Out Of Touch Voters

polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
edited September 2010 in A Moving Train
It is getting sadder by the day ... watching elections across the board and seeing the rise of these right wing candidates that really have no business to be there ...

in a straw poll, the conservatives selected a ticket that includes Sarah Palin ... and this Christine O'Donnell ... and in my hometown, we are about to elect a nut job ...

it seems all you have to do now is talk about spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house and you will get elected ... it doesn't matter if you don't actually have a plan, or if you know rudimentary math ... it doesn't matter if you've been convicted of drug possession and drunk driving ... it doesn't matter if you're an idiot it appears ... have we become so out of touch with reality? ...

look what george bush did - he's example A of what happens when you elect one of these idiots but apparently so many are clueless ...

is this the result of a corporate backed media and a society that educates themselves on tv reality shows?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    polaris_x wrote:
    It is getting sadder by the day ... watching elections across the board and seeing the rise of these right wing candidates that really have no business to be there ...

    in a straw poll, the conservatives selected a ticket that includes Sarah Palin ... and this Christine O'Donnell ... and in my hometown, we are about to elect a nut job ...

    it seems all you have to do now is talk about spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house and you will get elected ... it doesn't matter if you don't actually have a plan, or if you know rudimentary math ... it doesn't matter if you've been convicted of drug possession and drunk driving ... it doesn't matter if you're an idiot it appears ... have we become so out of touch with reality? ...

    look what george bush did - he's example A of what happens when you elect one of these idiots but apparently so many are clueless ...

    is this the result of a corporate backed media and a society that educates themselves on tv reality shows?
    Good point ...things are still the same....
    It does not matter if you vote left or right.......the problem is getting people that have at least an once of integrity to run for office and American citizens need to hold the candidates to there word. Do not accept politic as usual.
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    polaris_x wrote:
    is this the result of a corporate backed media and a society that educates themselves on tv reality shows?
    i think this is part of it. but i also think that people are suckers for hot button things. things like lower taxes and god in government are things that a lot of people think are a good idea. the more a candidate rails on about lower taxes and talks about how bad things are now it only helps them in the eyes of the voters. let alone the fact that most of them have no solutions to offer other than lower taxes...

    i think the biggest problem with our society is the ignorance and sheer laziness to research candidates or issues. i have been seeing attack ads in my area comparing robin carnahan as a rubber stamp to obama's agenda, yet when you look at the very small print on the page it says who sponsors the add and has a disclaimer. people will listen to the audio to make up their mind rather than reading the fine print and looking into things themselves.

    reality tv is the comfort food of the uninformed....
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    i think this is part of it. but i also think that people are suckers for hot button things. things like lower taxes and god in government are things that a lot of people think are a good idea. the more a candidate rails on about lower taxes and talks about how bad things are now it only helps them in the eyes of the voters. let alone the fact that most of them have no solutions to offer other than lower taxes...

    i think the biggest problem with our society is the ignorance and sheer laziness to research candidates or issues. i have been seeing attack ads in my area comparing robin carnahan as a rubber stamp to obama's agenda, yet when you look at the very small print on the page it says who sponsors the add and has a disclaimer. people will listen to the audio to make up their mind rather than reading the fine print and looking into things themselves.

    reality tv is the comfort food of the uninformed....

    i used to have very good debates with my conservative friends ... and it generally always boiled down to a difference of opinion as to what is "best" for people ... but these days - the rationale is all but non-existent amongst many of these right wing voters ... whenever you press them on anything - they know absolutely zilch ... you can literally win an election with absolute no substance these days ... how friggin' sad is it!??
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,308
    polaris_x wrote:
    i think this is part of it. but i also think that people are suckers for hot button things. things like lower taxes and god in government are things that a lot of people think are a good idea. the more a candidate rails on about lower taxes and talks about how bad things are now it only helps them in the eyes of the voters. let alone the fact that most of them have no solutions to offer other than lower taxes...

    i think the biggest problem with our society is the ignorance and sheer laziness to research candidates or issues. i have been seeing attack ads in my area comparing robin carnahan as a rubber stamp to obama's agenda, yet when you look at the very small print on the page it says who sponsors the add and has a disclaimer. people will listen to the audio to make up their mind rather than reading the fine print and looking into things themselves.

    reality tv is the comfort food of the uninformed....

    i used to have very good debates with my conservative friends ... and it generally always boiled down to a difference of opinion as to what is "best" for people ... but these days - the rationale is all but non-existent amongst many of these right wing voters ... whenever you press them on anything - they know absolutely zilch ... you can literally win an election with absolute no substance these days ... how friggin' sad is it!??
    i have given up trying to have a serious debate with my conservative friends. even if you present them with facts it seems they only hear what they want to hear and just regurgitate the same talking points over and over and eventually louder and louder...and their solution to every situation is tax cuts... it is a sad state when the most popular person on the right is sarah palin...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    polaris_x wrote:
    It is getting sadder by the day ... watching elections across the board and seeing the rise of these right wing candidates that really have no business to be there ...

