for well over 30 years
    Why should I not be able to use it when there is a genuine need?

    I still haven't heard an answer

    Just more questions


    an answer?
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • StillHere wrote:
    whygohome wrote:
    Get a job you lazy bums!
    got one for me?

    Your sig says "Its 4:20 somewhere." I can trust that you gave up the herb while on the Gov't dole these last 2 years, right?

    BTW: Maybe if your benefits run out, its a good thing. For some reason, 60% of people "looking for work" find a job w/ 1 month of their unemployment benefits running out.
    Must be a Xmas miracle.
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    StillHere wrote:
    whygohome wrote:
    Get a job you lazy bums!
    got one for me?

    I was only kidding. See my post that followed the "lazy bums" one.

    Good luck to you. I'm fortunate enough to be able to be in Graduate School, so I feel for you.
  • whygohome wrote:
    StillHere wrote:
    whygohome wrote:
    Get a job you lazy bums!
    got one for me?

    I was only kidding. See my post that followed the "lazy bums" one.

    Good luck to you. I'm fortunate enough to be able to be in Graduate School, so I feel for you.

    So who pays your bills while you're gettin educated?
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    whygohome wrote:
    StillHere wrote:
    got one for me?

    I was only kidding. See my post that followed the "lazy bums" one.

    Good luck to you. I'm fortunate enough to be able to be in Graduate School, so I feel for you.

    So who pays your bills while you're gettin educated?

    I do, you clown. I live off of a teaching assistantship stipend. I am getting my doctorate, I teach undergraduate classes, and I bartend and wait tables on the side. Add in constant research and writing, volunteer work, and time wasted dealing with grown children, such as yourself, who didn't get enough attention from mommy and daddy, and my schedule is quite packed.


    Go fight the wars that you are so gung-ho about.
    I am obviously not privy to the details of anyone's situation, but here are a few ideas, some or most may not be feasible:

    accept a position way below your skill level
    sell house or take a second mortgage
    get a roommate
    cash out life insurance
    take early distribution from pension plan or IRA/401K
    move to a more "thriving" are
    enroll in classes to enhance marketable job skills
  • That's what I thought. I PAY YOUR BILLS. Enjoy the stipend while it lasts.

    Those who can't.... vote democrat. (...and teach.)

  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    That's what I thought. I PAY YOUR BILLS. Enjoy the stipend while it lasts.

    Those who can't.... vote democrat. (...and teach.)


    I've got a feeling you don't pay for shit... :lol:
  • Is your van for sale?
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Is your van for sale?

    what van?
  • the one in the picture.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    the one in the picture.

    oh, that one...

    for you, 12,500 - cash...

    do you have your drivers license...? you'll need one to drive it around, you know... :lol:
  • inmytree wrote:
    the one in the picture.

    oh, that one...

    for you, 12,500 - cash...

    do you have your drivers license...? you'll need one to drive it around, you know... :lol:

    No, but it's ok. I'm an undocumented worker. 8-)
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    inmytree wrote:
    the one in the picture.

    oh, that one...

    for you, 12,500 - cash...

    do you have your drivers license...? you'll need one to drive it around, you know... :lol:

    No, but it's ok. I'm an undocumented worker. 8-)

    I don't have a problem with it... :D
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    StillHere wrote:
    whygohome wrote:
    Get a job you lazy bums!
    got one for me?

    Your sig says "Its 4:20 somewhere." I can trust that you gave up the herb while on the Gov't dole these last 2 years, right?

    BTW: Maybe if your benefits run out, its a good thing. For some reason, 60% of people "looking for work" find a job w/ 1 month of their unemployment benefits running out.
    Must be a Xmas miracle.

    I keep trying to tell you
    that i am NOT receiving unemployment
    there is no extension
    and there is no miracle ...
    that's naive, wishful thinking
    by people who HAVE a job
    the lucky ones
    i remember certain political figures
    back in the early 80s saying
    "there are no poor people in america"
    thank my lucky stars i remained employed through that period
    but there are no magic fixes
    at least so far
    i try to look at the bright side
    at least i get to spend time with the grandkids
    that i would have otherwise not had
    while they're little
    i do whatever i can
    i write news articles
    i write stupid crap online that i get paid minimally for
    but i get paid
    i write, i help design websites (taught myself, thank you very much)
    i am NOT collecting unemployment
    if i COULD collect my life would be a whole lot easier
    on me and on my family
    that's what i've been saying
    60% is just over half
    not a great number
    that means half of the people looking for work find it
    and half of the people looking for work don't
    guess i've been in that 2nd half
    and as far as giving up....well, i can't afford that,
    let's just leave it at that

    maybe i'm spoiled
    i'm used to livng on the easy side of life
    not wealthy by a longshot
    but comfortable
    able to get everything i need
    and much of what i want
    i worked hard for that priviledge

    now that i'm older
    its very much more difficult to get hired anew
    i don't know how old you are
    just saying

    maybe i've been spoiled
    i AM learning what's important in life
    after all these years
    and there's not much of it that can be bought with a paycheck

    but it is nice to have what you NEED

    didn't ed once write a line or two
    about realizing what's important
    when you think you have nothing?

    well, it's true

    and just so i'm heard this time
    i'm saying that i am NOT collecting benefits
    if i was, would i have been complaining about not?
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    whygohome wrote:

    So who pays your bills while you're gettin educated?

    I do, you clown. I live off of a teaching assistantship stipend. I am getting my doctorate, I teach undergraduate classes, and I bartend and wait tables on the side. Add in constant research and writing, volunteer work, and time wasted dealing with grown children, such as yourself, who didn't get enough attention from mommy and daddy, and my schedule is quite packed.


    Go fight the wars that you are so gung-ho about.

    there are some angry unfeeling people on here aren't there

    all i can say is

    god help YOU if you ever have to walk a mile....etc.. (not you WGH..anther couple of folks)

    you see what i'm saying...
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    I am obviously not privy to the details of anyone's situation, but here are a few ideas, some or most may not be feasible:

    accept a position way below your skill level
    sell house or take a second mortgage
    get a roommate
    cash out life insurance
    take early distribution from pension plan or IRA/401K
    move to a more "thriving" are
    enroll in classes to enhance marketable job skills

    OK geez after all my years
    some folks think i didn't think of those things yet?
    no house, sold in divorce several years ago (no profit, so forget that)
    renting....or was
    used the "pension" loan
    used the "savings"
    sold everything
    even the car
    moved to a much cheaper place, much cheaper (a place i'd never have considered previously)
    Have 3 degrees...THREE...
    many years of schooling that I PAID FOR myself
    don't need any more education (and if i did, who'd pay for that? I'd be lambasted for that as well)
    the 3 degrees mean absolutely NOTHING now
    have considered MUCH lower paying
    out of my field
    out of everything
    have OFFERED to take lower pay even
    that's demeaning
    now live with an adult child and family
    You have NO IDEA how hard that is
    (Have YOU ever???)
    but i make the best of it
    take care of my grandbabies while they work
    its not good
    i love the kids
    the grandkids
    but a mother should only see/know so much
    know what i'm saying?
    work as much as i can
    write write write

    say what you want
    it means nothing for my situation

    thanks for listening

    should i really REALLY have had to put all of that out there just to make a point?

    hope it never happens to you
    but if it does
    i won't be so harsh on you
    at least you'll have that much
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • Hang in there, man.
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    Hang in there, man.

    thank you :oops:
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
    StillHere wrote:
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    I am obviously not privy to the details of anyone's situation, but here are a few ideas, some or most may not be feasible:

    accept a position way below your skill level
    sell house or take a second mortgage
    get a roommate
    cash out life insurance
    take early distribution from pension plan or IRA/401K
    move to a more "thriving" are
    enroll in classes to enhance marketable job skills

    OK geez after all my years
    some folks think i didn't think of those things yet?
    no house, sold in divorce several years ago (no profit, so forget that)
    renting....or was
    used the "pension" loan
    used the "savings"
    sold everything
    even the car
    moved to a much cheaper place, much cheaper (a place i'd never have considered previously)
    Have 3 degrees...THREE...
    many years of schooling that I PAID FOR myself
    don't need any more education (and if i did, who'd pay for that? I'd be lambasted for that as well)
    the 3 degrees mean absolutely NOTHING now
    have considered MUCH lower paying
    out of my field
    out of everything
    have OFFERED to take lower pay even
    that's demeaning
    now live with an adult child and family
    You have NO IDEA how hard that is
    (Have YOU ever???)
    but i make the best of it
    take care of my grandbabies while they work
    its not good
    i love the kids
    the grandkids
    but a mother should only see/know so much
    know what i'm saying?
    work as much as i can
    write write write

    say what you want
    it means nothing for my situation

    thanks for listening

    should i really REALLY have had to put all of that out there just to make a point?

    hope it never happens to you
    but if it does
    i won't be so harsh on you
    at least you'll have that much

    I wasn't judging, I was throwing out a few ideas, about some of which people don't always think.

    I wish you luck and I wish you peace.
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    StillHere wrote:
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    I am obviously not privy to the details of anyone's situation, but here are a few ideas, some or most may not be feasible:

    accept a position way below your skill level
    sell house or take a second mortgage
    get a roommate
    cash out life insurance
    take early distribution from pension plan or IRA/401K
    move to a more "thriving" are
    enroll in classes to enhance marketable job skills

    OK geez after all my years
    some folks think i didn't think of those things yet?
    no house, sold in divorce several years ago (no profit, so forget that)
    renting....or was
    used the "pension" loan
    used the "savings"
    sold everything
    even the car
    moved to a much cheaper place, much cheaper (a place i'd never have considered previously)
    Have 3 degrees...THREE...
    many years of schooling that I PAID FOR myself
    don't need any more education (and if i did, who'd pay for that? I'd be lambasted for that as well)
    the 3 degrees mean absolutely NOTHING now
    have considered MUCH lower paying
    out of my field
    out of everything
    have OFFERED to take lower pay even
    that's demeaning
    now live with an adult child and family
    You have NO IDEA how hard that is
    (Have YOU ever???)
    but i make the best of it
    take care of my grandbabies while they work
    its not good
    i love the kids
    the grandkids
    but a mother should only see/know so much
    know what i'm saying?
    work as much as i can
    write write write

    say what you want
    it means nothing for my situation

    thanks for listening

    should i really REALLY have had to put all of that out there just to make a point?

    hope it never happens to you
    but if it does
    i won't be so harsh on you
    at least you'll have that much

    I wasn't judging, I was throwing out a few ideas, about some of which people don't always think.

    I wish you luck and I wish you peace.

    understood and appreciated
    apologies for the animosity
    not aimed at you...just frustration coming to the surface
    didn't mean for it to seem that way
    although i can see that it did, reading over it now
    thanks joe
    peace to you as well
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    or take a second mortgage

    DO NOT do that. Don't compound the problem by taking on more debt.
  • That's what I thought. I PAY YOUR BILLS. Enjoy the stipend while it lasts.

    Those who can't.... vote democrat. (...and teach.)


    Bristow, VA (5/13/10)
  • whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
    That's what I thought. I PAY YOUR BILLS. Enjoy the stipend while it lasts.

    Those who can't.... vote democrat. (...and teach.)


    Interesting use of generalizations. This post is for Electric Delta as well, because he approved of Best of Times' quote so much, he felt the need to applaud.

    You do not pay my bills. I work and I get paid. The money that I receive for working then goes to pay my bills. Do you see how that works?

    And, the fact that you have some vendetta against college professors and those getting a PhD is strange. Those that I am around, the people I converse with every day, have shown nothing but an open mind with respect to social, political, and cultural issues. I have met and talked frequently with socialists, marxists, conservatives, historians, sociologists, geologists, and many other learned individuals in a wide array of fields, and I am richer for it. These are people who study for a living; they do not watch celebrities dance on TV; the extent of their reading goes far beyond People or US Weekly. I know the stereotypes of "academia" and "academics" and it has been MY EXPERIENCE-if you do not have it, then you can't really judge-that these stereotypes and generalizations are false.

