I'm on the Second Floor

I've sold lingerie, but kept the man
in the office
I've sold t-shirts in Japan
I'm a rich punk rucker, with
a silver spoon and a paper plate
Who am I?
Special, I am special
All of you are too
Next job...design Earth
and animal friendly shoes
...just gotta get sober first
oohhh....life...36, no kids...
too much pain to explain
I realize some of you think I should
buy a journal...let me just
tell you how having it go out
in the universe helps...god bless you all
in the office
I've sold t-shirts in Japan
I'm a rich punk rucker, with
a silver spoon and a paper plate
Who am I?
Special, I am special
All of you are too
Next job...design Earth
and animal friendly shoes
...just gotta get sober first
oohhh....life...36, no kids...
too much pain to explain
I realize some of you think I should
buy a journal...let me just
tell you how having it go out
in the universe helps...god bless you all
Music is the universal language
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar
What's better than a cigar? Ed with a sitar