    in a straw poll, the conservatives selected a ticket that includes Sarah Palin ... and this Christine O'Donnell ... and in my hometown, we are about to elect a nut job ...

    it seems all you have to do now is talk about spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house and you will get elected ... it doesn't matter if you don't actually have a plan, or if you know rudimentary math ... it doesn't matter if you've been convicted of drug possession and drunk driving ... it doesn't matter if you're an idiot it appears ... have we become so out of touch with reality? ...

    look what george bush did - he's example A of what happens when you elect one of these idiots but apparently so many are clueless ...

    is this the result of a corporate backed media and a society that educates themselves on tv reality shows?

    Hmm...I would say that spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house IS a plan.

    George Bush was not someone who was overly dedicated to spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house so I'm not sure I see the comparison.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • UpSideDownUpSideDown Posts: 1,966
    polaris_x wrote:
    is this the result of a corporate backed media and a society that educates themselves on tv reality shows?
    i think the biggest problem with our society is the ignorance and sheer laziness to research candidates or issues. i have been seeing attack ads in my area comparing robin carnahan as a rubber stamp to obama's agenda, yet when you look at the very small print on the page it says who sponsors the add and has a disclaimer. people will listen to the audio to make up their mind rather than reading the fine print and looking into things themselves.

    reality tv is the comfort food of the uninformed....

    The fundemental flaw is the partisan system itself.... Both sides just churn out talking heads, making promises against the other.........

    I don't see true progress being made until the system is revamped, and that won't ever happen.....
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    know1 wrote:
    Hmm...I would say that spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house IS a plan.

    George Bush was not someone who was overly dedicated to spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house so I'm not sure I see the comparison.

    it's NOT a plan ... it's a GOAL ... it's how you're gonna do it that is important ... none of these people have a realistic plan ... take for example the guy running of rmayor of Toronto ... he's gonna cut taxes, reduce spending and increase customer service ... well, everyone with any knowledge of the matter knows that customer service is largely a function of dollars spent ... on hiring additional staff, on training ... how is this guy gonna do what he says? ... the reality is he can't ... but people soak it up ...
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    could be worse...we could be a true dictatorship and live on commune ranches with Democrats :lol:

    the people are trying to do the best with what we have,who can we really trust in government ?

  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    polaris_x wrote:
    It is getting sadder by the day ... watching elections across the board and seeing the rise of these right wing candidates that really have no business to be there ...

    in a straw poll, the conservatives selected a ticket that includes Sarah Palin ... and this Christine O'Donnell ... and in my hometown, we are about to elect a nut job ...

    it seems all you have to do now is talk about spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house and you will get elected ... it doesn't matter if you don't actually have a plan, or if you know rudimentary math ... it doesn't matter if you've been convicted of drug possession and drunk driving ... it doesn't matter if you're an idiot it appears ... have we become so out of touch with reality? ...

    look what george bush did - he's example A of what happens when you elect one of these idiots but apparently so many are clueless ...

    is this the result of a corporate backed media and a society that educates themselves on tv reality shows?

    you are making an awful lot of assumptions there, before I reply I would love it if you would tell me if mine is correct...I am going to assume that it is only right-wingers that are out of touch...am I correct in doing so?
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    you are making an awful lot of assumptions there, before I reply I would love it if you would tell me if mine is correct...I am going to assume that it is only right-wingers that are out of touch...am I correct in doing so?

    no ... there are definitely a lot of out of touch lefties as well ... but nowhere do you see any lefties getting elected soo ...
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    polaris_x wrote:
    it's NOT a plan ... it's a GOAL ... it's how you're gonna do it that is important ... none of these people have a realistic plan ... take for example the guy running of rmayor of Toronto ... he's gonna cut taxes, reduce spending and increase customer service ... well, everyone with any knowledge of the matter knows that customer service is largely a function of dollars spent ... on hiring additional staff, on training ... how is this guy gonna do what he says? ... the reality is he can't ... but people soak it up ...

    OK. Fair enough, although I'm not so sure that many politicians present detailed plans when they're running. I think I'd rather have one tell me their goals more than anything.

    I don't seem to recall Obama having a PLAN for healthcare when he was running.

    In other words, I don't think this is so unusual to just present goals.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    polaris_x wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    you are making an awful lot of assumptions there, before I reply I would love it if you would tell me if mine is correct...I am going to assume that it is only right-wingers that are out of touch...am I correct in doing so?

    no ... there are definitely a lot of out of touch lefties as well ... but nowhere do you see any lefties getting elected soo ...

