*** Bridge School Benefit 2 Fanviews Here 10/24/10 ***



  • This was probably the best Bridge School performance I've ever seen from them. Ed sounded amazing! I guess not playing a show in months allowed his voice to recover in a big way. Loved Otherside & Walk With Me. I've been going to Bridge School since 1999 and this was their finest performance yet. Loved the vibe going with the SF Giants as well. Saw thousands of Giants ballcaps in the crowd. Great weekend, even the rain couldn't spoil this one.
    06/22/95, 11/04/95, 11/15/97, 07/16/98, 10/30/99, 10/30/00, 10/31/00, 10/20/01, 10/21/01, 12/08/02, 06/01/03, 06/06/03, 10/25/03, 10/26/03, 09/28/04, 03/18/05, 09/01/05, 07/15/06, 07/16/06, 07/18/06, 07/22/06, 07/23/06, 10/21/06, 10/22/06, 08/28/09, 09/21/09, 09/22/09, 05/20/10, 05/21/10, 10/24/10, 11/26/13, 12/06/13, 06/28/14, 10/26/14, 07/10/18, 08/10/18, 10/02/21, 
  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    NS282646 wrote:

    Jeff with a ukulele? Sweet!

    Pretty sure that's Ed's (or more likely Stone's on loan?) Size 5 Martin Parlour Guitar, the one he uses for Lullabye Betterman. AND YEAH, I totally noticed that, when Jeff popped up with it, he let the Cello take the bass line for a song.

    That lil' parlour features heavily in EV solo shows, was fantastic to see it make an appearance at the Bridge!
    [sic] happens
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    Seeing this band on that stage with those kids onstage was enough to bring a tear to the eye.
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    lastexit78 wrote:
    This was probably the best Bridge School performance I've ever seen from them. Ed sounded amazing! I guess not playing a show in months allowed his voice to recover in a big way. Loved Otherside & Walk With Me. I've been going to Bridge School since 1999 and this was their finest performance yet. Loved the vibe going with the SF Giants as well. Saw thousands of Giants ballcaps in the crowd. Great weekend, even the rain couldn't spoil this one.

    And not one of them gave me shit for my Rangers cap. Just "good luck" and "congrats" and "it will be a good series".
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • Citizen ZackCitizen Zack Posts: 1,763
    bgivens33 wrote:
    First time Bridge School and it was fantastic.

    The guys obviously enjoy doing this event and are constantly looking back at the kids.

    I've always loved Nothingman, but Black stole the show the first night. It was the song that made me really appreciate Pearl Jam and this version was amazing. The strings added something to it that I didn't know were missing. Simply incredible.

    The second night it was nice to see Down, it translates perfectly to the acoustic environment.

    For Drifting, Ed said he wrote the song several years ago driving down Neil's driveway on the back of an airplane ticket that was in his pocket after a party. He went on to say that's it's not like he wrote the song extremely fast, but Neil just has a very long driveway.

    I don't really care so much about hearing rarities for the sake of it being a rarity, but Other Side has always been one of my favorites off of Lost Dogs. It was probably that song that took me from a casual Yield/Ten/Vitalogy fan to a new level of appreciation. I've always been baffled why they've never played it live... it wasn't perfect, but it was damn good for a first time performance. It seemed slightly more upbeat(same as Black) and lost a bit of that haunting, gut check, the studio version gives, but great none the less.

    I'm also of the opinion that's Ed's voice seems to be getting better... the Hartford version of Nothingman(absolutely amazing, go find the youtube video if you haven't seen it) planted that seed and it was just confirmed tonight.

    One last thought, after Pearl Jam left the stage, Eddie Vedder sprinted back on, grabbed his tambourine and went and gave it to one of the bridge school kids. That's something you won't see in the paper or in any review, and I'm sure he wasn't doing it for that reason. I just thought it was a great way to end their set.

    I also had the distinct pleasure of relaying the set tonight... something I've benefited from in the past, so it was nice to pay the favor back. I did, however, take joy in knowing the frenzy I would cause when I sent the Other Side text.

    Nice review, Bill. Glad you all had a great experience. I love the subtleties, like Ed running back to give his tambourine to the kids. You're right - nothing that will garner much attention and that's exactly the way he'd want it. Just a genuinely nice and caring group of guys.

