it goes - like this

I see
and I can make it still
it’s alright seeing
them together
like this
so I can feel
apart like this
I have made it
like this
why have I made him
…like this?
he appears to have learnt
it’s not gonna get any better
than this
that it’s better like this
that this sadness could be
… happiness
on another plain
that the emptiness can get
…too much
so that what’s empty
always remains
I have made him
…like this
and she sees
there’s something in him
but in him
there’s something missing
and she sees
that everything
is not him
I could have made things
a little different
for he knows
that he cannot
…escape this feeling
for he knows
I’ve made him
like this
the fucker’s not fighting
not anymore
for he has
run so far away
that he has run
…away from himself
but he stays
… by her side … still
listening to a story
she tells
and if she asks
he’ll stay ..
far away
from himself
with her forever
… and still
and I can make it still
it’s alright seeing
them together
like this
so I can feel
apart like this
I have made it
like this
why have I made him
…like this?
he appears to have learnt
it’s not gonna get any better
than this
that it’s better like this
that this sadness could be
… happiness
on another plain
that the emptiness can get
…too much
so that what’s empty
always remains
I have made him
…like this
and she sees
there’s something in him
but in him
there’s something missing
and she sees
that everything
is not him
I could have made things
a little different
for he knows
that he cannot
…escape this feeling
for he knows
I’ve made him
like this
the fucker’s not fighting
not anymore
for he has
run so far away
that he has run
…away from himself
but he stays
… by her side … still
listening to a story
she tells
and if she asks
he’ll stay ..
far away
from himself
with her forever
… and still
Post edited by Unknown User on
and she sees
there's something in him
but in him
there's something missing
and she sees
that everything
is not him....
I really like this paragraph, thank you for sharing your poem....
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
speaks volumes
i like it
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
and yeah mika, you seem to dig the right paragraph... wish it weren't true
a little creepy
and beautiful
ps - i like a little creepy
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
I had to read it several times to decide who 'she' and 'he' were.
My last interpretation is heart-wrenching and insightful ...
I'll stick to that one.
Thought provoking...
Thanks for the emotion.
myra... I think you interpret right... I appreciate your words ... thank you for digging - deep : )
" a creep" - I think not !!!!
the truth hurts mika
its awesome
its awesome the way you --
made this
the slight creepiness of your words are in no way a reflection of your creepiness
i agree with mikalina
no creep are you
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
I know I know... I too believe I'm no creep... I just like making wise cracks
wise ass that i am
i should have known
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
you're awesome Dang Dang : )
only I - did not make this... else things would've been different..
ain't she something
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
maybe even everything
i don't always make sense...
I'm sorry, I was confused who the "she" in this conversation was.
I didn't really think that you would think that I was everything....or am I ?
Lettinggo maybe,
or maybe the she in the poem?
you could be everything... if you wanted to be ... hmm... so many shes... my head's startin to spin
You mean everything as in the clouds, the moon, and the stars?
Ok, then I'm everything.
... and the "she" in the poem, doesn't know what she's missin
Yeah! And it goes like this...
dd is the something in my ain't she something
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Why thank you lettingo (bats eyeslashes) you yourself are something as well.
Hey, let's all have a party. Is there a lounge or something in this place. A bar? with live music, like Pearl Jam?
anywhere? anywhere?
:ugeek: Grasshopper? ...anywhere?
I sure as hell need a drink after that... some drugs too
i love the way you write
but i LOVE the way you think!!
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
who? Me? He? She? We? You? Us?
After what?