for the say, 3 of us who are interested in canadian politics
British Columbia Posts: 5,955
Yes, some changes happened north of the border as well..
Gordo resigned... didn't do it when he was arrested for drunk driving... finally took an HST and BC Rail scandal to do it...
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
Yes, some changes happened north of the border as well..
Gordo resigned... didn't do it when he was arrested for drunk driving... finally took an HST and BC Rail scandal to do it...
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
live pearl jam is best pearl jam
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"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
It's a matter of time!
because most people in Ontario just take it and don't complain.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
it's no different than when the conservatives left office ... the only difference is that the libs inherited a huge defecit with the economy on the shits ...
I agree, but 5 billion vs. 27 billion, big difference. The tories also inherited a huge deficit with a poor economy. I don't agree with deficit spending no matter who is in power, all these deficit do is limit what future governments can do. And I can guarantee you that it's society most vulnerable that pay for these deficits.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
the tories took a booming economy and still managed to create a defecit ... in any case - i'm not sure on your defecit spending point ... i mean ... society's most vulnerable require services ... and if those services get cut because we do not want to enter into a defecit - well, there are consequences with the vulnerable becoming even more vulnerable ...
either way - similar to other threads of similar nature ... we can probably agree that we want an efficient gov't ... wasteful spending has to stop ...
I'll clarify, eventually the government has to cut back and eliminate those deficits and they usually do this by cutting services and in order to get those services people are then required to pay for those services (ie...eye doctors, chroprators), it's usually the people with the least that can not afford these services.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
or they can raise taxes ...
Then I remembered our previous premiers popularity. Ralph Klein is the patron saint of redneck Albertans....Not for his politics...but for being one of us....drunkenly stumbling into a shelter, berating and throwing change at homeless people was a savvy political move in this province :roll:
they can...then people have less money to spend and that leads to job loss. But why in Ontario did McGuilty have to raise taxes, revenue was up over 20 billion in his first 6 years of office, maybe he should learn to control spending, you can't keep going to the taxpayer. The taxpayers in Ontario don't have anything to give, he screwed himself because he bought off all the public sector unions for the last 7 years, now those union will end up paying by getting a wage freeze. By the way I am a member of one of those unions, so I see from the inside what's gone on, and I don't support my union, people are right when they say the public sector was exempt from this recession. I could write about about the inefficiencies in the public sector I work. I agree we both want an efficient well run government, well never get it until they clean out the the inefficiencies in the layers and layers of government that has been created over the last 7 years.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
7 years!?? ... this is what gets me ... i definitely don't think mcguinty has done a great job but why is it that people will always forget what previous gov'ts did!? ... inefficiencies in the public sector or not tied to one gov't or another ... also, the whole raise taxes = less spending = less jobs is some myth that has like no merit whatsoever ... ... accountant
The person responsible for this decision should be terminated. The minister in charge should be fired as well.
That's the only way waste will be eliminated is when people understand that their job is in jeopardy.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
interesting ... without knowing who the next leader is!? ... that seems strange ... doesn't seem like HST is going anywhere either!? ... ... algaryHome
Very popular politician. ... step-down/
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
he kept the progressive in progressive conservative ... i think his ability to lead is also a testament to newfoundlanders ... everyone in it together ...
yes he did...good to see
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
what are everyone's thoughts on the robo calls during the last election?