I hope like hell he is defeated. The man is incompetent ,delusional and incoherent as they come. Im also elated that Mike Castle was defeted last night in Deleware by C. O'Donnell. Another Rhino beaten by a teaparty candidate
He also said You know that I had nothing to do with the massive foreclosures here. You know that I had nothing to do with these unemployment figures,” Reid said in an interview that aired on ABC/Washington Post’s “Top Line” today. “In fact, I've worked hard to change them. My job is to create jobs. My opponent says that is not her job to create jobs. And I think that is really wrong. I think it is my job to create jobs and I've done my best. Is there more that needs to take place? Of course, there is.” :roll: Un freakin believable :wtf:
this article nails it...
http://skip33666.newsvine.com/_news/201 ... he-country
State-by-state unemployment numbers came out at the end of last week.
They were grim reading, as few states showed any significant improvement, and a number got worse (as might be expected when the employment situation is NOT IMPROVING, and new unemployment claims data shows a WORSENING labor market). What was the sate with the WORST unemployment? NEVADA. Harry Reid's Nevada.
You (and Harry Reid) say that Harry Reid is not responsible for this?
You say that Harry Reid was merely off in Washington, minding his own business and trying to "save" the country (or fiddling, like Roman Emperor Nero), while Nevada BURNED (figuratively speaking? WRONG.
Harry Reid is directly responsible for destroying Nevada--even beyond supporting Barack Obama, who discouraged corporations from holding events in Nevada.
Harry Reid has been MAJORITY LEADER of the U.S. Senate since January of
2007 (since Democrats took over Congress, and pretty much began running our domestic policy). That is the problem--among many other things--with Democrats in Congress "blaming Bush". DEMOCRATS have been in control of Congress during the ENTIRE meltdown of our economy, and every single thing they have done (Bush doing a number of things, including the bailouts, over mainly REPUBLICAN/conservative opposition) has FAILED. And during that whole time, Harry Reid has been the most powerful Democrat in Congress. He has presided over Obama's FAILURE to bring us out of the recession with a real recovery--giving us the worst of all possible worlds (since Reid, Pelosi, and Obama have BANKRUPTED the country and explosively expanded the Federal Government, for NOTHING).
What has Harry Reid done to bring abut 14.3% unemployment in Nevada?
Well, first he has obviously done NOTHING to HELP the situation. If Curly (of the old Three Stooges) had been Senator from Nevada during this time, it is impossible it could have been worse. In fact, Curly would surely have been an improvement over Reid. That is because Reid did more than not make things better. He made things WORSE. What did he do--besides gloating over how Democrats had found a "Negro" to head their party who spoke both "Negro dialect" and articulate English, and saying he did not see how an Hispanic could ever vote for a Republican (with a wink and a nod intending to indicate that Republicans are "racists" who might--some of them--actually want to enforce the immigration laws, while Reid is perfectly willing to support illegal immigration to BUY THEIR VOTES). That is how Harry Reid thinks (politics as usual): buying votes and racial politics labeling all Hispanics as a group of "wetbacks" who should be grateful to Reid and the Democrats.
Well, Harry Reid presided over the first, FAILED Bush/Democrat "stimulus" in the spring/summer of 2008. He presided over the explosion in EARMARKS--making no effort to stop them even when Republicans were in charge and betraying their principles. Reid then presided over--was mainly responsible for the shape of the final bill--the FAILED Obama "stimulus" to the tune of 862 billion dollars (CBO analysis, up from the original CBO estimate of 787 billion dollars). In usual Reid style, that "stimulus" final bill was hammered out in the dead of night, with the final BRIBES being negotiated at something like 3 in the morning with a massive payoff to farmers. This was the first of a series of massive bills passed without anyone knowing what is in them--each being monster bills containing thousands of pages of EXPANSION OF GOVERNMENT in ways beyond counting.
Transparency? Harry Reid never heard of the word. Extremism? The fact that thunderbolts do not strike Harry Reid and his supporters down every time they refer to Sharon Angle as "extreme" may be fairly convincing evidence that their is no God--at least the Old Testament kind. Thus, we got the massive, failed "stimulus" bill. Then we got the massive SPENDING bill increasing the spending for the second half of the final Bush fiscal year. We got the massive "financial regulation" bill. And Reid WANTED a massive, "comprehensive" illegal immigration bill, covering thousands of pages, with one goal: to make it impossible to actually DEPORT anyone. Reid WANTED a massive "energy bill" (cap and trade--"global warming"), which would have RUINED our industrial economy--crucified us on the cross of "global warming".
Obama is still trying to do this by ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATON (EPA).
Reid is determined to "raise taxes on the rich" (let the Bush "tax cuts" expire, along with tax increases), to make sure and destroy our economy--destroying Nevada in the process. This list could continue almost forever. The point is that this massive Federal TAKEOVER of our economy has FAILED, and affirmatively guaranteed that Nevada will stay at, at least 14% unemployment (or worse) indefinitely. Private business is being DISCOURAGED by Harry Reid, Pelosi and Obama from expanding and hiring more workers. What sane business would do that when they see the Federal Government spending, taxing and regulating like it is?
