To sum up the articles that I posted: We are a lazy, gluttonous society.
Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing obese parents with their an obese child (under 10 years of age or so)
Good parenting job.
To recap: We are a lazy, gluttonous society.
I am 37 years old and in way better physical shape than like over 90% of the kids I see these days. I'd thrash them all at once, that's right, every kid in America... at once. Bring it on, you punks!
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I keep reading how big of a problem this is and I try to beat it by keeping my children as healthy as possible.
Even though I lean toward the far right, and I DONT like big government in our lives I feel something has to be done about this.
Its obvious that most parents are MORONS! And that they either are to stupid to see that what they are doing to the kids is a form of abuse, or that they just simply dont care.
If people wont educate themselves about health and nutrition in this day and age then maybe the Government does need to help.
(NOT TRYING TO BE RACIST) But.....its even worse in minority families from what I have read. (Just writing what I have read). Its worse because many cities like Atlantic City dont even have a Super Market! But the reason for that is a whole nother discussion in itself. I watched a few documentries on the Food in America and its a=scary as fucking hell!!!
All kids eat today are heavy carbs, sugar and salt!!!
I am 37 years old and in way better physical shape than like over 90% of the kids I see these days. I'd thrash them all at once, that's right, every kid in America... at once. Bring it on, you punks!
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parents are morons.
there is no need for government.
some kids didn't even know what a potato was!