F/S BUSH tickets this Sat 10/30 Foxwoods CT

maccimacci Posts: 1,057
edited October 2010 in Other Music
Tickets to the BUSH re-union show this Saturday 10/30 at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods. It's also the last night of the tour. The 4 tickets are in the left parterre, row HH. I will take Paypal for what I paid for them $60 TOTAL (normally $40 per ticket but I got them discounted). They are e-tickets and I can send them ASAP. We cannot go due to rescheduled family plans.

You can PM, but email is better
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:macci28@yahoo.com">macci28@yahoo.com</a><!-- e -->
My lips are shaking.......
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