Obama supports mosque by Ground Zero

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38702141/ns ... ite_house/
I've been waiting for him to weigh in on this issue.
Very interesting. On one hand,the GOP will destroy (or try to) him on this issue. On the other hand, he is siding with the constitution, and we know how the GOP, especially those on the Supreme Court, are strict originalists.
Personally as a New Yorker, I am opposed to this building. There is certainly no shortage of places of worship for Muslims in NY, so why build one right next to Ground Zero? And, why name the project the Cordoba project?
Should be interesting come November......2012.
Edit: I realize that the word being used for this building is mosque, but it seems to me that it will be more of a center for Islam.....maybe an Islamic Y? Also, that area of Manhattan has plenty of Synagogues and Churches, so, in a nation where freedom of religion is in the Bill of Rights, this seems like it shouldn't cause any outrage.
I've been waiting for him to weigh in on this issue.
Very interesting. On one hand,the GOP will destroy (or try to) him on this issue. On the other hand, he is siding with the constitution, and we know how the GOP, especially those on the Supreme Court, are strict originalists.
Personally as a New Yorker, I am opposed to this building. There is certainly no shortage of places of worship for Muslims in NY, so why build one right next to Ground Zero? And, why name the project the Cordoba project?
Should be interesting come November......2012.
Edit: I realize that the word being used for this building is mosque, but it seems to me that it will be more of a center for Islam.....maybe an Islamic Y? Also, that area of Manhattan has plenty of Synagogues and Churches, so, in a nation where freedom of religion is in the Bill of Rights, this seems like it shouldn't cause any outrage.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I voted for him, support many things that he has done/wants to do (No, it is not socialism), but on this issue, I strongly disagree.
There have been polls asking Americans what their thought was on a mosque being built near ground zero and most polls showed a 50:50 response (yes-no). A poll on CNN today asking "If you agree with Obama's response"...again 50:50.
HIs response was the legal and responsible one. I also feel that it is more of a response of Obama as a constitutional law professor rather than Obama the politician.
To this day people are still emotional about the whole situation, and rightfully so. That said, laws supersedes emotions.
I think his response was correct. How it will work out for him politically is to be seen...
Agree and agree. A very smart use of the Constitution here by Barry......now the GOP and the contrusctionists/originalists don't really have any grounds for disagreement........but we'll wait on that.
i would have loved to hear bush's perspective on this...why could it not have happened in 2007?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Look it up
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
exactly...comparing the 9/11 terrorists to muslims is akin to comparing the KKK to christians. there is an actual mosque inside of the pentagon, didn't they fly a plane into the pentagon on 9/11? where are the protesters over the pentagon mosque? were the attacks on 9/11 perpetrated by americans from the lower east side of manhattan?
I apologize for me short answer, but I was out the door at that time.
Conspiracy theorists and those opposed to this project are using the name Cordoba Project as ammunition in their protests. So, when the project is named after a Spanish city that was the site of a Muslim conquest sometime in the 8th or 9th century, people start drawing connections.
So it is meant to symbolize a place of religious tolerance, which is the stated point of the centre they want to build in NY, on the model of an existing jewish centre. The head imam has for decades been a spokesperson for tolerance and dialogue with other religions.
The only controversy is that americans draw the link 9/11=Al Qaeda=muslims=mosques being terror training camps. the only sensible position is to not do anything about it as long as they own it, and build in accordance with code. Anything else would frankly be a disgrace for the US, and I think it would damage your standing in the world as a place of free religion.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Either the U.S. Constitution applies to all or it applies to none. The whole ‘just because they have the right’ doesn’t mean ‘they should be allowed to exercise it’ is nonsense and you know it. If that’s the case, should we tear down all the Buddhist temples and shrines near Pearl Harbor? Should cults should be denied church status because of Oklahoma City?
Where does it stop? How far are you willing go!
--Should we restrict Koreans from attending the University of Virginia because of one moron?
--Should we make Chinatowns illegal because they may have ties to communism?
--Should we put all Germans and Italians on a no fly list because they may still have ties to people who supported Hitler?
What about the other side of that coin?
Yeah, they will certainly try to use this to their advantage. While common sense and reason don't usually come into play for most voters, I think the Dems should grow a spine (...that'll be the day :roll: ) and stand up with Obama for making the right choice.
I'm guessing Obama received a lot of "what the fuck!?" calls from democrats over the weekend.
The majority of New Yorkers are against this foolish $100 million garbage can (as well as a sizeable majority of Americans), but as usual, a select few in power will ignore the people's wishes and will yet again cram an unpopular action down our throats.
Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I just answered your question with my first post.
Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09
SS:Nazism::All 1.4 Billion Muslims in the world:Terrorism/911 Attacks
right ??
what about
SS:Nazism::All 300 Million Americans:Iraq War/Abu Ghraib
SS:Nazism::All 300 Million Americans:American mother suffocating sons (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38734910/ns ... nd_courts/)
I guess allowing any American mother to have children now would be a 'horrendously pathetic decision', since you know, clearly all American women suffocate children. It would be a horrible injustice to the deaths of these innocent children if any more American women were allowed to have children. who's ready to start lobbying for this??
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
you country owes a shit load of money to China, you have an oil leak, you have high unemployment, your party is getting mad at you, the left is getting mad at you, you are losing your indep., you still have 2 wars going on. why the fuck are you getting involved is stuff that is not your job. stop trying to do everything for everyone.
Message to the Mosque builders. I don't know if you have done this but talk to the family of the dead on 911 and answer their question and listen to their words.
That's the most ridiculous post I've read in a long time. How do you think of this stuff?
Gibson Amphitheatre (Los Angeles): 10/7/09