    Thanks a lot for relaying the set both nights. I got chills when the Other Side text came through.
    "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." - Thoreau

    No time to be void, or save up on life, you've got to spend it all
  • anothercloneanotherclone Posts: 1,688
    Such a great and fantastical weekend. Ed's voice was beautiful and they simply nailed it. I remember looking at my husband and saying "what has Ed been doing to sound so amazing?" Walk with Me was just beautiful and how about Lukin? Sitting in the lawn and one of my friends said "I bet we're getting Lukin" and sure-as-shit it was about 15 seconds later that it started.

    Somebody mentioned seeing the wedding ring on Ed's hand (if not in this thread, maybe night 1) and that just was really so sweet to me for some reason.

    Anyway, I'd totally do it all again. The music, the people...really Pearl Jam and their fans are some of the best people I've ever met in my life. This whole thing is just such an amazing gift. I wish other people could experience it in some small way. I just really can't describe it but you guys know what I'm talking about. You live it the same as me.

    Mad props to the Wishlist folks for coordinating all of the social gatherings. That stuff just makes it all so special.
  • jninejnine Posts: 43
    Another reason to love Eddie and the band. I haven't seen it mentioned in any of the threads so far, but Eddie was talking about how much they get from the kids that go to the school and how they got to know some of them over the years and followed their lives. He said they would be embarrassed to have their accomplishments mentioned onstage, but that in May, he had the privilege of sending flowers to Maricor when she graduated from Berkeley with her BA in Women's studies and that she was probably going back for her Master's next year. (She's the one he played Last Kiss for Sat. night) He turned and looked at her while he was talking and she was so happy and excited, I have to admit it brought tears to my jaded eyes.
  • geckogecko Posts: 1,712
    norm wrote:

    I want to go there and dance with Stone.
  • in eds treein eds tree Denver Posts: 539
    jnine wrote:
    Another reason to love Eddie and the band. I haven't seen it mentioned in any of the threads so far, but Eddie was talking about how much they get from the kids that go to the school and how they got to know some of them over the years and followed their lives. He said they would be embarrassed to have their accomplishments mentioned onstage, but that in May, he had the privilege of sending flowers to Maricor when she graduated from Berkeley with her BA in Women's studies and that she was probably going back for her Master's next year. (She's the one he played Last Kiss for Sat. night) He turned and looked at her while he was talking and she was so happy and excited, I have to admit it brought tears to my jaded eyes.

    i always get excited to see her!

    what a great show, dude. can't really add too much to what everyone has already said. the friend i went with likes pearl jam, but is not like...us (haha). she said that when pearl jam comes on she just watches me the whole time, HA! but she is right when she says it's a different kind of happiness that she sees in me when i watch them live than any other time i am happy. i guess that's the closest i will ever get to explaining how much i love this band :D
    keep on rockin' in the free world.
  • acutejamacutejam Posts: 1,433
    You can never have enough Neil in the mix! Ed 10-24-10

    Best photo gallery that actually includes some PJ: http://www.soundspike.com/photos/358-br ... w__ca.html

    SJ Mercury gives an honest accounting of Saturday's show, saying Idol and PJ the only ones to give Buffalo a run for their money. I'll have nightmares for the rest of my life reliving the Sat chorus harmonies of Elvis/Emmylou/Peggy/Lucinda/Kris .... making the first full band performance of Santa Cruz suitable restitution!

    So of course, OTHERSIDE was just a God-given bonus!
    [sic] happens
  • OMGGG!!!

    i wasn't there, but i peeped the OTHER SIDE video... NO FUCKING WAY! :shock: :shock:

    i am so jealous, yet so stoked for those who got to hear it live.. for the FIRST TIME!

    please, PJ, PLAY IT MORE OFTEN!!!!!! :D:D
    (or at least @ the next show i get to attend :lol: )
  • I was there with a few of my friends both nights and I still haven't come down. It'll be a while. A long while.
  • Great, great set. Most of the previous posters have covered everything - but I just want to add a couple of items.

    Someone mentioned Ed going back to the kids after the set and giving out a tambourine. However - truth be told - he spent a good 10 minutes after the set hanging out with the kids - signing tambourines and other things - really making a connection with those kids. Simply awesome. Made me proud to be a PJ fan.