    I think a lot of lefties got elected on the same premise during bushes last mid term, 2006 left us with a lot of democrats for no other reason than they weren't republican. What it comes down to is it is hard to fight for keeping the status quo when things aren't going well and getting worse. The republicans and the last administration are not solely responsible for the economic conditions in america, the democrats and republicans share much blame on that. I for one am going to vote against each and every incumbant in the next election. None of these people should keep their jobs, especially the leadership of both parties in the house and senate.

    Also, the "well - educated" candidates have been running this country for a long long time and as I have read here, everyone seems to think they are failing, so why not try some idiots...cannot get worse ;)
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    polaris_x wrote:
    It is getting sadder by the day ... watching elections across the board and seeing the rise of these right wing candidates that really have no business to be there ...

    in a straw poll, the conservatives selected a ticket that includes Sarah Palin ... and this Christine O'Donnell ... and in my hometown, we are about to elect a nut job ...

    it seems all you have to do now is talk about spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house and you will get elected ... it doesn't matter if you don't actually have a plan, or if you know rudimentary math ... it doesn't matter if you've been convicted of drug possession and drunk driving ... it doesn't matter if you're an idiot it appears ... have we become so out of touch with reality? ...

    look what george bush did - he's example A of what happens when you elect one of these idiots but apparently so many are clueless ...

    is this the result of a corporate backed media and a society that educates themselves on tv reality shows?

    Are you talking about Rob Ford as mayor for Toronto? I think people are just really pissed off at how governments are run now. No i don't think it based solely on people being clueless but i think based on people being angry
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    know1 wrote:
    OK. Fair enough, although I'm not so sure that many politicians present detailed plans when they're running. I think I'd rather have one tell me their goals more than anything.

    I don't seem to recall Obama having a PLAN for healthcare when he was running.

    In other words, I don't think this is so unusual to just present goals.

    uhhh ... i'm not sure how it is in the states but up here ... people running for elected office have platforms and plans ... they may not be finely detailed but they are more substantial than the current lot we are seeing ...

    if goals were the only thing important - then people might as well run on a campaign of giving everyone a $10,000 cheque every year ...
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    fife wrote:
    Are you talking about Rob Ford as mayor for Toronto? I think people are just really pissed off at how governments are run now. No i don't think it based solely on people being clueless but i think based on people being angry

    yeah ... what do people of toronto really need to be angry about? ... crime is down, we are not taxed more or less than any other municipality in the region, we are consistently rated as one of the best cities in the world to live ... heck, the huffington post just called it the coolest city in the world ...

    what are people angry about? ... as for Ford himself ... the guys platform is cutting spending and taxes while improving service ... that is impossible ... he doesn't have a viable plan for anything ... which is my point of this thread ... he's making empty promises and people are soaking it up ...
  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    polaris_x wrote:
    know1 wrote:
    Hmm...I would say that spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house IS a plan.

    George Bush was not someone who was overly dedicated to spending less, cutting taxes and cleaning house so I'm not sure I see the comparison.

    it's NOT a plan ... it's a GOAL ... it's how you're gonna do it that is important ... none of these people have a realistic plan ... take for example the guy running of rmayor of Toronto ... he's gonna cut taxes, reduce spending and increase customer service ... well, everyone with any knowledge of the matter knows that customer service is largely a function of dollars spent ... on hiring additional staff, on training ... how is this guy gonna do what he says? ... the reality is he can't ... but people soak it up ...

    I would not say that customer services is based strictly on $ spent but how it is spent.
  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    polaris_x wrote:
    fife wrote:
    Are you talking about Rob Ford as mayor for Toronto? I think people are just really pissed off at how governments are run now. No i don't think it based solely on people being clueless but i think based on people being angry

    yeah ... what do people of toronto really need to be angry about? ... crime is down, we are not taxed more or less than any other municipality in the region, we are consistently rated as one of the best cities in the world to live ... heck, the huffington post just called it the coolest city in the world ...

    what are people angry about? ... as for Ford himself ... the guys platform is cutting spending and taxes while improving service ... that is impossible ... he doesn't have a viable plan for anything ... which is my point of this thread ... he's making empty promises and people are soaking it up ...

    people are upset because they see their lives not improving. people see the TTC as a joke where people get paid well and sleep on the job. its doesn't matter to them if we are rated a great city because we don't see it in ourselves. Toronto is a big city who sees itself as a small city wanted to be a big city.

    as for Ford, this guy is a joke but people see him as someone who fights against the man. he reminds me of Michael Moore but conservative. people want to feel that you will fight for them and most times don't care that you won't.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    fife wrote:
    people are upset because they see their lives not improving. people see the TTC as a joke where people get paid well and sleep on the job. its doesn't matter to them if we are rated a great city because we don't see it in ourselves. Toronto is a big city who sees itself as a small city wanted to be a big city.

