Canadian Social Conservative Politician caught at...

arqarq Posts: 8,049
edited August 2010 in A Moving Train
...Gay Bathhouse.

I know is not America and the "news" came from a blog but is always hilarious (for me at least) when this things happens...
live and let live! ... s-gay.html
Vic Toews , Mr. Hypocrisy visits Gay Bathhouse.

In political circles, attacking someone for their private life is off limits......except when it comes to Vic Toews. Toews, who is from Steinbach Manitoba , the most Christian city in Canada , is one of the biggest homophobes on the hill.

In 1999 , Toews , Mr. Crime Fighter himself, was charged and convicted of exceeding his campaign expense limits in the Manitoba provincial election.
In 2009 scandal hit Mr. Toews. ... 84163e&p=1

The Minister of Family Values had an affair with a young lady who worked for Conservative MP Joy Smith. Toews, still married to his wife and being the good Steinbach Christian that he is, impregnated the woman, who was rewarded by being turfed by Joy Smith and the Conservative Party.

Now the Minister of Family Values has struck again, this time making an appearance a couple weeks ago on "Co-ed night" with another young lady at a Winnipeg Gay Bathhouse called "Aquarius" . Toews arrived with the woman while wearing a hat and sunglasses and the couple rented a room where Toews stayed in the entire evening while his young lady friend cruised the bathhouse looking for playmates. We are told a husband and wife couple joined Vic and his friend in their room for over an hour before Toews left on his own a couple hours later. We don't know the details of what went on in that room......we will leave that to your imagination.

Normally, the private life of politicians is off limits. But when a man who is so opposed to gay people attends a gay bathhouse, it just has to be exposed. What do his loyal church-going followers have to say about this ? We hope Vic had fun anyway. Now only if he would stop being such a bigot we wouldn't have to spill out more of his private life.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson

Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
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