I bet you thought I forgot "health care"? Not a chance. The "health care reform bill" was a HARRY REID BILL. In the end, no one knew what was in it. It was 3000 pages of JOB KILLER--not least because no business has any idea how much it will ultimately cost. Part of the news this past week was disclosure of a "talking points" memo advising Democrats who to handle the health care bill in their campaigns (where most are simply trying to forget it exists, and hope the voters do).
This "talking points" memo from leftist Democrat strategists specifically advised NOT to claim that the health care bill either will reduce costs (or premiums), or that the bill will reduce the deficit. Those were, of course, the primary selling points for the bill by Obama and Reid, and Democrats are ABANDONING those contentions. Why? Well, first it has become obvious that the health care bill will INCREASE COSTS (including premiums) and INCREASE THE DEFICIT (the CBO has basically said so after the fact, and in footnotes). Further, Democrats know that NO ONE BELIEVES the false promises used to pass the bill.
The "health care reform bill" is probably the single thing that is HURTING the economy the most (although not the only thing--the deficit, spending and taxes hurting as well, even apart form the role the health care bill will play in those negative things). The bill is ALREADY increasing the cost--per employee--of employment for employers. And employers are fearful of the future (rightly). Thus, NO HIRING. Employers know that every employee they hire will COST THEM MORE because of Harry Reid. Yes, Harry Reid was more responsible for the health care bill than any other person. He got it done by back room EXTORTION and BLACKMAIL behind closed doors. And he was PROUD of it. He BRAGGED that if he were Ben Nelson (the Senator from Nebraska who got the "Cornhusker Kickback", and then denied asking for it), he (Reid) would have been PROUD of what was negotiated for Nebraska. Reid was clearly PROUD of SELLING OUT THE COUNTRY (and Nevada) just to get the health care bill passed. Bribes, extortion, blackmail and deals behind closed doors: That is how Harry Reid
operates. It has hurt the country badly, and has hurt Nevada even
more than the rest of the country.
Yes, add FEAR, and you have the description of Harry Reid's reelection campaign in Nevada. He wants to BRIBE Hispanics, unions and every other voter to whom he can PROMISE something (or threaten to take away something--extortion). Reid wants Nevada to forget that this "politics as usual" is exactly what has brought Nevada 14.3% unemployment in the first place. Then he wants Nevada to FEAR Sharon Angle, as an "extremist". Forget that Sharon Angle is hardly as "extreme" (on her side of the fence) as Harry Reid has PROVEN himself to be on the far left. The question is: Even if Sharon Angle tried to specifically destroy Nevada, and she actually has a fresh approach that we need (instead of "politics as usual"), Angle could not do as badly as Harry Reid has already done to destroy the economy of Nevada (not to mention the country).
Bottom line: 14.3% unemployment under his watch. And Reid wants to be REWARDED for that. I almost feel like moving to Nevada to vote against him. If Nevada again votes for him then they deserve what they will get, and what they have already gotten. Since NO ONE really deserves that fate, I trust that the voters of Nevada will not be that dumb. Yes, unfortunately, if Nevada reelects Harry Reid, its voters will be accomplices in the potential MURDER of this country. You might excuse them for ignorance in the past. They will be knowing accomplices if they send Harry Reid back to keep operating in the same old way--politics as usual, only on steroids with Harry Reid.
Just think unsung,6 months ago people on here were saying that the Tea party was a joke and couldn't beat any incumbant much less even get elected to run against one.
Were coming for you...
angle is a right wing lunatic. she has no chance...seems the tea party is making these elections about far right whackos vs. somewhat reasonable dems...they are defeating all of the moderate repubs in the primaries....maybe the defeated will run as independents.....i wonder who the majority of americans will relate to best?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
angle is a right wing lunatic. she has no chance...seems the tea party is making these elections about far right whackos vs. somewhat reasonable dems...they are defeating all of the moderate repubs in the primaries....maybe the defeated will run as independents.....i wonder who the majority of americans will relate to best?
Right wing whackos ? :roll: Then i guess the maority of america are then because most support these same issues that she does. We don't like where Obama is taking this country.
Wanna bet gimmie? you said the same thing months ago about R.'s had no chance in hell taking any of the houses back and there's a 10 point lead. With just two months to go before the November elections, pollsters and political scientists are predicting a blow-out loss for Democrats that could rival the Republican Revolution of 1994.
so just because she believes in things like this she's a right wing lunatic ?
Energy Policy-
America must build upon her vast coal and natural gas resources to expand our domestic oil resources.
We have the potential both on shore and off to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. This effort will also provide high paying jobs and expand the economy.
America’s policy should be to enforce the rules and regulations currently on the books with respect to off shore drilling. As a result of the recent oil blowout in the Gulf, there is an understandable temptation to overreact and end off shore drilling, but this is the wrong course to take at a critical time.
The Gulf oil spill occurred because British Petroleum took a high risk approach in its drilling program while cutting corners. By contrast, many other companies also drilling in the Gulf have taken a low-risk approach without incident.
