What's the crappiest, most useless piece of gear you own?

The title says it all. Of course you have to still have it. Sold gear doesn't count. 
I have an old Zoom multi-effect from the 90s that I bought with my first guitar. Back than I thought it would be a great idea to have get many effects for as low a price as possible. It wasn't. That thing is beyond useless. It sounds horrible and especially the distortion sounds are hideous. I even used it for a while until i knew what effects i wanted and then invested in some stomp boxes. I really don't know why I never got rid of it. Maybe I wouldn't have been able to pass it on to someone without feeling guilty...

I have an old Zoom multi-effect from the 90s that I bought with my first guitar. Back than I thought it would be a great idea to have get many effects for as low a price as possible. It wasn't. That thing is beyond useless. It sounds horrible and especially the distortion sounds are hideous. I even used it for a while until i knew what effects i wanted and then invested in some stomp boxes. I really don't know why I never got rid of it. Maybe I wouldn't have been able to pass it on to someone without feeling guilty...
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"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
The crappiest is my Yamaha F-310 acoustic that got dropped on the endpin, cracking the side-back joint, which was then repaired by some jackass with clear wood glue. I play it every day.
The most useless has got to be my bass amp, an Acoustic Control Corp 220 head over a Sunn 6x10 cab. It sounds freaking amazing, but with my little apartment, it's too big AND too loud, so it sits in my storage unit unplayed. That has to fit the definition of "useless."
Really, I've gotten rid of all of my junk. I guess you could cite my old Roland keyboard from when I took piano lessons 24 years ago, or perhaps my old Fender RocPro head (I don't really know where that one is anymore). I think I technically still own a cheap hollowbody electric bass somewhere, but it might be at a friend's cousin's house or something.
Now, the cheap and useless gear I USED to own... one could write a novel on that subject.
Some really interesting stuff here.
I just noticed that I still have my Boss JS-5 which I haven't used in at least 5 years. So I guess that also counts as useless. I bought that when I was literally living in the middle of nowhere for a year and didn't have a band. I should really sell that as it is in virtually new condition and might be of better use to someone out there.
I know how you feel!
Probably other than my hands would be a Boss Bass Chorus...hadn't used it in almost 10 years, but plugged it in and it still worked. If i hadn't recently sold them, it would have been a toss up between an EB bass wah and a DOD bass grunge pedal. I can't for the life of me figure out why I bought those pedals. :? I think I used the bass wah about 2 time in a gig, but the grunge pedal got used every night...for ONE song.
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Yip agreed- my hands are pretty useless too.
Most useless- I bought a whammy bar for an old squier while i was out and when i got it home found it was too small for the hole! idiot!
sometimes things just don't work out and you buy the wrong thing.
once i went to guitar center on my way to a gig and it was right before closing time and i said "i need 3 packs of yellow tortex picks" and he gave them to me and i got to the gig and they were the sharp kind, which i absolutely hate. i mean, who REALLY plays those?? i tried to play with them and broke strings on 2 of the 4 guitars i gig with in the first set and had to borrow some green tortex from my other guitar player and restring between sets...the take home lesson for me was "always look to make sure you get the right stuff" OR "don't go to stupid guitar center on the way to a gig 5 minutes before closing time" :oops:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
A few months ago my friend, bandmate, and drummer, Larry calls me saying his neighbor who cleans out houses had a bunch of music gear for sale SUPER CHEAP. A little combo keyboard amp for 30 bucks and a CRATE half stack for 50 bucks among other things (guitar stands, etc) I said buy it right away at that price.
He brings the amps over. Both worked and seemed fine. The Crate had some cat hair all over the top but otherwise seemed ok. Played with it for a few weeks, then started having some problems. One channel started cutting out, and intermittent signal in general. I had my electronics repair guy come over to check it out. I COULD NOT BELIEVE what was inside that head!
Strewn throughout the amp head was foil wrappers from hershey kisses, and a shitload of mouse droppings!!!! Ugh! Insane! Some mouse had stashed away a hershey kiss motherload then proceeded to dump his loads everywhere in the amp. The foil was touching some of the circuit boards and making it short out! So crazy! We then imagined the cat (source of the hair) sitting on top of the amp being driven mad by the mouse inside munching out on candy.
Cleaned it out and it works fine now. Fu-nk-y.
That HAS to be the CRAPPIEST!
For me - my most USELESS - toss-up - BOTH accessories from Planet Waves. The first - the pick shaped strobe tuner. Impossible to use. Worthless in my opinion. Its supposed to shoot a led strobing light onto the strings and when it stops flashing its in tune. (Got it free with strings) Never used it, never will. I did try it. Forget it. I have a TU-3, lets get real.
The other useless accessory, a planet waves string cutter/tuning peg puller. String cutter is fine, but the peg puller works on NO pegs. Just slips off. So half useless there.
DO THE EVOLUTION - a 20th Anniversary Tribute Celebration
Picture of amp when we opened it up...
DO THE EVOLUTION - a 20th Anniversary Tribute Celebration
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
The wah tones are great, make no mistake, but it seldom works. Inconsistent piece of shit.