Colors & truth

People can talk about truth and honesty (yeah) and people can feel every molecule of truth and honesty but what if someone's truth is not simply one thing or another? What if truth is not a primary yellow, blue or red? What if it's a lovely second tier purple, green or orange? What if it's not black and white but more of a gray? What if it depends upon the light in the room, the time of day, or the angle of the sun? Then what, then what, THEN WHAT?! Should we all force "simple" onto life as if it was the smallest box of crayons? (For 99 cents you only get five choices Bubb.) Only black, white, red, yellow or blue.(Doncha dare complain that the world has so many more colors.) And what do I think when there's a pink man talking about not liking red? Seems a bit suspicious since red is in pink! And so what if some green person says she doesn't like blue? Same thing, how can you believe her when you know blue has to mix with yellow to create green? And what about that seemingly black, black heart? Would you believe it loved all colors or would you believe it loved none? That's a trick question, for it kinda depends upon whether we're in space (where black is emptiness), or whether we're on a piece of paper (where it takes everything to blend together as black.) And, I hate to mention it, but what about a white wash over all? Would I believe it was truly pure and erased or merely an easy cover-up, clean-up? There can be many questions with color! Just as there are too many options with feelings and truth. Oooohhh, truth! Ooohhh, colors! It can be so complicated even with only five options to play with. And, we all know there are way way more than five to play with.
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I think I need a huge box of sticky notes to tag bad and good ideas. :?
Sometimes the echo of negativity left ringing seems the worst. I'm coming to think words are stronger than our moods -Thankfully! I thought there was a lot of value, and of humour in there. Especially the bit about the pink man with red in! So maybe even negativity can be profound?
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Thanks for the reassurance tremors.
I just read it the next morning and thought it seemed so negative! And then I didn't like it as much as I did the night before. :?
Yes, this seems to happen to me a lot, the more I write on here. Is hard to judge though, sometimes things can end up working better than you first think (hell I don't need to tell you this, with your track record - I'm just musing aloud)
The only real test seems to be when you have completely forgotten what you've written and so can read it afresh! - I've found some stuff in my cellar which is typed, really good, but could have been written by one of 3 people - maybe myself. Is quite funny reading it and thinking 'I hope I wrote that!'.
Anyway - your piece was kind of a bit of virtiol, nothing wrong with that. What does Stipe say - 'I know that this is vitriol, no solutions, been better, but i feel better having screamed don't yooooooouuuu!?'
One thing I'm learning since posting more on here is having two or three things up here which don't seem quite right - you can kind of move on, react to them, and then come up with something pretty decent. I'm getting fascinated by what happens to the writing simply by dint of it being put up here - it starts changing in multiple ways almost immediately. Very strange.
Anyway, like I say - don't need to teach you how to suck eggs, but maybe picked up a while ago that you were a bit 'wobbly' so maybe I'm saying - stop wobbling and get back on the case!!
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I'll put up whatever I feel like and if no one likes it, they can tell me they hate it or let it fall to the bottom of the page coldly ignored.
Wasn't meaning a wobble in quality btw!!
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