This is an indictment of the Federal Government’s Mineral Management agency that is charged with overseeing offshore drilling and protecting our environment. It is not a reason to end off shore drilling and potentially cost Americans thousands of jobs in an already weakened economy.
In the Nevada State Legislature, Sharron Angle was consistently the only vote against unnecessary tax increases and voted against more than 100 attempts to increase taxes and fees.
She sponsored the Angle Property Tax Restraint Initiative (aka Nevada's Prop 13) which placed a hard cap on property tax increases that future Legislatures could not repeal. Sharron Angle was also a co-sponsor of Tax and Spend Control for Nevada, which imposed a constitutional measure to limit government spending.
Sharron Angle has signed the National Taxpayers Pledge to vote against tax and fee increases.
Social Security
We must keep the promise of Social Security by redeeming the "IOU's" that have been written to the Social Security Trust Fund and then putting that money in a lock box that cannot ever be raided again by Washington politicians. The only way we pay for it is by cutting spending.
We should also create personalized accounts for the next generation that cannot be raided.
To read an open letter from Sharron Angle to seniors regarding Social Security, click HERE.
National Security and Public Protection
Sharron Angle is a staunch supporter of the U.S. military, and will work tirelessly to secure the peace and security of our country.
She supports strong sanctions against rogue nations that export, support or harbor terrorism and believes that we must do whatever necessary to protect America from terrorism.
Active Military and Veterans-
Sharron Angle strongly supports improved compensation and care for those serving in the U.S. military, as well as their families and veterans. TRICARE for the military must be protected from attacks that dilute quality of care and increase costs.
Sharron has a record of supporting the military and has received the Certificate of Appreciation from the Southern Chapter of MOAA (Military Officers Association of America).
Border Security/Illegal Immigration-
The United States must secure its borders immediately and enforce the laws that are already on the books.
Economic Development and Government Regulation-
The fastest way to get the economy moving again is to cut spending, pay back the national debt, and make permanent the Bush Tax Cuts which are due to expire in just a few months. Steps like these would go a long way toward giving the business community the confidence they need to start creating jobs and hiring again.
Private Property-
Sharron Angle respects the rights of the individual to own property. She led the effort for the Angle Property Tax Restraint Initiative, which placed a hard cap on property tax increases which future legislatures could not reverse. Sharron also co-sponsored the initiative that protected property owners from the potential abuses of eminent domain.
Right to Bear Arms, Second Amendment-
Sharron Angle supports the individual constitutionally protected right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family, property, as well as for other lawful purposes.
Sharron has been endorsed by the Gun Owners of America and has an "A" rating with the National Rifle Association (NRA).
Family Values-
Sharron Angle recognizes the traditional family as the foundation of America's society.
Sharron worked to pass the Constitutional Protection of Marriage Act in Nevada, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Sharron Angle has been endorsed by Family PAC Federal and Concerned Women for America.
Protection of Life-
Sharron Angle believes all human life is precious, regardless of location, age, infirmity, or degree of dependence.
Sharron has been endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly, Life and Liberty PAC, and Concerned Women for America.
As a teacher and grandmother of ten, there is no one more committed to education than Sharron Angle.
Sharron believes education decisions are best made at the state and local level by parents and teachers who are invested in the lives of the children whom they have been tasked with teaching. Sharron supports putting that money as close to the state and local level as possible.
Campaign Finance Reform-
Sharron Angle believes we must close the loopholes in the campaign finance system while requiring immediate disclosure of large contributions, via the internet.
angle is a right wing lunatic. she has no chance...seems the tea party is making these elections about far right whackos vs. somewhat reasonable dems...they are defeating all of the moderate repubs in the primaries....maybe the defeated will run as independents.....i wonder who the majority of americans will relate to best?
Right wing whackos ? :roll: Then i guess the maority of america are then because most of us are. unlike far lefties like your self We don't like where Obama is taking this country. We support candidates like Angle.
Wanna bet gimmie? you said the same thing months ago about R.'s had no chance in hell taking any of the houses back and there's a 10 point lead. With just two months to go before the November elections, pollsters and political scientists are predicting a blow-out loss for Democrats that could rival the Republican Revolution of 1994.
so just because she believes in things like this she's a right wing lunatic ?
Energy Policy-
America must build upon her vast coal and natural gas resources to expand our domestic oil resources.
We have the potential both on shore and off to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. This effort will also provide high paying jobs and expand the economy.
America’s policy should be to enforce the rules and regulations currently on the books with respect to off shore drilling. As a result of the recent oil blowout in the Gulf, there is an understandable temptation to overreact and end off shore drilling, but this is the wrong course to take at a critical time.
The Gulf oil spill occurred because British Petroleum took a high risk approach in its drilling program while cutting corners. By contrast, many other companies also drilling in the Gulf have taken a low-risk approach without incident.
This is an indictment of the Federal Government’s Mineral Management agency that is charged with overseeing offshore drilling and protecting our environment. It is not a reason to end off shore drilling and potentially cost Americans thousands of jobs in an already weakened economy.
In the Nevada State Legislature, Sharron Angle was consistently the only vote against unnecessary tax increases and voted against more than 100 attempts to increase taxes and fees.
She sponsored the Angle Property Tax Restraint Initiative (aka Nevada's Prop 13) which placed a hard cap on property tax increases that future Legislatures could not repeal. Sharron Angle was also a co-sponsor of Tax and Spend Control for Nevada, which imposed a constitutional measure to limit government spending.
Sharron Angle has signed the National Taxpayers Pledge to vote against tax and fee increases.
Social Security
We must keep the promise of Social Security by redeeming the "IOU's" that have been written to the Social Security Trust Fund and then putting that money in a lock box that cannot ever be raided again by Washington politicians. The only way we pay for it is by cutting spending.
We should also create personalized accounts for the next generation that cannot be raided.
To read an open letter from Sharron Angle to seniors regarding Social Security, click HERE.
National Security and Public Protection
Sharron Angle is a staunch supporter of the U.S. military, and will work tirelessly to secure the peace and security of our country.
She supports strong sanctions against rogue nations that export, support or harbor terrorism and believes that we must do whatever necessary to protect America from terrorism.
Active Military and Veterans-
Sharron Angle strongly supports improved compensation and care for those serving in the U.S. military, as well as their families and veterans. TRICARE for the military must be protected from attacks that dilute quality of care and increase costs.
Sharron has a record of supporting the military and has received the Certificate of Appreciation from the Southern Chapter of MOAA (Military Officers Association of America).
Border Security/Illegal Immigration-
The United States must secure its borders immediately and enforce the laws that are already on the books.
Economic Development and Government Regulation-
The fastest way to get the economy moving again is to cut spending, pay back the national debt, and make permanent the Bush Tax Cuts which are due to expire in just a few months. Steps like these would go a long way toward giving the business community the confidence they need to start creating jobs and hiring again.
Private Property-
Sharron Angle respects the rights of the individual to own property. She led the effort for the Angle Property Tax Restraint Initiative, which placed a hard cap on property tax increases which future legislatures could not reverse. Sharron also co-sponsored the initiative that protected property owners from the potential abuses of eminent domain.
Right to Bear Arms, Second Amendment-
Sharron Angle supports the individual constitutionally protected right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family, property, as well as for other lawful purposes.
Sharron has been endorsed by the Gun Owners of America and has an "A" rating with the National Rifle Association (NRA).
Family Values-
Sharron Angle recognizes the traditional family as the foundation of America's society.
Sharron worked to pass the Constitutional Protection of Marriage Act in Nevada, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Sharron Angle has been endorsed by Family PAC Federal and Concerned Women for America.
Protection of Life-
Sharron Angle believes all human life is precious, regardless of location, age, infirmity, or degree of dependence.
Sharron has been endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly, Life and Liberty PAC, and Concerned Women for America.
As a teacher and grandmother of ten, there is no one more committed to education than Sharron Angle.
Sharron believes education decisions are best made at the state and local level by parents and teachers who are invested in the lives of the children whom they have been tasked with teaching. Sharron supports putting that money as close to the state and local level as possible.
Campaign Finance Reform-
Sharron Angle believes we must close the loopholes in the campaign finance system while requiring immediate disclosure of large contributions, via the internet.
republican revolution? PUH-lease....that party is fractured right now. the only thing that unites them is the word "nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!"...
i put as much stock into a candidate's website as i do the weather man telling me we may or may not get snow....
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
The polls don't lie gimmie.. You really need to take the blinders off bro. Why do you think all these incumbants continue to see any chance of them being re elected going down the toilet? It's because people are pissed off and they are sick of the same old crap that's been coming out of Washington..
The polls don't lie gimmie.. You really need to take the blinders off bro. Why do you think all these incumbants continue to see any chance of them being re elected going down the toilet? It's because people are pissed off and they are sick of the same old crap that's been coming out of Washington..
polls do lie...what is the margin of error? how were the questions asked? was it asked in an objective or a biased or skewed manner? what are the demographics on those people called? most of those polls call those who have home phones, which are typically older and more conservative. my blinders are off.
so people are pissed off so they are going to vote for people that think masturbation is a sin? come on man...
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
What do you propose America do with all the illegal folks in this country , tell me why is it that all i see doing all the shit jobs here in America is the Immigrants , landscaping , construction , picking up garbage , who will do all those jobs :?: ...
The polls don't lie gimmie.. You really need to take the blinders off bro. Why do you think all these incumbants continue to see any chance of them being re elected going down the toilet? It's because people are pissed off and they are sick of the same old crap that's been coming out of Washington..
polls do lie...what is the margin of error? how were the questions asked? was it asked in an objective or a biased or skewed manner? what are the demographics on those people called? most of those polls call those who have home phones, which are typically older and more conservative. my blinders are off.
so people are pissed off so they are going to vote for people that think masturbation is a sin? come on man...
Not only does she believe masturbation is a sin. She believes it's adultery. And you all know what the bible says about adulterers. Stoned to death. Sound like the values we should have in the twenty first century.
