Two Geeks

Our first house was a few blocks from the Fairgrounds in Milwaukee.
It was yellow, I guess we've been destined to live in yellow houses.
Both our children came home from the hospital to this house.
It was a small Cape Cod, had a big fenced in yard with a huge silver maple tree.
Many a family of squirrels were raised in that tree.
I'd like to think it still stands.
JB built a beautiful bar in the basement, adding a free standing fireplace,
this making for many cozy Wisconsin evenings.
I covered the walls in murals that were popular back in the early 80's.
Bar side was a beautiful walk in a fall woods with a running stream.
The kids playroom was a double arch rainbow in a blue sky with clouds.
Too bad wall murals aren't popular anymore.
They can take you away while sitting on the sofa.
We made lots of memories here although we only stayed 5 years.
Bundled up sled walks, learning to ride a bike, birthday parties.
Kiddie pools, Tooth fairy, Christmas trees, cooking my first Thanksgiving turkey.
Running through the sprinkler, homemade Kool aide pops,
deck building, deck parties, old friends.
McKay, my elderly Scottie, his final days were in this house.
Happy and sad memories.
My son learned how to walk and talk at this house.
"Water tower and statue boy scout" lots of syllables practiced on stroller walks.
And the ever favorite line his Dad taught him.
He would stand in the big picture window and as people parked, lining our street with cars,
he would enthusiastically announce "Look! Two geeks going to the fair! "
The Wisconsin State Fair, now that is a great summertime tradition,
and it is going on as we speak.
There is the smell of roasting corn in the air,
the sound of carnival music and local bands.
Farm animals up close and personal, if you can take the p...u...e!
Cream puffs, cotton candy, beer tents, bratwurst.
An evening glow from the double ferris wheel and the nightly fireworks over head.
This all enjoyed just blocks from our little yellow house.
Each trip home we drive by, as we do all our past homes.
This not just remembering but bonding, truly reliving the memories.
We each have our own to share, something forgotten, someone reminded.
But " two geeks going to the fair" is something we all fondly recall.
They are the words that best describe our times in the little yellow house,
the times at the start of our family,
at the start of the life we are sharing together.
It was yellow, I guess we've been destined to live in yellow houses.
Both our children came home from the hospital to this house.
It was a small Cape Cod, had a big fenced in yard with a huge silver maple tree.
Many a family of squirrels were raised in that tree.
I'd like to think it still stands.
JB built a beautiful bar in the basement, adding a free standing fireplace,
this making for many cozy Wisconsin evenings.
I covered the walls in murals that were popular back in the early 80's.
Bar side was a beautiful walk in a fall woods with a running stream.
The kids playroom was a double arch rainbow in a blue sky with clouds.
Too bad wall murals aren't popular anymore.
They can take you away while sitting on the sofa.
We made lots of memories here although we only stayed 5 years.
Bundled up sled walks, learning to ride a bike, birthday parties.
Kiddie pools, Tooth fairy, Christmas trees, cooking my first Thanksgiving turkey.
Running through the sprinkler, homemade Kool aide pops,
deck building, deck parties, old friends.
McKay, my elderly Scottie, his final days were in this house.
Happy and sad memories.
My son learned how to walk and talk at this house.
"Water tower and statue boy scout" lots of syllables practiced on stroller walks.
And the ever favorite line his Dad taught him.
He would stand in the big picture window and as people parked, lining our street with cars,
he would enthusiastically announce "Look! Two geeks going to the fair! "
The Wisconsin State Fair, now that is a great summertime tradition,
and it is going on as we speak.
There is the smell of roasting corn in the air,
the sound of carnival music and local bands.
Farm animals up close and personal, if you can take the p...u...e!
Cream puffs, cotton candy, beer tents, bratwurst.
An evening glow from the double ferris wheel and the nightly fireworks over head.
This all enjoyed just blocks from our little yellow house.
Each trip home we drive by, as we do all our past homes.
This not just remembering but bonding, truly reliving the memories.
We each have our own to share, something forgotten, someone reminded.
But " two geeks going to the fair" is something we all fondly recall.
They are the words that best describe our times in the little yellow house,
the times at the start of our family,
at the start of the life we are sharing together.