Whatever I feel like at the time

I hate excuses more each day so I won't say that on some level, I don't knowknowknowknow when it happens like that for there's a detail or two, a ping/ring/ting-a-ling thing that calls for my attention and asks for more I knowknowknowknow but nowadays I don't always feel like dropping everything I'm doing to attend right then. oh I'd say I'm sorry but that'd just be tootootootowdy and for what ? latitudeattitudeslamitdude to pacify the voice calling? I'd say "well I'm busy" but it doesn't care! or I'd relay that I AM claiming some of my own freedom when I do what I want to do or what I need to do out here or maybe it's just not when I want to do it but I don't think that's the point cuz the hunger is real for the voice right THEN just as it's real for me at those tappity times when I can't help but speak softloud too.