I live in Nevada and while I am disappointed in Reid, Angle is certainly not the antidote. All she's been doing is trying to lay low so she doesn't have to answer for the extremely conservative comments she's made over the years. These include eliminating Social Security and the Department of Education. While some of the repub. base may agree with these policies, it is likely the political "middle" does not, and she is selling her libertarian/conservative soul for the national political stage. I'd have more respect for her if she wasn't in hiding and would answer some questions. She's no better than Reid. Politics as usual. I'll be voting "none of these candidates".
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
And of course the real problem is that nobody with any integrity on either side lasts in politics because it's all just a big puppet show.
Sharon Angle is bat shit crazy... she's a total lunatic and she's VERY stupid. So are her followers. But that's not the point.
People like Sharon Angle... Christine O'Donnell... Jan Brewer... Ben Quayle... Rand Paul... they're all lunatics. But they're also lunatics who are happy to spew out Chicken Soup For The Soul simple-solutions to complex problems that their followers can't really understand.
Just like the people who said that Sarah Palin's ability to see Russia was "foreign policy experience." Just like the people who think that getting local police to enforce federal immigration laws is a good idea...
Anyone with brains or integrity on either side is long gone.. they know that it's all just Big Business running the show. The Tea Baggers are just as insane as PETA. At least PETA aren't bankrolled by Billionaires who want to get richer.
Anyone on the outside can just shake their heads at the truly bizarre crap that people spout... Just absurd stuff like the President was born in Kenya... or Masturbation is adultery... Jesus wants ______ to be elected.
What do you propose America do with all the illegal folks in this country , tell me why is it that all i see doing all the shit jobs here in America is the Immigrants , landscaping , construction , picking up garbage , who will do all those jobs :?: ...
Maybe all the people living off unemployment extensions could do them.
Maybe all the people living off unemployment extensions could do them.
Yes, maybe they could live earning even less than the unemployment benefits pay... Oh I forgot that the illegal immigrants made thousands of dollars weekly.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Actually most people are allowed to work and still collect unemployment unless they gross a certain level in wages. I'm sure most of those jobs could easily be filled. If I have to pay an extra buck for a gallon of OJ to get Americans a decent wage and get illegal aliens out I'd do it.
Actually most people are allowed to work and still collect unemployment unless they gross a certain level in wages. I'm sure most of those jobs could easily be filled. If I have to pay an extra buck for a gallon of OJ to get Americans a decent wage and get illegal aliens out I'd do it.
You won't have to pay more. Big Agra will just make less profit. The market will bear what the market will bear.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
What do you propose America do with all the illegal folks in this country , tell me why is it that all i see doing all the shit jobs here in America is the Immigrants , landscaping , construction , picking up garbage , who will do all those jobs :?: ...
Maybe all the people living off unemployment extensions could do them.
It is not an issue of choice. The landscaping, construction, garbage picking companies hire illegal immigrants because it is more profitable to do so. Playing by the book is more expensive.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
Well is a chain, if they have to pay more to produce the goods they have to charge more for the products, doesn't capitalism work like that?
Only if they want to keep the same profit margin and the market will pay this new price. If the market will not pay this new price, then they make less profit.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
Well is a chain, if they have to pay more to produce the goods they have to charge more for the products, doesn't capitalism work like that?
Only if they want to keep the same profit margin and the market will pay this new price. If the market will not pay this new price, then they make less profit.
I know you're right, but a few of the big companies (what i really mean is NONE) are willing to make less money so like it or not the illegal immigrants are going to be the easy way to save money.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
People like Sharon Angle... Christine O'Donnell... Jan Brewer... Ben Quayle... Rand Paul... they're all lunatics. But they're also lunatics who are happy to spew out Chicken Soup For The Soul simple-solutions to complex problems that their followers can't really understand.
when you give a fool a microphone, you'll usually find a bigger fool who's willing to listen to them.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
You won't have to pay more. Big Agra will just make less profit. The market will bear what the market will bear.
nope. They'll offshore crop production (look at Brazil's burgeoning agricultural economy), profits and prices will remain the same, and the only change will be that there'll be a lot fewer producers in the United States.
Rock me Jesus, roll me Lord...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
You won't have to pay more. Big Agra will just make less profit. The market will bear what the market will bear.
nope. They'll offshore crop production (look at Brazil's burgeoning agricultural economy), profits and prices will remain the same, and the only change will be that there'll be a lot fewer producers in the United States.
Well that may be true in the end but that is another issue altogether.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win ."
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-09-1 ... aware.html
He also said You know that I had nothing to do with the massive foreclosures here. You know that I had nothing to do with these unemployment figures,” Reid said in an interview that aired on ABC/Washington Post’s “Top Line” today. “In fact, I've worked hard to change them. My job is to create jobs. My opponent says that is not her job to create jobs. And I think that is really wrong. I think it is my job to create jobs and I've done my best. Is there more that needs to take place? Of course, there is.” :roll: Un freakin believable :wtf:
this article nails it...
http://skip33666.newsvine.com/_news/201 ... he-country
State-by-state unemployment numbers came out at the end of last week.
They were grim reading, as few states showed any significant improvement, and a number got worse (as might be expected when the employment situation is NOT IMPROVING, and new unemployment claims data shows a WORSENING labor market). What was the sate with the WORST unemployment? NEVADA. Harry Reid's Nevada.
You (and Harry Reid) say that Harry Reid is not responsible for this?
You say that Harry Reid was merely off in Washington, minding his own business and trying to "save" the country (or fiddling, like Roman Emperor Nero), while Nevada BURNED (figuratively speaking? WRONG.
Harry Reid is directly responsible for destroying Nevada--even beyond supporting Barack Obama, who discouraged corporations from holding events in Nevada.
Harry Reid has been MAJORITY LEADER of the U.S. Senate since January of
2007 (since Democrats took over Congress, and pretty much began running our domestic policy). That is the problem--among many other things--with Democrats in Congress "blaming Bush". DEMOCRATS have been in control of Congress during the ENTIRE meltdown of our economy, and every single thing they have done (Bush doing a number of things, including the bailouts, over mainly REPUBLICAN/conservative opposition) has FAILED. And during that whole time, Harry Reid has been the most powerful Democrat in Congress. He has presided over Obama's FAILURE to bring us out of the recession with a real recovery--giving us the worst of all possible worlds (since Reid, Pelosi, and Obama have BANKRUPTED the country and explosively expanded the Federal Government, for NOTHING).
What has Harry Reid done to bring abut 14.3% unemployment in Nevada?
Well, first he has obviously done NOTHING to HELP the situation. If Curly (of the old Three Stooges) had been Senator from Nevada during this time, it is impossible it could have been worse. In fact, Curly would surely have been an improvement over Reid. That is because Reid did more than not make things better. He made things WORSE. What did he do--besides gloating over how Democrats had found a "Negro" to head their party who spoke both "Negro dialect" and articulate English, and saying he did not see how an Hispanic could ever vote for a Republican (with a wink and a nod intending to indicate that Republicans are "racists" who might--some of them--actually want to enforce the immigration laws, while Reid is perfectly willing to support illegal immigration to BUY THEIR VOTES). That is how Harry Reid thinks (politics as usual): buying votes and racial politics labeling all Hispanics as a group of "wetbacks" who should be grateful to Reid and the Democrats.
Well, Harry Reid presided over the first, FAILED Bush/Democrat "stimulus" in the spring/summer of 2008. He presided over the explosion in EARMARKS--making no effort to stop them even when Republicans were in charge and betraying their principles. Reid then presided over--was mainly responsible for the shape of the final bill--the FAILED Obama "stimulus" to the tune of 862 billion dollars (CBO analysis, up from the original CBO estimate of 787 billion dollars). In usual Reid style, that "stimulus" final bill was hammered out in the dead of night, with the final BRIBES being negotiated at something like 3 in the morning with a massive payoff to farmers. This was the first of a series of massive bills passed without anyone knowing what is in them--each being monster bills containing thousands of pages of EXPANSION OF GOVERNMENT in ways beyond counting.
Transparency? Harry Reid never heard of the word. Extremism? The fact that thunderbolts do not strike Harry Reid and his supporters down every time they refer to Sharon Angle as "extreme" may be fairly convincing evidence that their is no God--at least the Old Testament kind. Thus, we got the massive, failed "stimulus" bill. Then we got the massive SPENDING bill increasing the spending for the second half of the final Bush fiscal year. We got the massive "financial regulation" bill. And Reid WANTED a massive, "comprehensive" illegal immigration bill, covering thousands of pages, with one goal: to make it impossible to actually DEPORT anyone. Reid WANTED a massive "energy bill" (cap and trade--"global warming"), which would have RUINED our industrial economy--crucified us on the cross of "global warming".
Obama is still trying to do this by ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATON (EPA).
Reid is determined to "raise taxes on the rich" (let the Bush "tax cuts" expire, along with tax increases), to make sure and destroy our economy--destroying Nevada in the process. This list could continue almost forever. The point is that this massive Federal TAKEOVER of our economy has FAILED, and affirmatively guaranteed that Nevada will stay at, at least 14% unemployment (or worse) indefinitely. Private business is being DISCOURAGED by Harry Reid, Pelosi and Obama from expanding and hiring more workers. What sane business would do that when they see the Federal Government spending, taxing and regulating like it is?
I bet you thought I forgot "health care"? Not a chance. The "health care reform bill" was a HARRY REID BILL. In the end, no one knew what was in it. It was 3000 pages of JOB KILLER--not least because no business has any idea how much it will ultimately cost. Part of the news this past week was disclosure of a "talking points" memo advising Democrats who to handle the health care bill in their campaigns (where most are simply trying to forget it exists, and hope the voters do).
This "talking points" memo from leftist Democrat strategists specifically advised NOT to claim that the health care bill either will reduce costs (or premiums), or that the bill will reduce the deficit. Those were, of course, the primary selling points for the bill by Obama and Reid, and Democrats are ABANDONING those contentions. Why? Well, first it has become obvious that the health care bill will INCREASE COSTS (including premiums) and INCREASE THE DEFICIT (the CBO has basically said so after the fact, and in footnotes). Further, Democrats know that NO ONE BELIEVES the false promises used to pass the bill.
