The Baggage Handler

Worked since 15
dropped out of high school
youngest of 5 children
became ill at 22, but
was too young to care
worked for the airlines for 9 years
right before he got his 10
year raise, they fired him
his accident caused his mental
health to fail him
I'm young...drink instead
as the years went by, he
decided the streets were better
than homes with house managers
steal, he thought...
'Gotta get the sleeping pills and beer'
On the streets of Vegas and mugged
too many pills
used to surf, but after his accident
of landing on a rock at the river
he can no longer surf
he says he's surfed so many cool places
because of the trips
43 and angry at his past
I understand advice for
the two of us,
move forward, let go and the leave
the past where it belongs...
there are better days to come
the plan has yet to be unraveled, but
it has to be better than this
cest la vie
dropped out of high school
youngest of 5 children
became ill at 22, but
was too young to care
worked for the airlines for 9 years
right before he got his 10
year raise, they fired him
his accident caused his mental
health to fail him
I'm young...drink instead
as the years went by, he
decided the streets were better
than homes with house managers
steal, he thought...
'Gotta get the sleeping pills and beer'
On the streets of Vegas and mugged
too many pills
used to surf, but after his accident
of landing on a rock at the river
he can no longer surf
he says he's surfed so many cool places
because of the trips
43 and angry at his past
I understand advice for
the two of us,
move forward, let go and the leave
the past where it belongs...
there are better days to come
the plan has yet to be unraveled, but
it has to be better than this
cest la vie
Music is the universal language
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar