Responsibility and bitterness

Sometimes people seem so resentful
as if the world has independently beaten them down
or other people have abused them
and, I know bad things do happen
I know disappointing things occur
but, where's personal responsibility in all this?
aren't a lot of disappointments related to bad choices?
for example, maybe that hot guy she had to date was obviously
the way he was before she got involved?
or, maybe that big job really required more effort, but the guy didn't put it out 'cuz
he thought he shouldn't have to!
don't people realize that they contribute to the outcome most of the time?
aside from unexpected death or weather related disasters (!!)
there are usually a few choices involved
somewhere on the path to the bitter pill store
as if the world has independently beaten them down
or other people have abused them
and, I know bad things do happen
I know disappointing things occur
but, where's personal responsibility in all this?
aren't a lot of disappointments related to bad choices?
for example, maybe that hot guy she had to date was obviously
the way he was before she got involved?
or, maybe that big job really required more effort, but the guy didn't put it out 'cuz
he thought he shouldn't have to!
don't people realize that they contribute to the outcome most of the time?
aside from unexpected death or weather related disasters (!!)
there are usually a few choices involved
somewhere on the path to the bitter pill store