Hey Godfather- I'm just curious..... why do you always post negative comments/articles about Mexico and subjects related to Mexicans? I'm just curious......
Also, did you see the article I posted about FOX and it's viewers?
One of the U.S.'s largest trade partners, Mexico attracted $14 billion in foreign direct investment in the year's first nine months, up 20% from a year ago, according to government figures. And some of Mexico's biggest investors, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., are maintaining their investment plans.
Hey Godfather- I'm just curious..... why do you always post negative comments/articles about Mexico and and subjects related to Mexicans? Just curious......
Also did you not see the article I posted about FOX and it's views?
One of the U.S.'s largest trade partners, Mexico attracted $14 billion in foreign direct investment in the year's first nine months, up 20% from a year ago, according to government figures. And some of Mexico's biggest investors, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., are maintaining their investment plans.
Hey Godfather- I'm just curious..... why do you always post negative comments/articles about Mexico and and subjects related to Mexicans? Just curious......
Also did you not see the article I posted about FOX and it's views?
One of the U.S.'s largest trade partners, Mexico attracted $14 billion in foreign direct investment in the year's first nine months, up 20% from a year ago, according to government figures. And some of Mexico's biggest investors, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., are maintaining their investment plans.
Actually, 81 people have seen it. It's just that nobody cares.
A lib disliking Fox..... fascinating read....
Just for clarification ..... I thought I specifically asked Godfather....
Also- I'm not a lib, sorry to disappoint you.
I posted the article because it appears to state some facts. Guess I was wrong.....moving on..
after re-reading the article, it looks as if mexico's loss is our gain. the company went to tennessee instead of mexico, so that should make some of us happy, maybe some jobs created?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
after re-reading the article, it looks as if mexico's loss is our gain. the company went to tennessee instead of mexico, so that should make some of us happy, maybe some jobs created?
That's correct.
Also, the US Military is the finest/most powerful military in the world, yet they seem to be having some difficulties in Afghanistan- Mexico's military can't even be mentioned in the same sentence as the US military...and Mexico is probably 5 times bigger then Afghanistan - that's just one part of the problem.
Some of Mexico's top drug lords made Forbes billionaire list, another problem.
There are some solutions, but I think the US and other large consuming country's will have to do more to help Mexico. The Cartels aren't controlling Mexico, but they do have a lot of muscle and can significantly disturb Mexico's business.
Hey Godfather- I'm just curious..... why do you always post negative comments/articles about Mexico and subjects related to Mexicans? I'm just curious......
Also, did you see the article I posted about FOX and it's viewers?
One of the U.S.'s largest trade partners, Mexico attracted $14 billion in foreign direct investment in the year's first nine months, up 20% from a year ago, according to government figures. And some of Mexico's biggest investors, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., are maintaining their investment plans.
Hey Godfather- I'm just curious..... why do you always post negative comments/articles about Mexico and subjects related to Mexicans? I'm just curious......
Also, did you see the article I posted about FOX and it's viewers?
One of the U.S.'s largest trade partners, Mexico attracted $14 billion in foreign direct investment in the year's first nine months, up 20% from a year ago, according to government figures. And some of Mexico's biggest investors, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., are maintaining their investment plans.
it's not personal toward you or any type of racism g , I 'll explain tomorrow I have to get to the airport.
Have a safe trip ....I wasn't taking it personal, sorry if it came out that way..... I was just curious .....
would love to have a discussion on the topic.....
there needs to be heavy military actions against the cartels and their manufacturing plants and the growing areas.
if you legalize these drugs, you take the power away from the cartels, no need for violence.
and if we legalized them then we would have to try to justify the trillions of dollars spent on the war on drugs the last 28 years and admit it for the sham that it was/is...
the question for the government is "is it better to legalize them and maybe alleviate some of the problems, or keep them illegal to save face?"