The "health care reform bill" is probably the single thing that is HURTING the economy the most (although not the only thing--the deficit, spending and taxes hurting as well, even apart form the role the health care bill will play in those negative things). The bill is ALREADY increasing the cost--per employee--of employment for employers. And employers are fearful of the future (rightly). Thus, NO HIRING. Employers know that every employee they hire will COST THEM MORE because of Harry Reid. Yes, Harry Reid was more responsible for the health care bill than any other person. He got it done by back room EXTORTION and BLACKMAIL behind closed doors. And he was PROUD of it. He BRAGGED that if he were Ben Nelson (the Senator from Nebraska who got the "Cornhusker Kickback", and then denied asking for it), he (Reid) would have been PROUD of what was negotiated for Nebraska. Reid was clearly PROUD of SELLING OUT THE COUNTRY (and Nevada) just to get the health care bill passed. Bribes, extortion, blackmail and deals behind closed doors: That is how Harry Reid
operates. It has hurt the country badly, and has hurt Nevada even
more than the rest of the country.
Yes, add FEAR, and you have the description of Harry Reid's reelection campaign in Nevada. He wants to BRIBE Hispanics, unions and every other voter to whom he can PROMISE something (or threaten to take away something--extortion). Reid wants Nevada to forget that this "politics as usual" is exactly what has brought Nevada 14.3% unemployment in the first place. Then he wants Nevada to FEAR Sharon Angle, as an "extremist". Forget that Sharon Angle is hardly as "extreme" (on her side of the fence) as Harry Reid has PROVEN himself to be on the far left. The question is: Even if Sharon Angle tried to specifically destroy Nevada, and she actually has a fresh approach that we need (instead of "politics as usual"), Angle could not do as badly as Harry Reid has already done to destroy the economy of Nevada (not to mention the country).
Bottom line: 14.3% unemployment under his watch. And Reid wants to be REWARDED for that. I almost feel like moving to Nevada to vote against him. If Nevada again votes for him then they deserve what they will get, and what they have already gotten. Since NO ONE really deserves that fate, I trust that the voters of Nevada will not be that dumb. Yes, unfortunately, if Nevada reelects Harry Reid, its voters will be accomplices in the potential MURDER of this country. You might excuse them for ignorance in the past. They will be knowing accomplices if they send Harry Reid back to keep operating in the same old way--politics as usual, only on steroids with Harry Reid.
Just think unsung,6 months ago people on here were saying that the Tea party was a joke and couldn't beat any incumbant much less even get elected to run against one.
Were coming for you...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
really...? :?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Right wing whackos ? :roll: Then i guess the maority of america are then because most support these same issues that she does. We don't like where Obama is taking this country.
Wanna bet gimmie? you said the same thing months ago about R.'s had no chance in hell taking any of the houses back and there's a 10 point lead. With just two months to go before the November elections, pollsters and political scientists are predicting a blow-out loss for Democrats that could rival the Republican Revolution of 1994.
http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm? ... 950B6A80FD
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ ... ada_senate
so just because she believes in things like this she's a right wing lunatic ?
Energy Policy-
America must build upon her vast coal and natural gas resources to expand our domestic oil resources.
We have the potential both on shore and off to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. This effort will also provide high paying jobs and expand the economy.
America’s policy should be to enforce the rules and regulations currently on the books with respect to off shore drilling. As a result of the recent oil blowout in the Gulf, there is an understandable temptation to overreact and end off shore drilling, but this is the wrong course to take at a critical time.
The Gulf oil spill occurred because British Petroleum took a high risk approach in its drilling program while cutting corners. By contrast, many other companies also drilling in the Gulf have taken a low-risk approach without incident.
This is an indictment of the Federal Government’s Mineral Management agency that is charged with overseeing offshore drilling and protecting our environment. It is not a reason to end off shore drilling and potentially cost Americans thousands of jobs in an already weakened economy.
In the Nevada State Legislature, Sharron Angle was consistently the only vote against unnecessary tax increases and voted against more than 100 attempts to increase taxes and fees.
She sponsored the Angle Property Tax Restraint Initiative (aka Nevada's Prop 13) which placed a hard cap on property tax increases that future Legislatures could not repeal. Sharron Angle was also a co-sponsor of Tax and Spend Control for Nevada, which imposed a constitutional measure to limit government spending.
Sharron Angle has signed the National Taxpayers Pledge to vote against tax and fee increases.
Social Security
We must keep the promise of Social Security by redeeming the "IOU's" that have been written to the Social Security Trust Fund and then putting that money in a lock box that cannot ever be raided again by Washington politicians. The only way we pay for it is by cutting spending.
We should also create personalized accounts for the next generation that cannot be raided.
To read an open letter from Sharron Angle to seniors regarding Social Security, click HERE.
National Security and Public Protection
Sharron Angle is a staunch supporter of the U.S. military, and will work tirelessly to secure the peace and security of our country.
She supports strong sanctions against rogue nations that export, support or harbor terrorism and believes that we must do whatever necessary to protect America from terrorism.