    as for Ford, this guy is a joke but people see him as someone who fights against the man. he reminds me of Michael Moore but conservative. people want to feel that you will fight for them and most times don't care that you won't.

    uhhh ... people sleep on the job in almost every other business ... you can't attribute lazy people to the operation of a large city like toronto ... is the TTC perfect? ... no, but it is also the least-funded transit system in all of north america based on ridership ...

    i disagree that people don't see the city themselves ... i think the city has done wonders the last few years ... we have more public spaces which are vital to making cities livable ... we've got a municipal composting program ... heck, i can go to a pool with a water slide on a hot summers day and it doesn't cost me a dime outside of my taxes ...

    i think people have been brainwashed to believe they are so heavily taxed and not getting anything in return ... everytime i hear ford speak about the increase in budget - i want to scream out: WHAT BUDGET HASN'T INCREASED IN THE LAST DECADE!?? ... our population has increased significantly then too ...
  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    polaris_x wrote:
    fife wrote:
    people are upset because they see their lives not improving. people see the TTC as a joke where people get paid well and sleep on the job. its doesn't matter to them if we are rated a great city because we don't see it in ourselves. Toronto is a big city who sees itself as a small city wanted to be a big city.

    as for Ford, this guy is a joke but people see him as someone who fights against the man. he reminds me of Michael Moore but conservative. people want to feel that you will fight for them and most times don't care that you won't.

    uhhh ... people sleep on the job in almost every other business ... you can't attribute lazy people to the operation of a large city like toronto ... is the TTC perfect? ... no, but it is also the least-funded transit system in all of north america based on ridership ...

    i disagree that people don't see the city themselves ... i think the city has done wonders the last few years ... we have more public spaces which are vital to making cities livable ... we've got a municipal composting program ... heck, i can go to a pool with a water slide on a hot summers day and it doesn't cost me a dime outside of my taxes ...

    i think people have been brainwashed to believe they are so heavily taxed and not getting anything in return ... everytime i hear ford speak about the increase in budget - i want to scream out: WHAT BUDGET HASN'T INCREASED IN THE LAST DECADE!?? ... our population has increased significantly then too ...

    yes people sleep on the job all the time but people don't see it. you have the Toronto Sun putting pictures of TTC driver getting coffee with people on the bus, and also seeing people sleeping. also, and i don't want to harp on the TTc but they don't help themselves. you have wildcat strikes that leave people with no option on how to go to work. that pisses people off and they look at themselves and think if i did this i would be fired but nothing happens to these people.

    I love Toronto and have lived here my whole life and yes you are right we get alot of very little but sadly people want more. also, i think "if" ford wins it has more to do with the other people running than the citizens.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    fife wrote:
    yes people sleep on the job all the time but people don't see it. you have the Toronto Sun putting pictures of TTC driver getting coffee with people on the bus, and also seeing people sleeping. also, and i don't want to harp on the TTc but they don't help themselves. you have wildcat strikes that leave people with no option on how to go to work. that pisses people off and they look at themselves and think if i did this i would be fired but nothing happens to these people.

    I love Toronto and have lived here my whole life and yes you are right we get alot of very little but sadly people want more. also, i think "if" ford wins it has more to do with the other people running than the citizens.

    hey ... i spent a co-op work term and i can guarantee you the ttc is dysfunctional and some of their workers are lazy but it's a decent transit system ... and it actually came in under budget last year ...

    i agree - the candidates aren't great but he's gotta be the worse and he's gonna win simply because no one actually cares to see if he can back up his words ...
  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    polaris_x wrote:
    fife wrote:
    yes people sleep on the job all the time but people don't see it. you have the Toronto Sun putting pictures of TTC driver getting coffee with people on the bus, and also seeing people sleeping. also, and i don't want to harp on the TTc but they don't help themselves. you have wildcat strikes that leave people with no option on how to go to work. that pisses people off and they look at themselves and think if i did this i would be fired but nothing happens to these people.

    I love Toronto and have lived here my whole life and yes you are right we get alot of very little but sadly people want more. also, i think "if" ford wins it has more to do with the other people running than the citizens.

    hey ... i spent a co-op work term and i can guarantee you the ttc is dysfunctional and some of their workers are lazy but it's a decent transit system ... and it actually came in under budget last year ...

    i agree - the candidates aren't great but he's gotta be the worse and he's gonna win simply because no one actually cares to see if he can back up his words ...

    we agree. yes he is the worse one but the other runn8ing are making a mistake by not stating what they will do but instead complaining about Rob
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    fife wrote:
    we agree. yes he is the worse one but the other runn8ing are making a mistake by not stating what they will do but instead complaining about Rob

    well ... pants has run a clean campaign and has a vision ... but people are wary of people on the left ... and when you are fighting a media battle ... the right will always win as truth is foreign to them ...
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