mig, you might like this one.

a warmoth nashville tele i put together this summer.

currently has my old fender SCNs in it but i'm waiting on a quarter pounder for the bridge and a hot strat and hot tele for the middle and neck respectively. i'm big on duncans again lately.
currently has my old fender SCNs in it but i'm waiting on a quarter pounder for the bridge and a hot strat and hot tele for the middle and neck respectively. i'm big on duncans again lately.
Post edited by Unknown User on
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/ ... ville1.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/ ... ville2.jpg
Mine had the S-90 in the bridge (still love that pickup, a great Tele bridge pup), with Fralin Hot Strat in neck and middle, although I would've been better off with Fralin Blues instead.
If I had it to do all over again, I'd probably do the S-90 in the bridge, Fralin Blues in the middle, and a Duncan mini-HB in the neck.
Good luck with the quarter-pounder, I didn't have much luck with that one. I found it a bit muddy for my tastes.
i really like the SCNs but the bridge pickup has gone totally microphonic from being messed with so much and i want to try something different.
I talked a buddy into the SD Hot pups for his jazzmaster (he did both), and that was a huge change for the better. Those pups are much the same tone, just more output. Totally improved the tone we got on subsequent recording sessions (signal to noise ratio especially).
the quarter pounder in the bridge is good. i can see how it would be considered muddy but for high gain it works well.
the hot for strat and hot for tele in the middle and neck were terrible. muddy and weak and the strat pickup has this terrible honk to it with any gain at all. and neither had any presence for clean sounds. really disappointing.
so the SCNs went back in to those positions tonight and we'll see how the quarter pounder fairs. i don't do the typical bright twangy tele bridge thing so it should be ok.
just didn't work for the tele. oh well.
i do really like the SCNs so i'm done for a while. i have an AVRI 52 tele that is stock and does the regular tele thing. i purpose built this one as a nashville and wanted higher output overall. the old tele the SCNs were in at first is in sick bay but i guess i've been using them for 3-4 years now.
I haven't ever tried Seymour's hot pups for anything besides Jazzmaster. I'd probably love to try them in a Jaguar, always kinda gassed for a Jag with hot pups (minus the extraneous switches, knobs, sliders, etc). Too bad they didn't fit your expectations... have you thought about Lace Sensors?
that would probably be to your liking after a pickup change. though you lose the vibrato system which is the best there is for musicality in my opinion (with a good bigsby a close second).
I really shouldn't be piecing a Jag together in my head right now... gotta start saving for an ES-339 and a 314CE. I am thinking of selling my Shannon pedals and getting my Rat sent off to Keeley before he quits working on them altogether. But no new guitars for a while, gotta save up for those expensive buggers I want.
Well, that HS Jazzmaster looks interesting...
I'm more into the '72 custom. In my opinion they look a lot cooler and have the great bonus of retaining the bridge sc.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/ ... eClose.jpg
Now where's that $4500 I had laying around.
Cool one! is that yours? Is that the fender or the Squier model?
Yeah. It would be great to have that kind of money. But then again, if I had, I'd so many guitars it wouldn't even be funny anymore...
What a waste... "duplicates every cosmetic nuance of the original." Too bad the sound is nothing like the original. Fender has been shilling those "reissues" with run-of-the-mill alnico humbuckers in an oversized cover for decades, refusing all the while to admit that the original pickups are dramatically different, provide a totally different tone. I'm still waiting for Lollar to put out his recreation, see if it stacks up against the vintage pieces out there. If it comes out favorably, I'll be in line with a check in hand.
It's definitely mine, built several years ago. Started as a '72 Deluxe RI, added the pickguard and some Fralin P-90's. It is a tone monster, strung up with 11's and it sounds awesome.
Fender went behind my back several years later, and copied my guitar (but without Lindy's awesome pickups, using their Black Doves instead): http://guitars.musiciansfriend.com/prod ... sku=501919 So, you can go buy one now directly from Fender. But I'd plan on some extra cash for a pup upgrade.
Thinking a Tele Deluxe in the near future.
Well, if wanted to spend that much money on a Deluxe, I'd get a vintage model anyway. I mean, I really don't get why I'd want to buy a reissue or even a relic'd one if I can get the real deal for about the same price. I understand why they're putting out reissues of guitars that no mortal can afford anymore, but these 70s models and guitars like Jags and Jazzmasters are still pretty affordable for the most part. But that's just me. Well, maybe the overall quality of the custom shop reissues is a little higher and there's less of a chance of ending up with a dud.. I don't know.
But your Deluxe looks great!
http://www.tdpri.com/forum/telecaster-d ... yours.html
this guy with the red one has found the only bridge solution that would really work for me, being left-handed and very limited in the hardware available to me.
warmoth makes the field hockey stick style fender electric XII headstock now. very tempting.
What's wrong with your rick? Too narrow fretboard?
yes. the playability is a problem. it's very unforgiving in the lower frets. but oh the sound....
Have you tried the Petty model? They're supposed to be a lot more comforable in that department.
if i ever have the chance though, I would trade my 330/12 up for a 660/12.
Well, they're known for their... hm... let's say peculiar business decisions regarding availability and distribution. Especially if you live in Europe.