    I enrolled in Graduate School because it was something I was interested in doing. I worked in banking and finance, working for large banks and once holding a job as a trader on Wall St., and I was unfulfilled. I find my new direction much more satisfying. How either of you, or anyone on this planet, feel that you have the right to insult my decision or what I do is beyond my comprehension. We are not all gods; though, you think you are.
    I would love to hear what the two of you do in your lives that trumps what everyone else on this board does. By the display of self-importance that you both project, you must be saving the world. Like everyone else on this board, 100 years from now, it will be as if you never existed. You are not special, you are not more important than anyone else.

    I am sure that you will respond to this post with some clever and witty insult that you will pat yourself on the back for. It is people like you that make dialogue impossible. You have shown time and again that your warped ego is beyond repair, and you feel a constant need to put everyone on this board down with your blowhard opinions. Again, you have clearly shown this.

    If you want to continue to throw insults my way (or if you want to continue to insult others on this board), I suggest we meet in person. I think it is time for you to stop being a little child, and man up and stand face to face with someone while insulting them. This hiding behind a screen name fad must come to an end.

    I live in upstate New York. If you live nearby or are ever in the area, just PM me and we can arrange to meet somewhere.
    If not, then this is the final time I will respond to one of your posts. I prefer the conversations that I have, and that occur, between Godfather, grace under p, Commy, Byrnzie, mikepegg, gimmesometruth, unsung (sure, why not), cajunwiki, and polaris. (If I left anyone out, I apologize, those were the names that first popped into my head). The fact that you lump some of these intelligent individuals together into the AMT's Liberal Front, or the brainwashed Obama supporters is ludicrous. Many of us have shown we do not hold back with our criticism of anyone. And, the claim that we all blindly follow what Ed and the boys think is simply absurd, as all most (all) of your claims.

    And, even though those mentioned don't always agree, I can safely say that the conversations are at least civil, and I can say that I learn a few things. Yes, I learn things from other people. Not everyone is as gifted as Best of Times or Electric delta. Oh lord, I wish I knew everything there is to know in the world like those two fine gentlemen do.
  • whygohome wrote:
    That's what I thought. I PAY YOUR BILLS. Enjoy the stipend while it lasts.

    Those who can't.... vote democrat. (...and teach.)


    Interesting use of generalizations. This post is for Electric Delta as well, because he approved of Best of Times' quote so much, he felt the need to applaud.

    You do not pay my bills. I work and I get paid. The money that I receive for working then goes to pay my bills. Do you see how that works?

    And, the fact that you have some vendetta against college professors and those getting a PhD is strange. Those that I am around, the people I converse with every day, have shown nothing but an open mind with respect to social, political, and cultural issues. I have met and talked frequently with socialists, marxists, conservatives, historians, sociologists, geologists, and many other learned individuals in a wide array of fields, and I am richer for it. These are people who study for a living; they do not watch celebrities dance on TV; the extent of their reading goes far beyond People or US Weekly. I know the stereotypes of "academia" and "academics" and it has been MY EXPERIENCE-if you do not have it, then you can't really judge-that these stereotypes and generalizations are false.

    I enrolled in Graduate School because it was something I was interested in doing. I worked in banking and finance, working for large banks and once holding a job as a trader on Wall St., and I was unfulfilled. I find my new direction much more satisfying. How either of you, or anyone on this planet, feel that you have the right to insult my decision or what I do is beyond my comprehension. We are not all gods; though, you think you are.
    I would love to hear what the two of you do in your lives that trumps what everyone else on this board does. By the display of self-importance that you both project, you must be saving the world. Like everyone else on this board, 100 years from now, it will be as if you never existed. You are not special, you are not more important than anyone else.

