PEARL JAM TRIBUTE!! New York City!!!! This Sat. 12/18

Hey Pearl Jammers,
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. Want to thank you guys who have been joining us for our celebration of all things Pearl Jam! This week LAST EXIT is brining that celebration to downtown NYC. We will be at Sullivan Hall on 214 Sullivan St. Nothing like a rock show in the village. (great record stores too!)
LAST EXIT will be performing alongside tributes to Guns N' Roses, Tool and Rage Against the Machine. Show starts at 8. We will take the stage around 11.
Hope to see you for some holiday cocktails and rock!!!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. Want to thank you guys who have been joining us for our celebration of all things Pearl Jam! This week LAST EXIT is brining that celebration to downtown NYC. We will be at Sullivan Hall on 214 Sullivan St. Nothing like a rock show in the village. (great record stores too!)
LAST EXIT will be performing alongside tributes to Guns N' Roses, Tool and Rage Against the Machine. Show starts at 8. We will take the stage around 11.
Hope to see you for some holiday cocktails and rock!!!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Don't be afraid to fight for change!