    This was my wife's first PJ show. She kind of liked them - but never really wanted to see them live because in part they're just too 'heavy' for her. After this show - she's now hooked. Very awesome! I've kept telling her than nobody commands a stage like Ed - now she knows. :D

    We did not go Saturday night - instead went to the DeYoung Museum for their impressionism exhibit on loan from the Musee D'Orsay. Actually ran into Jeff Bridges at the museum. Told him we would see him the next day - to which he replied 'hope you don't get too wet.' Jokingly asked him if we could get backstage passes for Sunday - his deadpan response was 'Bring an umbrella.' :D

    I'll just add that Leon Russell/Elton John was phenomenal. Anybody with a chance to see them on their 10 date tour - make it a can't miss event.
  • by danceswithrats » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:54 pm

    I was there with a few of my friends both nights and I still haven't come down. It'll be a while. A long while.

    I'm feeling the exact same way. :D
  • PureandEasyPureandEasy Posts: 5,818
    I said it the first time I did the Bridge trek across the country in 2003, best thing I ever did. This being my third time now, it was the third best thing I’ve ever done. :D

    I HAD A BLAST. Everything about these shows warms my heart.

    And sharing it with my west coast friends could not have been more special.
    Don't come closer or I'll have to go
  • After a rainy, muddy, lawn chair-less, tight spot on the lawn for the first night....this was such a better night. We were in the back of the seated section, and the rain was very light and infrequent throughout the day. Not to mention the fact that Down and Other Side kicked so much ass.

    When Ed said they're gonna try one they've never played before I didn't even consider Other Side or some rarity. For some reason I was expecting a new cover or a new song from them. But Other Side was amazing, what a great surprise.

    Down was amazing - probably my favorite song.

    Lukin was very good as always although I think Ed got about 7% of the words right on that one.

    Loved The End also.

    And my God....that Eddie Vedder sure has an amazing voice. It sounds like it just keeps getting better and better.
  • Thank you for playing Otherside!! What a treat!! This band just keeps getting better and better if that is even possible. I'm so glad I made the trip from the east coast. It was one if the best weekends ever!
    8/29/00, 7/3/03, 5/24/06,6/28/08 & 6/30/08, 10/9/09,10/28/09, 10/30/09 & 10/31/09, 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10 & 5/21/10, 10/23/10 & 10/24/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 9/11/11, 9/12/11, 9/23/11, 9/22/12, 9/30/12, 7/16/13, 7/19/13
  • Just got back from what has for me been a totally amazing experience, first time in USA/Bridge School.

    Went to Sat lunch time meet-up feeling pretty down, missing wife and son, bad jet lag and missed Fri night meet.

    Met some great people who really turned me round (Jenny/partner, Shaun, Ron and all others who's names I forget ). Only had ticket for Sun, but suddenly found myself going both nights (WOW!) (thankyou to the person concerned a donation to w/l will follow). Can't say too much about shows that hasnt already been mentioned before. Sunday night for me the whole band just touched a whole new level and when I wasnt dancing, singing and waving my arms about my jaw was just on the floor in amazement.

    Must also mention Speedy 'McFuckin' McCready, MB and all the other loonies on the Premier Lawn VIP Section,you know who you are ha! ha! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: (pic to follow of all guilty parties).
    shows: Shepherds Bush 110809
    Hyde Park 250610
    Bridge School Benefit 23/241010
    Manchester MEN 210612
    Amsterdam Ziggodome 270612
    Berlin '02' 040712
  • geckogecko Posts: 1,712
    AmyMoore wrote:
    Thanks. Loved seeing Jeff and Stone goofing around on RITFW.
  • dwhite76dwhite76 Posts: 2,801
    I may be wrong but Im pretty sure Eddie (as I like to call him :lol: ) fucked up the first or second verse of Down. Know the mind may be hazy but I could of thought I heard. Did I? :?
    Some words when spoken...Can't be taken back...
  • dwhite76 wrote:
    I may be wrong but Im pretty sure Eddie (as I like to call him :lol: ) fucked up the first or second verse of Down. Know the mind may be hazy but I could of thought I heard. Did I? :?
    Yeah, he got the first word right....then skipped into the second verse then repeated himself and shrugged and smiled.
  • LA98LA98 Posts: 256
    I literally can't stop listening to Other Side (thanks, gremmie.dot!!!), it's just so good! You can hear this scream go up after Ed gets the first couple of words out, was that someone on this board??
  • both nights were excellent but betterman really sticks in my head
  • MissPennyLaneMissPennyLane Redondo Beach, CA Posts: 687
    skeeper wrote:
    both nights were excellent but betterman really sticks in my head

    Me too. I almost love that version better than the original.
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