    I am sure that you will respond to this post with some clever and witty insult that you will pat yourself on the back for. It is people like you that make dialogue impossible. You have shown time and again that your warped ego is beyond repair, and you feel a constant need to put everyone on this board down with your blowhard opinions. Again, you have clearly shown this.

    If you want to continue to throw insults my way (or if you want to continue to insult others on this board), I suggest we meet in person. I think it is time for you to stop being a little child, and man up and stand face to face with someone while insulting them. This hiding behind a screen name fad must come to an end.

    I live in upstate New York. If you live nearby or are ever in the area, just PM me and we can arrange to meet somewhere.
    If not, then this is the final time I will respond to one of your posts. I prefer the conversations that I have, and that occur, between Godfather, grace under p, Commy, Byrnzie, mikepegg, gimmesometruth, unsung (sure, why not), cajunwiki, and polaris. (If I left anyone out, I apologize, those were the names that first popped into my head). The fact that you lump some of these intelligent individuals together into the AMT's Liberal Front, or the brainwashed Obama supporters is ludicrous. Many of us have shown we do not hold back with our criticism of anyone. And, the claim that we all blindly follow what Ed and the boys think is simply absurd, as all most (all) of your claims.

    And, even though those mentioned don't always agree, I can safely say that the conversations are at least civil, and I can say that I learn a few things. Yes, I learn things from other people. Not everyone is as gifted as Best of Times or Electric delta. Oh lord, I wish I knew everything there is to know in the world like those two fine gentlemen do.

    Did you just ask me to PM you so we can meet after school on the playground? Jesus, man.

    Ya, you guys that "study for a living" as you put it, are my heroes. Ready to go to battle to defend your cozy gov't-funded indoctrination project codenamed: your profession. Naming names of all your online chat buddies? Probably the douchiest move I've ever seen. hahahahahahhahhaha. :lol:

    Have a merry festivus dude... hahahahahahaah
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741

    Naming names of all your online chat buddies? Probably the douchiest move I've ever seen. hahahahahahhahhaha. :lol:

    you're so cool.... :thumbup:
  • StillHereStillHere Posts: 7,795
    Know what?

    I'm sorry I ever posted this thread.

    Why does everything always end up the same on here?

    Geezzuzzz you guys.

    I"m embarrassed for our community here.

    I joined this community years ago because I had met such awesome PJ Fans in my travels, at shows, on other boards, and sometimes just by chance. Awesome people.

    Why is it that when we can hide behind some cute little avatar that we become bitter, disrespectful and rude? It's not just this thread. It runs rampant on here. So bad at times that Kat and Sea have to come in here like parents to a toddller''s preschool playgroup and break up the temper tantrums around us.

    Stick a fork in me I'm done.

    Think I'll mozy on over to the poetry thread now, where a much kinder, gentler folk roam. OH NO! WAIT! They might be a little too philosophical and introspective to be allowed to mingle with some of you..perhaps I'd better not mention it. And if they (we) went to college or university...or are back in school trying to better ourselves, and the world for it, I suppose I'd better not lead the rabid pack to I won't mention EXACTLY where it is that I"m going....but I"m sure as heck getting out of Dodge.

    Enjoy your little tantrums people. See you on the flip side...or maybe not.

    Thanks to SOME OF YOU for the kind ear and the much appreciated suggestions. Happy to say that most of you were/are completely reasonable and respectful. I look forward to talking with you in the future. About anything.

    As for the rest, I try not to cringe too much when I receive a notification of a response to this thread...but I can be 50% sure its going to be something quite unpleasant. Thanks for that.

    OH...and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Channukah..etc. (Am I ALLOWED to say that? )
    "How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
    "Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    whygohome wrote:
    I prefer the conversations that I have, and that occur, between Godfather, grace under p, Commy, Byrnzie, mikepegg, gimmesometruth, unsung (sure, why not), cajunwiki, and polaris. (If I left anyone out, I apologize, those were the names that first popped into my head).

    It's an honor just being nominated. :?
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