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
there needs to be heavy military actions against the cartels and their manufacturing plants and the growing areas.
if you legalize these drugs, you take the power away from the cartels, no need for violence.
and if we legalized them then we would have to try to justify the trillions of dollars spent on the war on drugs the last 28 years and admit it for the sham that it was/is...
the question for the government is "is it better to legalize them and maybe alleviate some of the problems, or keep them illegal to save face?"
true, but for now the problem lies with the mexican government.
good morning g , if we could help Mexico with a few companies doing manufacturing in Mexico that would be great, I just get a little pissed off at their government when I read about their involvement with the drug cartels and even then this money does not make down to the citizens that need it most, when I worked on the Titanic movie in rosarito a local I met who became a good friend told me that the local police would run keys of crystal past the federalies and into TJ where it would make it's way in to san diego,when I asked him how he knew this he told me his uncle is a SGT in mexican ploice..
then when I would go past the federalies at night to go back to my hotel they would force me out of my truck at gun point and take the hats and t-shirts(the company sent) that i was giving to local workers who would help us with the cranes from time to time (they loved em), I'll tell there's not much scarier that a corrupt federalie pointing a 30. cal in your face screaming COCA COCA...
and then there's the issue with the people that come over here illegally and go in t.v and tell who ever will listen that they are taking over calif. while they're waving their mexican flags,(just what we need,calif to look just like T.J) the same people that cost our legal american citizens over a billion dollars a year total in tax dollars, then these dumb ass's in Washington try and cut spending by laying off police,firemen,cut school budgets and so on, I have grown up in San Diego and watched it turn in to a gang banging drug war shit hole in some areas (chula vista,national city,logan hights etc,) with graffiti from these mexican gang bangers ruining
places and yes effecting the vale of certain neighborhoods, so yes I don't want just anybody that sneaks across the borders to get legal citizenship,the process needs to be selective in my opinion,if any person has even a smear for drugs or any gang affiliation or crime in general we need to send them back to what ever country they come from.
Sorry if I sound like a racist g, I'm really not (you can look at my family and see that ) I'm just fed up with some of the crap that comes along with some of the illegals that sneak into this country.
there needs to be heavy military actions against the cartels and their manufacturing plants and the growing areas.
if you legalize these drugs, you take the power away from the cartels, no need for violence.
if you legalize all the drugs that come across our borders it would create an epidemic of drug addiction and deaths...is that violent enough ?,not a good idea.
there needs to be heavy military actions against the cartels and their manufacturing plants and the growing areas.
if you legalize these drugs, you take the power away from the cartels, no need for violence.
if you legalize all the drugs that come across our borders it would create an epidemic of drug addiction and deaths...is that violent enough ?,not a good idea.
i doubt that this will be the case with marijuana.
i know a lot of stoners and none of them are violent people when stoned. unless you take away their funions or their x-box controller...
besides, how would he cartels have any sort of power anymore if the government was the one selling the drugs?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
good morning g , if we could help Mexico with a few companies doing manufacturing in Mexico that would be great, I just get a little pissed off at their government when I read about their involvement with the drug cartels and even then this money does not make down to the citizens that need it most, when I worked on the Titanic movie in rosarito a local I met who became a good friend told me that the local police would run keys of crystal past the federalies and into TJ where it would make it's way in to san diego,when I asked him how he knew this he told me his uncle is a SGT in mexican ploice..
then when I would go past the federalies at night to go back to my hotel they would force me out of my truck at gun point and take the hats and t-shirts(the company sent) that i was giving to local workers who would help us with the cranes from time to time (they loved em), I'll tell there's not much scarier that a corrupt federalie pointing a 30. cal in your face screaming COCA COCA...
and then there's the issue with the people that come over here illegally and go in t.v and tell who ever will listen that they are taking over calif. while they're waving their mexican flags,(just what we need,calif to look just like T.J) the same people that cost our legal american citizens over a billion dollars a year total in tax dollars, then these dumb ass's in Washington try and cut spending by laying off police,firemen,cut school budgets and so on, I have grown up in San Diego and watched it turn in to a gang banging drug war shit hole in some areas (chula vista,national city,logan hights etc,) with graffiti from these mexican gang bangers ruining
places and yes effecting the vale of certain neighborhoods, so yes I don't want just anybody that sneaks across the borders to get legal citizenship,the process needs to be selective in my opinion,if any person has even a smear for drugs or any gang affiliation or crime in general we need to send them back to what ever country they come from.
