Against EV playing in Perth from a petition

I rarely bitch about shit but i gotta say something. How arrogant is it to start a petition to have Eddie play Perth. Isn't it enough that he is playing Oz? how ungrateful can you be? He is coming all the way there, yet you guys can't travel a short distance to see him? Isn't it a lot to ask of him, the pressure to please you? You know Eddie is a stand up guy and would do anything for us the fans, but don't you think they get enough requests to play certain places etc etc. I would want Pearl Jam to play my 40th b-day party but i obviously know what the answer is going to be and i wouldn't have the balls to ask even if there is a possibility of a yes because its not my place.
I know he was petitioned to play NZ back a few years but are we as fans going to be leach's everytime they announce a tour? start a petition for them to play here or there....wouldn't it a be a cooler vibe to appreciate when or where they tour and leave it at that? should they play in toronto every other show, fuck yeah but am i going to be a douche a start a petition if they don't?
the fucking guy is travelling all the way there, but yet you guys are starting a petition to get him to come even further? where is the f'n respect. I'd give my left nut to have him play anywhere near me, i'd pay the costs to get there and if it was too much money or too far i wouldn't go. period.
Help me? am i way off here ? if i was Eddie, i would be like fuck you in a weird way?
I know he was petitioned to play NZ back a few years but are we as fans going to be leach's everytime they announce a tour? start a petition for them to play here or there....wouldn't it a be a cooler vibe to appreciate when or where they tour and leave it at that? should they play in toronto every other show, fuck yeah but am i going to be a douche a start a petition if they don't?
the fucking guy is travelling all the way there, but yet you guys are starting a petition to get him to come even further? where is the f'n respect. I'd give my left nut to have him play anywhere near me, i'd pay the costs to get there and if it was too much money or too far i wouldn't go. period.
Help me? am i way off here ? if i was Eddie, i would be like fuck you in a weird way?
Post edited by Unknown User on
i live in south us and we don't get too many shows. i am just happy when PJ and EV are doing a show within driving distance. I even went to lengths to fly to 2000 miles and plan my year's family vacation around a PJ show. I can't do that every year but I wouldn't even consider bitchin' about it in a petition.
There is no way the band can please everyone. Folks, if they come to your country or within a few hours drive, you should be happy.
asking someone to play in a place has absolutely zero impact on anyone ... of course if someone is gonna sulk and whine and complain that he isn't playing Perth - it's one thing ... but to just start a petition or whatever is fine ... who's gonna get offended?
also ... you may not know this but Perth is way the fuck out on the other coast of Australia ... it's not like a 1 hr bus ride ... it's like over 3,400 kms ... about the same distance coast to coast of the US ...
And petitions sometimes work. This year Metallica played in Christchurch after a huge petition was done. I might have to start a petition for Eddie to come and play in my back yard, I know I'll get at least 100 signatures....
an EV solo show is not a PJ show ... they are compeletely different ... and again - how does one get offended by someone petitioning ... you could do the same thing and i would say the exact same thing ...
i've seen eddie solo 3 times and i feel bad for those in WA and New Zealand ... it's a great show and seeing as he is half-way around the world - it would be nice if he played closer to their homes ... again, people need to see the geography ... it isn't like people in philly complaining about going to new york ... we're talking 3 plus hour flights and huge costs ...
Thank you!
good beaches
good friends
sounds like a working holiday
I'm looking to buy a single ticket to Ed's Sydney Opera House show, PM me if you've got a spare! I don't care where the seat is!
I read in another thread that the Australian promoter (Chugg Entertainment? - sorry i'm too lazy to go look for the post) said that if demand was there, he would see what could be done, or words to that effect! So basically make as much noise about it as possible, show the demand is there! The Aussies are taking action........
And if you listen to the boot for the Newcastle 06 show, Ed was pretty impressed with the petition that brought him there - Activism in action!
You just need to chill a bit and be happy for the Autralians
If I want to dream about a show being in my home city around my 40th, then more power to me.
And besides, with an Easterly wind behind him, Ed could cut that time by a third comming to us. Imagine the savings to Global Warming if he did. hehe
I'm just saying this is HUGE for us Aussies and we're gunna milk it for all it's worth!
( anyone want to buy me some Airfares for my 40th? :shifty: )
If he plays in your back yard, can I crash on your sofa?
Methinks the people saying "He's in your country, just drive" have absolutely no idea of how far Perth is from the east coast of Australia. If they ever announce a one-off show in Los Angeles and the New Yorkers start complaining, feel free to say, "Stop whingeing, they're in your country, be thankful and drive."
in an earlier post somebody said i was jealous, my response to that is "hell yeah" i am...
