Outsourced! Cool...

G ForceG Force Posts: 1,393
edited December 2008 in The Porch
So I rented Outsourced over itunes. It took literally three days for the movie to completely download...quite a hassle. Anyways...I just finished watching it an to my total surprise in the final scene what song comes on?????

Long Road with Nusrat fateh ali Khan ...the version from Dead Man Walking.

I had no idea this song was in it and I got chills as soon as it started I knew what it was even though I hadn't heard it in a long time. I thought they'd just play the music cuz they'd been rocking Indian jams all throughout but then Ed's pipes float in. It was very cool

I loved that movie too. Totally funny and sweet I guess. Cool low budget film.

Lastly...It just seems like PJ stuff happens all around me. Today I'm selling CD's to Amoeba so I can buy groceries and I see the guy in front of me has just sold a stack of CD's. Right on top is Into The Wild. I couldn't stop looking at it and wondering why he was selling it. When I was told how much I'd get for my CD's I asked if I could take 5 bucks off my total and keep the ITW disc. It was like I was saving a puppy from being euthanized. Well...she wouldn't let me so...whatevs.

THEN...On Thursday I got to introduce this band NO AGE on a stage in SF. I was a little nervous cuz I had to talk about this website and stuff but I pulled it off fine. Then they broke into their set and the lead singer started commenting how someone should jump from the balcony... "Like some Eddie Vedder Pearl Jam Evenflow shit." I think were his exact words. I just felt funny about it and I think I have 100 more stories like this were a Jam song or reference will pop up where I'd least expect it and give a moment more meaning than it originally had.

Anyone else.

Please feel free to comment on OUTSOURCED or the latter part of my thread.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • cool little story-i dont even know what movie you are talking about:) but the fact that some person was selling into the wild- i mean, why? crazy shit. i am glad you tried to a save it, better luck next time.

    what that guy said about the eddie vedder pearl jam shit.... thats cool. a little bit of pearl jam all around.
    Christchurch, New Zealand 2009

  • Nice little PJ stories are fun to hear. I'm sorry that you have to sell your CDs for groceries though. :( At first when you aid Amoeba I thought you were in LA so I could help you with that, but you are in San Fran.
  • G ForceG Force Posts: 1,393
    Thanks Not for Me? I'm not really that poor. Just had an expensive week. I have a huge stockpile of CD's and I sell some when I just want some free money.

    Check out Outsourced if you haven't. It was pleasent.
  • Haha I'm glad you aren't. If anybody is having trouble getting food in northern LA for any reason PM me. I have connections at a grocery store.:D
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