Sorry if I sound like a racist g, I'm really not (you can look at my family and see that ) I'm just fed up with some of the crap that comes along with some of the illegals that sneak into this country.
An interesting experience/perspective detailed in your post- I'll respond later...... But really - all of this really has nothing to do with the real solutions that the bill had to offer. The bill would have promoted good behavior and also would have benefited the Country - Your a military guy, the bill would have helped build that military! It all seems like a negative experience, with a lot of misunderstood information..... Maybe you should lay off the gang land shows and lay off of Fox a little while.
thanks for following up with the post...
good morning g , if we could help Mexico with a few companies doing manufacturing in Mexico that would be great, I just get a little pissed off at their government when I read about their involvement with the drug cartels and even then this money does not make down to the citizens that need it most, when I worked on the Titanic movie in rosarito a local I met who became a good friend told me that the local police would run keys of crystal past the federalies and into TJ where it would make it's way in to san diego,when I asked him how he knew this he told me his uncle is a SGT in mexican ploice..
then when I would go past the federalies at night to go back to my hotel they would force me out of my truck at gun point and take the hats and t-shirts(the company sent) that i was giving to local workers who would help us with the cranes from time to time (they loved em), I'll tell there's not much scarier that a corrupt federalie pointing a 30. cal in your face screaming COCA COCA...
and then there's the issue with the people that come over here illegally and go in t.v and tell who ever will listen that they are taking over calif. while they're waving their mexican flags,(just what we need,calif to look just like T.J) the same people that cost our legal american citizens over a billion dollars a year total in tax dollars, then these dumb ass's in Washington try and cut spending by laying off police,firemen,cut school budgets and so on, I have grown up in San Diego and watched it turn in to a gang banging drug war shit hole in some areas (chula vista,national city,logan hights etc,) with graffiti from these mexican gang bangers ruining
places and yes effecting the vale of certain neighborhoods, so yes I don't want just anybody that sneaks across the borders to get legal citizenship,the process needs to be selective in my opinion,if any person has even a smear for drugs or any gang affiliation or crime in general we need to send them back to what ever country they come from.
Sorry if I sound like a racist g, I'm really not (you can look at my family and see that ) I'm just fed up with some of the crap that comes along with some of the illegals that sneak into this country.
An interesting experience/perspective detailed in your post- I'll respond later...... But really - all of this really has nothing to do with the real solutions that the bill had to offer. The bill would have promoted good behavior and also would have benefited the Country - Your a military guy, the bill would have helped build that military! It all seems like a negative experience, with a lot of misunderstood information..... Maybe you should lay off the gang land shows and lay off of Fox a little while.
thanks for following up with the post...
there needs to be heavy military actions against the cartels and their manufacturing plants and the growing areas.
if you legalize these drugs, you take the power away from the cartels, no need for violence.
if you legalize all the drugs that come across our borders it would create an epidemic of drug addiction and deaths...is that violent enough ?,not a good idea.
alcohol or tobacco account for more deaths than ALL illegal drugs combined.
That doesn't make it ok commy, adding to the legal pool of things that kill will not make it better in my opinion.
Also I think the reason alcohol and tabbaco kill more is because they're at every 7-11 and liquor store in the world so could you imagine heroin and math being as available as that ?
That doesn't make it ok commy, adding to the legal pool of things that kill will not make it better in my opinion.
Also I think the reason alcohol and tabbaco kill more is because they're at every 7-11 and liquor store in the world so could you imagine heroin and math being as available as that ?
We need math more than ever. How else will we compete in the economies of the future?
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
That doesn't make it ok commy, adding to the legal pool of things that kill will not make it better in my opinion.
Also I think the reason alcohol and tabbaco kill more is because they're at every 7-11 and liquor store in the world so could you imagine heroin and math being as available as that ?
We need math more than ever. How else will we compete in the economies of the future?