You sure can. My couch is very comfy!
It isn't like he's taking his two girls from Seattle to Vancouver, for starters. If he is bringing his family, then they will have spent 20 hours in the air just to get to Sydney, and that's assuming it's a direct flight and not one with a stopover in Auckland. A flight from Adelaide (the last stop on the tour) to Perth is a shade under 3 1/2 hours. If you've already flown 20 hours to get somewhere, I don't think an extra 3 1/2 hour flight is going to destroy you physically lol
That being said though, this attitude is fairly typical of a lot of North American fans. Pearl Jam rarely plays the South, and whenever they release tour dates that omit the South people down here start complaining, and the usual response is, "Stop complaining, if you were a real fan you'd travel to see them." Funnily enough, those comments usually come from people living in the New York/Boston/Philadelphia area, people who never have to travel anywhere to see them. It also doesn't take into account the fact that a lot of fans simply can't afford to travel to see a band play - the airfares and hotel rooms cost enough on their own without factoring in the cost of a ticket. I think all the people of Perth are arguing is that if you've already traveled 20 hours to get somewhere, traveling an extra 3 hours to play shows that would be guaranteed sell outs isn't that much of an imposition.
So how's the Perth petition going?
Ed is a multi- Millionaire.
Your average fan is not. If he takes his entourage to Perth, it won't be for a sandwich. It will still be lining his pockets with some sweet sweet cash. (Not that I would accuse him of this being a money making trip) but reality is he will make more money in this tour than I will in my lifetime.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014 ... 4609379873
ooh does that mean they might add NZ dates?? Maybe I should start an auckland petition...
I'm looking to buy a single ticket to Ed's Sydney Opera House show, PM me if you've got a spare! I don't care where the seat is!
I can't believe no-one has yet. Do it!
I am not going to get into a slanging match with the OP, but some understanding of :
A. The geogrpaphy of Australia;
B. The Cost of Perth fans getting anywhere else in Australia,
C. The history between Perth and Pearl Jam,
D. The history of acts skipping Perth (a city of 1.5 million)
would probably allow you to see this and our petition from a different point of view.
Petitions are a vehicle for many voices to be heard. I'm sure our message has got to those who we wanted to hear it and they will make a decision one way or another. That decision will be respected with grace and understanding.
Nothing offensive in that.
Well put. I really hope you get a show or two. Great job with the constructive activism and voicing of opinion. Good luck!
No time to be void, or save up on life, you've got to spend it all
The closest stop on the solo tour to Perth is Adelaide - a distance of 1,550 miles.
That's about the equivalent of driving from New York City to the Colorado state line.
Perth to Sydney is 2,450 miles, or about New York City to Phoenix.
Not like those are simple road trips. And flights aren't always a viable option for the average person.
Good luck Perth fans (from someone in the southern US who travels to see the band). Here's to hoping Ed can make it to you. And if he ultimately can't, still nothing wrong with this effort you're putting forth. I don't see it as a slight or complaint towards Ed, but rather a huge compliment - there's a ton of people who want to see him and they're actively trying to make it happen. I bet he'd feel honored by it.
No time to be void, or save up on life, you've got to spend it all
If it were a matter of driving a few hours it would not be a problem. I will have to drive 3 hours to a Perth gig anyway: ... e=UTF8&z=8
But getting to any other capital city from Perth is a major task. For most West Aussies, asian destinations like Indonesia, Thailand are easier and cheaper to get to than Sydney.
Have any Perth people thought of flying to Canberra? ... CRT2011679
Doggystylen... sounds to me like you are a fuck-wit.
Perth is about 4,500km from Sydney, maybe 1,500kms from Adelaide, so it's not a short journey, nor a cheap one. Thepetition was a great way of showing Ed/Chugg/PJ Mgmt that Perth was interested. It worked for Newcastle in 2006, and that was one of the best shows ever... check the setlist or listen to the boot.
Negativity for people wanting to see Ed... fuck off. Don't bring negative rubbish to theforum.
EV - Canberra, Newcastle, Sydney 2011; Sydney 2014.
Dickhead, a few hours drive? Sydney to Perth is atleast 4 days drive. So, folks, MYOB.
EV - Canberra, Newcastle, Sydney 2011; Sydney 2014.
Adelaide 1998
Adelaide 2003
Adelaide 2006 night 1
Adelaide 2006 night 2
Adelaide 2009
Melbourne 2009
Christchurch NZ 2009
Eddie Vedder, Adelaide 2011
PJ20 USA 2011 night 1
PJ20 USA 2011 night 2
Adelaide BIG DAY OUT 2014