My sincerest apology. Unfortunately, I have read posts of similar nature in this forum that were not intended as sarcasm. I am not familiar with your opinions on such matters and quite honestly did not notice the emoticon.
No worries at all....sarcastic or not, it was a form of trolling meant to take a jab at another pov... So I cant really get upset when it backfires
And its always nice to see new people contributing
My sincerest apology. Unfortunately, I have read posts of similar nature in this forum that were not intended as sarcasm. I am not familiar with your opinions on such matters and quite honestly did not notice the emoticon.
No worries at all....sarcastic or not, it was a form of trolling meant to take a jab at another pov... So I cant really get upset when it backfires
And its always nice to see new people contributing
OK, so we're even. However, I'm not really a newbie. I have been a member since late 2005. I often read the posts, I just don't post a lot myself.
We came up with this answer in the forum long before Hawkins did, (our species ultimate goal), one day we are going to have to leave, there can be no doubt about that.
It also might help if we stopped telling people in overcrowded parts of the world that contraception is bad. That line of thinking isn't doing anything to curb overpopulation or the spread of potentially fatal STDs.
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
It also might help if we stopped telling people in overcrowded parts of the world that contraception is bad. That line of thinking isn't doing anything to curb overpopulation or the spread of potentially fatal STDs.
Who is telling people that, I thought the world had jumped on the contraception bandwagon?
It also might help if we stopped telling people in overcrowded parts of the world that contraception is bad. That line of thinking isn't doing anything to curb overpopulation or the spread of potentially fatal STDs.
Who is telling people that, I thought the world had jumped on the contraception bandwagon?
The Catholic Church considers contraception to be a sin
"In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued his landmark encyclical letter Humanae Vitae (Latin, "Human Life"), which reemphasized the Church’s constant teaching that it is always intrinsically wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming into existence."
"Contraception is wrong because it’s a deliberate violation of the design God built into the human race, often referred to as "natural law.""
"The Church has always maintained the historic Christian teaching that deliberate acts of contraception are always gravely sinful, which means that it is mortally sinful if done with full knowledge and deliberate consent (CCC 1857). This teaching cannot be changed and has been taught by the Church infallibly."
Pope John Paul II gave a speech in Tanzania in 1990 where he said the use of condoms was a sin in any circumstance.
Since 1987 when he was plain old Cardinal Ratzinger, the current pope has said on a number of occasions that condom use was wrong, including once when, in response to an article saying condom use should be taught to help curb the spread of AIDS, he said it would "result in at least the facilitation of evil."
He's made similar statements over the years while specifically talking about AIDS in Africa too, saying as recently as five years ago that contraceptives were threatening the fabric of African life.
And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
And its always nice to see new people contributing
OK, so we're even.
The Catholic Church considers contraception to be a sin
"In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued his landmark encyclical letter Humanae Vitae (Latin, "Human Life"), which reemphasized the Church’s constant teaching that it is always intrinsically wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming into existence."
"Contraception is wrong because it’s a deliberate violation of the design God built into the human race, often referred to as "natural law.""
"The Church has always maintained the historic Christian teaching that deliberate acts of contraception are always gravely sinful, which means that it is mortally sinful if done with full knowledge and deliberate consent (CCC 1857). This teaching cannot be changed and has been taught by the Church infallibly."
Pope John Paul II gave a speech in Tanzania in 1990 where he said the use of condoms was a sin in any circumstance.
Since 1987 when he was plain old Cardinal Ratzinger, the current pope has said on a number of occasions that condom use was wrong, including once when, in response to an article saying condom use should be taught to help curb the spread of AIDS, he said it would "result in at least the facilitation of evil."
He's made similar statements over the years while specifically talking about AIDS in Africa too, saying as recently as five years ago that contraceptives were threatening the fabric of African life.