Is corruption a tactic? Then we have the most tacticly advanced government on the planet.
Hey Godfather- I'm just curious..... why do you always post negative comments/articles about Mexico and subjects related to Mexicans? I'm just curious......
Also, did you see the article I posted about FOX and it's viewers?
Actually, 81 people have seen it. It's just that nobody cares.
A lib disliking Fox..... fascinating read....
Just for clarification ..... I thought I specifically asked Godfather....
Also- I'm not a lib, sorry to disappoint you.
I posted the article because it appears to state some facts. Guess I was wrong.....moving on..
But I accept your apology anyways.
seriously, grow up.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Gimme, I laugh in your face.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
That's correct.
Also, the US Military is the finest/most powerful military in the world, yet they seem to be having some difficulties in Afghanistan- Mexico's military can't even be mentioned in the same sentence as the US military...and Mexico is probably 5 times bigger then Afghanistan - that's just one part of the problem.
Some of Mexico's top drug lords made Forbes billionaire list, another problem.
There are some solutions, but I think the US and other large consuming country's will have to do more to help Mexico. The Cartels aren't controlling Mexico, but they do have a lot of muscle and can significantly disturb Mexico's business.
it's not personal toward you or any type of racism g , I 'll explain tomorrow I have to get to the airport.
Have a safe trip ....I wasn't taking it personal, sorry if it came out that way..... I was just curious .....
would love to have a discussion on the topic.....
if you legalize these drugs, you take the power away from the cartels, no need for violence.
the question for the government is "is it better to legalize them and maybe alleviate some of the problems, or keep them illegal to save face?"
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
true, but for now the problem lies with the mexican government.
30,000 dead? is a plant worth so many lives?
worse things have happened in the world and the Almighty United States of America has sat on its hands.
We will watch this from the sidelines as we always do.
Thank goodness companies are pulling their business.... in times like this, everyone should bring their business home.
then when I would go past the federalies at night to go back to my hotel they would force me out of my truck at gun point and take the hats and t-shirts(the company sent) that i was giving to local workers who would help us with the cranes from time to time (they loved em), I'll tell there's not much scarier that a corrupt federalie pointing a 30. cal in your face screaming COCA COCA...
and then there's the issue with the people that come over here illegally and go in t.v and tell who ever will listen that they are taking over calif. while they're waving their mexican flags,(just what we need,calif to look just like T.J) the same people that cost our legal american citizens over a billion dollars a year total in tax dollars, then these dumb ass's in Washington try and cut spending by laying off police,firemen,cut school budgets and so on, I have grown up in San Diego and watched it turn in to a gang banging drug war shit hole in some areas (chula vista,national city,logan hights etc,) with graffiti from these mexican gang bangers ruining
places and yes effecting the vale of certain neighborhoods, so yes I don't want just anybody that sneaks across the borders to get legal citizenship,the process needs to be selective in my opinion,if any person has even a smear for drugs or any gang affiliation or crime in general we need to send them back to what ever country they come from.
Sorry if I sound like a racist g, I'm really not (you can look at my family and see that
if you legalize all the drugs that come across our borders it would create an epidemic of drug addiction and deaths...is that violent enough ?,not a good idea.
i know a lot of stoners and none of them are violent people when stoned. unless you take away their funions or their x-box controller...
besides, how would he cartels have any sort of power anymore if the government was the one selling the drugs?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
An interesting experience/perspective detailed in your post- I'll respond later...... But really - all of this really has nothing to do with the real solutions that the bill had to offer. The bill would have promoted good behavior and also would have benefited the Country - Your a military guy, the bill would have helped build that military! It all seems like a negative experience, with a lot of misunderstood information..... Maybe you should lay off the gang land shows and lay off of Fox a little while.
thanks for following up with the post...
fair enough my friend, I try.
Also I think the reason alcohol and tabbaco kill more is because they're at every 7-11 and liquor store in the world so could you imagine heroin and math being as available as that ?
We need math more than ever. How else will we compete in the economies of the future?
"With our thoughts we make the world"
nice one !