Observing Dysfunction

Sometimes I see families that need a tune-up
and if it was any of my business
(which it's not because I have my own family to clean and lubricate!)
I'd say that there's discomfort from the proximity of extended family
people who have gotten so much in the habit of blaming others for their problems?
and people who have habitually been the unfortunate receptacles of the blame?
like a horror movie cliche
the sin-eater and his descendants
one person feeding bad feelings to another
to be relieved
it's merely some distracting, blinding, habit
established in sputtering, confused families
step outside or be vigilant and deflect what comes your way
it's Holiday Warfare!
and if it was any of my business
(which it's not because I have my own family to clean and lubricate!)
I'd say that there's discomfort from the proximity of extended family
people who have gotten so much in the habit of blaming others for their problems?
and people who have habitually been the unfortunate receptacles of the blame?
like a horror movie cliche
the sin-eater and his descendants
one person feeding bad feelings to another
to be relieved
it's merely some distracting, blinding, habit
established in sputtering, confused families
step outside or be vigilant and deflect what comes your way
it's Holiday Warfare!