A Gift From Us For Pj Next Christmas

I was wonder... Can we do together something for our special band? What would You say.
Please, I don't think it's stupid idea, and I don't think we can not do it. It's just a matter if we want to.
I was thinking if we could do something for them for next Christmas. My idea is: to collect many pictures of PJ fans from the whole world (smiled), and some Christams greetings in different languages. To find persons in many countries who would take care of collecting pictures (from local fun clubs) and sending them to somebody in USA. In USA somebody would do a plaque (table or sth of paper) with this pictures and greetings and SOMEHOW (i don't know how yet) give it to PJ member before Christmas.
I think it would be nice. I watched dvd, where Eddie was making a film or taking photos with all the crowd on concert.
They give some Christmas gifts to many of us, so why we wouldn't do it the same for them?
Oh, please, don't tell me i am wrong. I guess we can do it! Will U join it? Any ideas?
Please, reply...
Please, I don't think it's stupid idea, and I don't think we can not do it. It's just a matter if we want to.
I was thinking if we could do something for them for next Christmas. My idea is: to collect many pictures of PJ fans from the whole world (smiled), and some Christams greetings in different languages. To find persons in many countries who would take care of collecting pictures (from local fun clubs) and sending them to somebody in USA. In USA somebody would do a plaque (table or sth of paper) with this pictures and greetings and SOMEHOW (i don't know how yet) give it to PJ member before Christmas.
I think it would be nice. I watched dvd, where Eddie was making a film or taking photos with all the crowd on concert.
They give some Christmas gifts to many of us, so why we wouldn't do it the same for them?
Oh, please, don't tell me i am wrong. I guess we can do it! Will U join it? Any ideas?
Please, reply...
Not 10c member? Have sth to say? write to me - I'll put it on the forum
Post edited by Unknown User on
About the work... yes, it would be a many of work, but we have time till next Christmas:)
Thanks for answer:)
About giving this "thing". I don't know how to do it... on the site http://www.pearljam.com is mention that people can send sth to them, but i think we would have to discuss it with sb in Ten Club - i guess, if some of letters are delivered to the band - it always do a human, somebody, a person - so we would have to try to find this person and explain him/her, that is rather unusual message for PJ.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
im gonna send them a DVD of the cincy show.....
that should make their fucking holidays......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Or how about an all expenses paid trip to Camden
clark, that's the gift that keeps givin' the whole year.
"C'mon Rusty, let's go find your sister."
(special moment)
dont watse ur monie, guys.
So it's about priorities... For U this is "giving back something" - You said - if they are dedicated to us, we will be the same for them. My point of view is -give sth, not in return, just give. Maybe it doesn't really matter, if they like it, or not. It matters to me. I will feel better, if I do this.
Do you really think about money? How much it will cost... I don't have much money (i don't care, i'm not starving-so that's ok), and it would be a pleasure to give some money for such of that thing. Better than spend my money for some stupid movies in cinema, or buying things, which i don't even need. Besides, I don' think it will ruin my budget.
My feeling would be that it would be too big to put into a world map. Cool idea but I would assume there would be a lot of people that would want to submit to it and it would be too massive.
My boss pays me for my work, but it's not everything i want from my job. I'm happier when people come to me and thank for my work and rescue their animals from death. Money is not everything. They are important (especially when U don't have them:)), but not everything. Maybe i'm naive, but i believe i'm not the only one in this world, who think this way. About posters - i don't need them:). I pay for cd's and for tickets (but not in dollars, thanks God), but i think it's still not enough for the joy (more than joy i'm sure)
its a good idea. lets get more people on board for something.
London 2009, Dublin 2010, Belfast 2010, Nijmegen 2010, Manchester I & II 2012, Amsterdam I 2012, Stockholm 2012, EV Amsterdam I 2012
I hope some more persons would join us:) please, don't forget about this thread. I can be VERY (unfortunately) boring to remind U...
i think it's a cool idea. what if you used that photo idea, and made the photos really small... and then collectively it makes a giant photo. have you ever seen those? i don't even know how it works but.. i'm sure it can be done in photoshop... with a LOT of patience.
poor explanation i know... haha
a picture made up of lots of little photographs? like the cover of No Code? (cant think of the name either now!)...thats a great idea!
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
i could see them appreciating something like that and maybe hanging it up in 10C headquarters or something...
is that you stone come now let us know please oh by the way CREED sucks ..
Yehah, that's what i was thinking as soon as i read little pictures. the little pictures could make the bigger picture of the world map?
I don't know. great idea though OP.. i like it a lot.
and we should send them one picture at a time....
just like how they announce the tour dates......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....