Active Military and Veterans-
Sharron Angle strongly supports improved compensation and care for those serving in the U.S. military, as well as their families and veterans. TRICARE for the military must be protected from attacks that dilute quality of care and increase costs.
Sharron has a record of supporting the military and has received the Certificate of Appreciation from the Southern Chapter of MOAA (Military Officers Association of America).
Border Security/Illegal Immigration-
The United States must secure its borders immediately and enforce the laws that are already on the books.
Economic Development and Government Regulation-
The fastest way to get the economy moving again is to cut spending, pay back the national debt, and make permanent the Bush Tax Cuts which are due to expire in just a few months. Steps like these would go a long way toward giving the business community the confidence they need to start creating jobs and hiring again.
Private Property-
Sharron Angle respects the rights of the individual to own property. She led the effort for the Angle Property Tax Restraint Initiative, which placed a hard cap on property tax increases which future legislatures could not reverse. Sharron also co-sponsored the initiative that protected property owners from the potential abuses of eminent domain.
Right to Bear Arms, Second Amendment-
Sharron Angle supports the individual constitutionally protected right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family, property, as well as for other lawful purposes.
Sharron has been endorsed by the Gun Owners of America and has an "A" rating with the National Rifle Association (NRA).
Family Values-
Sharron Angle recognizes the traditional family as the foundation of America's society.
Sharron worked to pass the Constitutional Protection of Marriage Act in Nevada, which defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Sharron Angle has been endorsed by Family PAC Federal and Concerned Women for America.
Protection of Life-
Sharron Angle believes all human life is precious, regardless of location, age, infirmity, or degree of dependence.
Sharron has been endorsed by Phyllis Schlafly, Life and Liberty PAC, and Concerned Women for America.
As a teacher and grandmother of ten, there is no one more committed to education than Sharron Angle.
Sharron believes education decisions are best made at the state and local level by parents and teachers who are invested in the lives of the children whom they have been tasked with teaching. Sharron supports putting that money as close to the state and local level as possible.
Campaign Finance Reform-
Sharron Angle believes we must close the loopholes in the campaign finance system while requiring immediate disclosure of large contributions, via the internet.
i put as much stock into a candidate's website as i do the weather man telling me we may or may not get snow....
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
so people are pissed off so they are going to vote for people that think masturbation is a sin? come on man...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
What do you propose America do with all the illegal folks in this country , tell me why is it that all i see doing all the shit jobs here in America is the Immigrants , landscaping , construction , picking up garbage , who will do all those jobs :?: ...
Not only does she believe masturbation is a sin. She believes it's adultery. And you all know what the bible says about adulterers. Stoned to death. Sound like the values we should have in the twenty first century.
"With our thoughts we make the world"
Sharon Angle is bat shit crazy... she's a total lunatic and she's VERY stupid. So are her followers. But that's not the point.
People like Sharon Angle... Christine O'Donnell... Jan Brewer... Ben Quayle... Rand Paul... they're all lunatics. But they're also lunatics who are happy to spew out Chicken Soup For The Soul simple-solutions to complex problems that their followers can't really understand.
Just like the people who said that Sarah Palin's ability to see Russia was "foreign policy experience." Just like the people who think that getting local police to enforce federal immigration laws is a good idea...
Anyone with brains or integrity on either side is long gone.. they know that it's all just Big Business running the show. The Tea Baggers are just as insane as PETA. At least PETA aren't bankrolled by Billionaires who want to get richer.
Anyone on the outside can just shake their heads at the truly bizarre crap that people spout... Just absurd stuff like the President was born in Kenya... or Masturbation is adultery... Jesus wants ______ to be elected.
How the fuck did we get here?
Maybe all the people living off unemployment extensions could do them.
Yes, maybe they could live earning even less than the unemployment benefits pay... Oh I forgot that the illegal immigrants made thousands of dollars weekly.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
You won't have to pay more. Big Agra will just make less profit. The market will bear what the market will bear.
"With our thoughts we make the world"
It is not an issue of choice. The landscaping, construction, garbage picking companies hire illegal immigrants because it is more profitable to do so. Playing by the book is more expensive.
"With our thoughts we make the world"
Well, we all will have to pay more but that the way it is.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
How so?
"With our thoughts we make the world"
Well is a chain, if they have to pay more to produce the goods they have to charge more for the products, doesn't capitalism work like that?
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Only if they want to keep the same profit margin and the market will pay this new price. If the market will not pay this new price, then they make less profit.
"With our thoughts we make the world"
I know you're right, but a few of the big companies (what i really mean is NONE) are willing to make less money so like it or not the illegal immigrants are going to be the easy way to save money.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
when you give a fool a microphone, you'll usually find a bigger fool who's willing to listen to them.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
so, what you're saying is that you believe in the redistribution of wealth...
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
nope. They'll offshore crop production (look at Brazil's burgeoning agricultural economy), profits and prices will remain the same, and the only change will be that there'll be a lot fewer producers in the United States.
Wash me in the blood of Rock & Roll
Well that may be true in the end but that is another issue altogether.
"With our thoughts we make the world"