Double Edge Sword (elections)

I've been reading all I can on candidates running for office and it's a hard choice just because the issues each candidate supports ,,or says they support, one will lower taxes but will not support the unions,one will help create jobs and cut spending but supports more taxes and fee's :crazy: AHHHHHHHHH !!!
I don't according to party I have always referred to voting as supporting the best lier and as I get a little older I would like to see someone in office (offices) that will support what is in the best interest for Americas..well what I feel is best for Americans
and trust...with all the mud slinging and dirty secrets coming to the surface during election games and competition how can anybody vote and be sure they have voted for who they feel best for the job ?
I don't according to party I have always referred to voting as supporting the best lier and as I get a little older I would like to see someone in office (offices) that will support what is in the best interest for Americas..well what I feel is best for Americans

Post edited by Unknown User on
Are we doomed?
San Diego, Calif. (October 29th 2010)
Please help me feel good about Duncan Hunter Junior. Today one of my supporters brought in to me a letter sent from Hunter under the Official Business or Public Document auspices. Which means it was paid at taxpayer expense. This letter is a blatant campaign ploy for his re-election campaign paid for under the public treasury.
Today at the Rancho San Diego Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, he was given 15 minutes of time while all other candidates were given five minutes. The moderator tried to give Hunter five more minutes under the premise his first 15 minutes was for a congressional update. Part of his time was devoted to how we are killing thousands of “them” (Afghanis) and it was better we kill them over there than here.
How egregious does the election process have to get before people will scream “foul”? Hunter refused to debate his opponents early on in the campaign and only reluctantly agreed to a late cycle debate due to pressure put on him from media scrutiny over a hunger strike his opponents used to force the issue.
Hunter has the advantage of a gerrymandered district with 146,000 republican registrants to 106,000 democrat and just 75,000 others, yet he finds it necessary to plunder public funds to promote his campaign. He did this a few months earlier spending ten’s of thousands of taxpayer funds to self promote what Benoit calls a phony job fair. The media sure lapped it up stating “Hunter is doing his part to bring jobs to San Diego County”.
I know I did not cover the fact that Hunter Jr. just rolled in under his father’s name. After all it is the principality of Hunter.
Frankly I find that anyone that would do all of the above lacks principle and deserves no position of honor. Besides all that his father’s campaign machine, built up over the decades raised about $500,000, over $450,000 more than the Democrat Ray Lutz.
Do you find Hunter’s behavior acceptable?
Mike Benoit
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
yes.. enquiring minds want to know.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
sward (swôrd) also swarth (swôr)
1. Land covered with grassy turf.
2. A lawn or meadow.
somehow i dont think thats what godfather meant. but hey i could be wrong.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i am seriously thinking about writing in mickey mouse on more than a few ballots.
and for fucks sake change "sward" to "sword" in the title.
I am thinking about voting for the green party candidate for governor
he says all the things that I most agree with, and I decided that he says the truth more often cause he has nothing to loose.... but why should I vote for someone or something that has no chance of winning? principle?
ooops my bad I thought you would be smart enough to figure that out,my spelling has always been a mess
you'll just have to work with me on that.
see, i am reminded of that south park episode of having to choose between a giant douche and a shit sandwich
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
I've always thought it does not matter who you vote for as long as you vote for the person you feel is the best for the job, you don't have to vote for the popular candidates to feel your vote counts,your vote is your voice and when you vote you're telling people and candidates alike who you feel is best for the job or the best idea on a proposition, just my thought on it anyway..I wanted to see Parot in office years back.
just busting your balls. :P
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
it's all good with me Cate if we can't have a little fun here it would boring.
Well the good news is we all now know what a sward is. Would never have thought about that without your help.
And agreed. Pretty much every candidate makes me ill. But yet I always vote for the principle of it all.... and the ballot measures which can be important.
i might as well, given my choices.
too powerful
too rich
change will never come from half of the nation voting in a corrupt system
voting is what keeps this pathetic monster alive
any vote, democrat or republican, is a vote for this system
i vote by not voting
it's like 3-card-monte
they show us what we want to see
and it isn't even there at all
if this country is ever going to truly change
it will be done through apathy
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