gibson j-45

probably incoming tomorrow... i've put a deposit on it anyway. i've been playing it in the shop for a couple of months. ... Handed.htm ... Handed.htm
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i tried a songwriter deluxe studio ( ... tudio.aspx) a while ago but it was too balanced, if that makes sense. much prettier guitar but much like my larrivee in sound.
so we'll see how it goes. long & mcquade will be the death of me.
I love vintage Gibson acoustics, but the new ones are just too bright for me. I'm sure that '45 will sound great in 20 or 30 years, but I don't have the patience. I know a guy with an early-70's J-50, and THAT is my favorite acoustic I've ever played.
I think if I had the money right now, I'd be getting a Taylor X14ce (X = how much money I'm willing/able to spend) for the plugged-in tone. I'm not huge on Taylors in general, but I've never encountered an acoustic-electric that sounded better with flat EQ on the board.
we'll see how it goes with this 45.
That's certainly been a problem from my perspective, as well. They tend to just sound a bit dead and lifeless off the shelf, acoustically. But the Taylor Expression system is pretty much the saving grace. That's why I'd really like to have a Taylor for electric purposes, and a vintage Gibson for at home / in front of a mic.
A close friend of mine has been wanting a J-45 for ages... there are a few luthiers doing NOS-style (brand-new guitars built to vintage specs) J-45 builds, and they are crazy expensive, but very nice pieces. The soft shoulders especially make them very cool. I've always liked the J-160E, which is very similar, albeit with an alnico pup in the neck.
Old Gibson's are just fabulous. They really are.
i guess it's just the dark finish and also probably the lack of binding on the neck but it already gives off the vibe of being old. it's a June 2009 guitar so it's been played a bit in the shop and has some miles which adds to the character a bit (plus they knocked some $$$ for it).
it has the sort of smokey, muted kind of response (sort of an elliott smith or nick drake type thing) i was looking for. i don't find it bright at all. it honestly lacks volume acoustically but that's not an issue for me. i'm a hermit. i think a lot of people would be underwhelmed if they're expecting the typical modern bright and booming acoustic tone.
it's got a baggs element piezo pickup in it which is your typical, fairly terrible, piezo sound. that will get replaced someday. i actually had to do some work to the saddle to get the pick-up working properly. it was too big for the slot initially and wasn't sitting on the piezo evenly. a bit of light sanding fixed that. but i hate piezo's so i'm sure if i keep it it'll get an ibeam eventually since that's what's in my others. often times i have to record with the pickup due to noise in the house.