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Post edited by Unknown User on
This topic always pisses me off.
It just makes me so infuriated that they can do that to their people, and no one can do anything about it because they are a rising juggernaut.
"The choice before some European countries and others is clear and simple: do they want to be part of the political game to challenge China's judicial system or do they want to develop a true friendly relationship with the Chinese government and people?" Cui Tiankai said.
"What image do they want to leave for ordinary Chinese people? So, in my view, they are facing such a choice. They have to make the choice according to their own judgement," Mr Cui said.
As if the issue is one concerned with the Chinese people, and not solely with the bunch of gangsters pulling the strings in Beijing.
What do you mean by that?: "As if the issue is one concerned with the Chinese people, and not solely with the bunch of gangsters pulling the strings in Beijing".
I mean the Chinese government and the Chinese people are not one and the same thing.
putting people in inhumane prisons, and not giving them their day in court, or delaying for up to 5 years and more to give them the chance at justice. These people were accused terrorists. and because of public opinion The US did these things.
There goes YOUR OWN rights to justice
but hey those yellow people are VERY bad.
The US is full offuckin Hypocrites
What is the purpose of this statement? Why must all the haters try to invoke racism into everything?
Haters? Haters of what?
Care to elaborate?
Haters are those that feel the need to add BS statements to any and all criticism of the US. The are the ones that pop up only to include the US in any discussion, regardless of the OP's intent and only to state just how bad the US is in whatever.
It's certainly fine, and an obligation really to question all the US does. The difference between a rational person and a hater on this board is where they choose to bring up their issue and whether or not the add some BS color comment about (Yellow, Red, Brown, Black skinned people) in order to sensationalize their point that doesn't even belong.
Just looking for the opportunity to add a dumb comment to hate on the US for no other purpose than to hate.
Good enough explanation of what I meant? I wish I would have chosen a different word so you could have focused on the point of the post rather than looking for a way to make this about me.
this last few days we have had Secretary of state Hillary clinton in our country and one of the larger issues discussed was China , how it is growing how its a threat yada yada yada.
And it shits me when countries that in the last 10 years have invaded other countries thinks it has the right to moralise to others.
To me people in glass houses should not bethrowing stones
Those yellow people comment is how I feel, We in the west seem to think we are morally superier for some reason.
Re: Bush's torture admission is a dismal moment for democracy
by gimmesometruth27 » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:58 pm
thanks for posting that article. the author makes a very valid point. how can we dictate to other countries to improve their human rights policies when we have violated them just the same? we have damaged our standing in the world.it is funny how in a certain light we all look the same....
As I stated previosly we in the west seem to think we are superior. that the human rights violations comitted by other nationalities is bad or worse than anything we do.
to stand on the mound of morality we should get our house in order so that we have the moral right to do so.
a man in china is under house arrest .
a man in Guantanimo is jailed for years on end with no access to what we call our rights to justice
just a few short years ago we didnt jail without trial, we dindt have torture as a policy etc
we have lost the moral right to judge other nations . that is my thoughts
You hate white people.
My wifes white
my daughter as well.
I hate those who like to judge others who do not judge themselves first
people who think they stand on the moral high ground when actually they are standing in a pit
and that is not you
I dont know you . so how can I say
then again how can you say I hate etc
my original post was a reaction to the thread and Hillary clintons ( and my goverment as well) stance on china over the last few days . i beleive it is relevant to what we are discussing
It was a joke.
Would that pit be a messageboard?